Liver Cancer
Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 7, 2008; 14(25): 3997-4004
Published online Jul 7, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.3997
Characteristics of liver on magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging: Dynamic and image pathological investigation in rabbit liver VX-2 tumor model
You-Hong Yuan, En-Hua Xiao, Jian-Bin Liu, Zhong He, Ke Jin, Cong Ma, Jun Xiang, Jian-Hua Xiao, Wei-Jian Chen
You-Hong Yuan, Jian-Bin Liu, Department of Radiology, Hunan Province People’s Hospital, Changsha 410005, Hunan Province, China
En-Hua Xiao, Zhong He, Cong Ma, Jun Xiang, Department of Radiology, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410005, Hunan Province, China
Ke Jin, Wei-Jian Chen, Department of Pathology, Hunan Province Children’s Hospital, Changsha 410005, Hunan Province, China
Jian-Hua Xiao, Department of Epidemiology, Center for Disease Control of Hunan Province, Changsha 410005, Hunan Province, China
Author contributions: Yuan YH, Xiao EH designed research; Yuan YH, Xiao EH, Liu JB, He Z, Jin K, Ma C, Xiang J, Xiao JH, Chen WJ performed research; Yuan YH analyzed data; and Yuan YH, Xiao EH wrote the paper.
Correspondence to: Dr. You-Hong Yuan, Department of Radiology, Hunan Province People’s Hospital, Changsha 410005, Hunan Province, China.
Telephone: +86-731-2278047
Fax: +86-731-2278012
Received: October 20, 2007
Revised: March 25, 2008
Accepted: April 1, 2008
Published online: July 7, 2008

AIM: To investigate dynamical and image pathological characteristics of the liver on magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in the rabbit VX-2 tumor model.

METHODS: Forty New Zealand rabbits were included in the study and VX-2 tumor piece was implanted intrahepatically. Fifteen animals received two intrahepatic implantations while 25 had one intrahepatical implantation. DWI, T1- and T2-weighted of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were carried out on the 7th and the 14th d after implantation and DWI was conducted, respectively on the 21th d. Ten VX-2 tumor samples were studied pathologically.

RESULTS: The rate of lump detected by DWI, T1WI and T2WI was 78.7%, 10.7% and 53.5% (χ2 = 32.61, P < 0.001) on the 7th d after implantation and 95.8%, 54.3% and 82.9% (χ2 = 21.50, P < 0.001) on the 14th d. The signal of most VX-2 tumors on DWI was uniform and it was equal on the map of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). The signal of VX tumors did not decrease on the 7th d after implantation, most of them slowly growing during the week following implantation without significant cell dying within the tumor. VX-2 tumors grew increasingly within 14 d after implantation but the signal of most VX-2 tumors on DWI or on the map of ADC was uniform or uneven and ADC of VX tumors decreased obscurely or slightly because tumor necrosis was still not obvious. On the 21th d after implantation, the signal of most VX-2 tumors on DWI or on the map of ADC was uneven because tumor necrosis was evident and ADC of VX-2 tumor necrotic areas decreased. The areas of viable cells in VX-2 tumors manifested a high signal on DWI and a low signal on the map of ADC. The areas of dead cells or necrosis in VX-2 tumors manifested low signals on DWI and low, equal or high signals on the map of ADC but they manifested high signals on DWI and on the map of ADC at the same time when the areas of necrotic tumor became liquefied or cystic. The border of tumors on DWI appeared gradually distinct and internal signals of tumor became progressively uneven.

CONCLUSION: The manifestations of viable, necrotic and liquefied or cystic areas in VX-2 tumors on DWI are typical and DWI is of significant and potential values in clinical application in both the early detection and diagnosis of liver tumors.

Keywords: Liver; VX-2 tumor; Diffusion-weighted imaging; Apparent diffusion coefficient; Rabbit