- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as a multi-systemic disease
- Browse: 499 Download: 973 Issue Date: 2016-04-18
- Predictive effects of bilirubin on response of colorectal cancer to irinotecan-based chemotherapy
- Browse: 449 Download: 1450 Issue Date: 2016-04-18
- Crohn's disease presenting as acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage
- Browse: 484 Download: 1026 Issue Date: 2016-04-18
- Advances in local ablation of malignant liver lesions
- Browse: 584 Download: 1012 Issue Date: 2016-04-04
- Integrin-linked kinase overexpression promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition via nuclear factor-kB signaling in colorectal cancer cells
- Browse: 542 Download: 1108 Issue Date: 2016-04-04
- Sorafenib after resection improves the outcome of BCLC stage C hepatocellular carcinoma
- Browse: 541 Download: 1239 Issue Date: 2016-04-04
- Elastography for the pancreas: Current status and future perspective
- Browse: 550 Download: 936 Issue Date: 2016-04-14
- Biomarkers for detection of alcohol consumption in liver transplantation
- Browse: 524 Download: 894 Issue Date: 2016-04-14
- From prolonging life to prolonging working life: Tackling unemployment among liver-transplant recipients
- Browse: 652 Download: 1039 Issue Date: 2016-04-14
- Glucose metabolic phenotype of pancreatic cancer
- Browse: 461 Download: 870 Issue Date: 2016-03-23
- Lipids in liver transplant recipients
- Browse: 499 Download: 875 Issue Date: 2016-03-23
- Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma beyond the Milan criteria: A review
- Browse: 453 Download: 1009 Issue Date: 2016-03-23
- Osteopontin: A non-invasive parameter of portal hypertension and prognostic marker of cirrhosis
- Browse: 532 Download: 1249 Issue Date: 2016-03-23
- Latest developments in precancerous lesions of hepatocellular carcinoma
- Browse: 510 Download: 1064 Issue Date: 2016-03-23
- Tight junctions in inflammatory bowel diseases and inflammatory bowel disease associated colorectal cancer
- Browse: 11939 Download: 920 Issue Date: 2016-03-14
- Metastatic gastric cancer treatment: Second line and beyond
- Browse: 615 Download: 940 Issue Date: 2016-03-14
- Multidisciplinary management of nonfunctional neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas
- Browse: 559 Download: 999 Issue Date: 2016-03-14
- Sentinel lymph node navigation surgery for gastric cancer: Does it really benefit the patient?
- Browse: 576 Download: 815 Issue Date: 2016-03-14
- Gastric cancer: Current status of lymph node dissection
- Browse: 603 Download: 857 Issue Date: 2016-03-14
- Combination could be another tool for bowel preparation?
- Browse: 653 Download: 939 Issue Date: 2016-03-14