BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Featured Articles
Endoscopic ultrasonography guided drainage: Summary of consortium meeting, May 21, 2012, San Diego, California
Browse: 1047   Download: 1289   Issue Date: 2015-01-20
E2F-1 overexpression inhibits human gastric cancer MGC-803 cell growth in vivo
Browse: 766   Download: 1133   Issue Date: 2015-01-14
Thrombomodulin in the management of acute cholangitis-induced disseminated intravascular coagulation
Browse: 588   Download: 1054   Issue Date: 2015-01-14
Patient age and duration of colonoscopy are predictors for adenoma detection in both proximal and distal colon
Browse: 681   Download: 1033   Issue Date: 2015-01-14
Mutations of pre-core and basal core promoter before and after hepatitis B e antigen seroconversion
Browse: 603   Download: 1009   Issue Date: 2015-01-14
Prophylaxis against hepatitis B virus recurrence after liver transplantation: A registry study
Browse: 775   Download: 1234   Issue Date: 2015-01-14
Telomere shortening as genetic risk factor of liver cirrhosis
Browse: 630   Download: 1029   Issue Date: 2015-01-14
Fecal transplant policy and legislation
Browse: 734   Download: 1323   Issue Date: 2015-01-07
Radiation therapy has been shown to be adaptable for various stages of hepatocellular carcinoma
Browse: 636   Download: 1018   Issue Date: 2015-01-07
Systematic mechanism-orientated approach to chronic pancreatitis pain
Browse: 615   Download: 1133   Issue Date: 2015-01-07
Non invasive tools for the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis
Browse: 652   Download: 1275   Issue Date: 2014-12-26
Perceived risk as a barrier to appropriate diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome
Browse: 706   Download: 1040   Issue Date: 2014-12-26
Motility patterns of ex vivo intestine segments depend on perfusion mode
Browse: 752   Download: 1087   Issue Date: 2014-12-26
Biodegradable stent or balloon dilatation for benign oesophageal stricture: Pilot randomised controlled trial
Browse: 680   Download: 1159   Issue Date: 2014-12-26
Bifidobacterium infantis attenuates colitis by regulating T cell subset responses
Browse: 708   Download: 1178   Issue Date: 2014-12-26
Genetic polymorphism in pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome
Browse: 876   Download: 1094   Issue Date: 2014-12-20
Molecular diagnosis and therapy for occult peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer patients
Browse: 634   Download: 1344   Issue Date: 2014-12-20
Pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease: Role of oxidative metabolism
Browse: 775   Download: 1260   Issue Date: 2014-12-20
Cancer-associated fibroblasts in digestive tumors
Browse: 956   Download: 1394   Issue Date: 2014-12-20
Impact of the gut microbiota on rodent models of human disease
Browse: 641   Download: 1267   Issue Date: 2014-12-20