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World J Gastroenterol. May 7, 2008; 14(17): 2767-2770
Published online May 7, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.2767
Precautions in caudate lobe resection: Report of 11 cases
Zeng-Qing Wen, Yi-Qun Yan, Jia-Mei Yang, Meng-Chao Wu
Zeng-Qing Wen, Yi-Qun Yan, Jia-Mei Yang, Meng-Chao Wu, First Department of Hepatic Surgery, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200438, China
Author contributions: Wen ZQ, Yan YQ, Yang JM and Wu MC contributed equally to this work; Wu MC designed the study; Wen ZQ, Yan YQ, Yang JM performed the resection; Wen ZQ wrote the paper.
Correspondence to: Dr. Zeng-Qing Wen, First Department of Hepatic Surgery, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200438, China. wenzq188@sina.com
Telephone: +86-21-25070770
Fax: +86-21-25070770
Received: October 22, 2007
Revised: March 9, 2008
Published online: May 7, 2008

AIM: To find the precautions against the safety in caudate lobe resection.

METHODS: The clinical data obtained from 11 cases of primary liver cancer in caudate lobe who received hepatectomy successfully were retrospectively analyzed. Four safe procedures were used in resection of primary liver cancer in caudate lobe: (1) selection of appropriate skin incision to obtain excellent exposure of operative field; (2) adequate mobilization of the liver to allow the liver to be displaced upwards to the left or to the right; (3) preparatory placement of tapes for total hepatic vascular exclusion, so that this procedure could be used to control the fatal bleeding of the liver when necessary; (4) selection of the ideal route for hepatectomy based on the condition of the tumor and the combined removal of multiple lobes if necessary. Among the 11 cases, simple occlusion of vessels of porta hepatis was used in caudate lobectomy for 6 cases, while in the other cases, the vessels were intermittently occluded several times or total hepatic vascular isolation was used in the caudate lobectomy. Combined partial right hepatectomy was done for 3 cases, combined left lateral lobectomy for 2 cases and caudate lobectomy alone for 6 cases.

RESULTS: Operation was successful for all the 11 cases. Intermittent inflow occlusion was performed for all patients for 15 min at 5-min intervals. Blockade was performed twice in 3 patients and total hepatic vascular exclusion was performed in one of the three patients. Blockade was performed three times in one patient, including a total hepatic vascular exclusion. Total hepatic vascular exclusion was performed only in one patient. The mean blood loss was 300 mL. Ascites and pleural effusion occurred in 4 patients, jaundice in 1 patient. Six patients died of tumor recurrence in 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19 mo after operation, respectively. The other 5 patients have survived more than 16 mo since the operation.

CONCLUSION: Caudate lobectomy for liver cancer in candidate lobe can be safely performed with the above procedures.

Keywords: Caudate lobe; Primary liver cancer; Hepatectomy; Porta hepatis; Vascular exclusion