BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Featured Articles
Animal models of human colorectal cancer: Current status, uses and limitations
Browse: 447   Download: 1264   Issue Date: 2015-11-07
Towards curative therapy in gastric cancer: Faraway, so close!
Browse: 447   Download: 864   Issue Date: 2015-11-07
Inflammatory status in human hepatic cirrhosis
Browse: 487   Download: 1163   Issue Date: 2015-11-07
Gut microbiota and host metabolism in liver cirrhosis
Browse: 459   Download: 1031   Issue Date: 2015-11-07
Non-invasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis
Browse: 528   Download: 1022   Issue Date: 2015-11-07
Irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation: Fact and fiction
Browse: 552   Download: 1009   Issue Date: 2015-10-22
Molecular detection of pancreatic neoplasia: Current status and future promise
Browse: 540   Download: 919   Issue Date: 2015-10-22
How should immunomodulators be optimized when used as combination therapy with anti-tumor necrosis factor agents in the management of inflammatory bowel disease?
Browse: 503   Download: 880   Issue Date: 2015-10-22
Nanomedicine and drug delivery strategies for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
Browse: 514   Download: 1265   Issue Date: 2015-10-22
Promises and paradoxes of regulatory T cells in inflammatory bowel disease
Browse: 515   Download: 1056   Issue Date: 2015-10-22
Non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with alcoholic liver disease
Browse: 584   Download: 1065   Issue Date: 2015-10-16
Evaluation and treatment of malignant ascites secondary to gastric cancer
Browse: 588   Download: 1238   Issue Date: 2015-10-16
Sarcopenia and liver transplant: The relevance of too little muscle mass
Browse: 566   Download: 1247   Issue Date: 2015-10-16
Molecular mechanism of hepatitis B virus X protein function in hepatocarcinogenesis
Browse: 521   Download: 1306   Issue Date: 2015-10-14
Impact of new treatment options for hepatitis C virus infection in liver transplantation
Browse: 587   Download: 1120   Issue Date: 2015-10-14
Immune and non-immune responses to hepatitis C virus infection
Browse: 525   Download: 1114   Issue Date: 2015-10-14
Modulation of host lipid metabolism by hepatitis C virus: Role of new therapies
Browse: 564   Download: 1155   Issue Date: 2015-10-14
Review of single incision laparoscopic surgery in colorectal surgery
Browse: 519   Download: 1073   Issue Date: 2015-10-14
What exists beyond cagA and vacA? Helicobacter pylori genes in gastric diseases
Browse: 604   Download: 1294   Issue Date: 2015-10-07
Capsule endoscopy of the future: What’s on the horizon?
Browse: 665   Download: 1232   Issue Date: 2015-10-07