Case Report
Copyright ©2011 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 7, 2011; 17(1): 130-134
Published online Jan 7, 2011. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v17.i1.130
Foregut duplication cysts: A report of two cases with emphasis on embryogenesis
Thaer Khoury, Louis Rivera
Thaer Khoury, Department of Pathology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY 14263, United States
Louis Rivera, Surgical Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY 14263, United States
Author contributions: Khoury T and Rivera L contributed equally to this work; Khoury T designed the research and provided discussion of the pathology; Rivera L provided the discussion of the clinical features; both authors contributed equally to the writing of the manuscript.
Correspondence to: Thaer Khoury, MD, Department of Pathology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14263, United States.
Telephone: +1-716-8454178 Fax: +1-716-8452370
Received: April 15, 2010
Revised: May 24, 2010
Accepted: May 31, 2010
Published online: January 7, 2011

Duplication cyst of the stomach with a pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium is extremely rare. We describe two cases of these cysts, with emphasis on their immunophenotype and embryogenesis. The first patient was a 29-year-old man who presented with cramping abdominal pain in his left lower quadrant. The second patient was a 26-year-old woman who had a history, over several years, of chronic epigastric abdominal pain radiating to her back. Both lesions were surgically removed. They showed the same histomorphology. The cysts were lined by a pseudostratified respiratory epithelium with ciliated cells. The first cyst was connected to the stomach, while the second cyst was not connected. Both cysts expressed thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) and surfactant. In this report, we explore the possible embryogenesis of these lesions in the light of TTF-1 and surfactant expression.

Keywords: Duplication cyst; Stomach; Thyroid transcription factor-1; Surfactant; Embryogenesis