Case Report
Copyright ©2006 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Sep 28, 2006; 12(36): 5902-5903
Published online Sep 28, 2006. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v12.i36.5902
Endoscopic placement of flatus tube using "lasso" technique with snare wire
Piers Anthony Cheyne Gatenby, Colin Elton
Piers Anthony Cheyne Gatenby, Colin Elton, Barnet General Hospital, Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 3DJ, United Kingdom
Author contributions: All authors contributed equally to the work.
Correspondence to: Piers Anthony Cheyne Gatenby, University Department of Surgery Royal Free and University College Medical School, London NW3 2PF, United Kingdom.
Telephone: +44-79-31778435 Fax: +44-20-74726224
Received: October 31, 2005
Revised: August 16, 2006
Accepted: August 23, 2006
Published online: September 28, 2006

A 55-year old man presented with acute sigmoid volvulus. The distal level of obstruction was above the level which could be reached by the rigid sigmoidoscope to allow decompression, and so a flatus tube was "lassoed" onto the side of a flexible endoscope which allowed accurate placement under direct vision. This technique allows accurate placement of catheters, feeding tubes and other devices endoscopically, which cannot be placed through the instrument channel of the endoscope.

Keywords: Endoscopy; Sigmoid volvulus; Flatus tube