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The World Journal of Rheumatology Editorial Board Members are composed of 3 distinguished experts active in the relevant field, distributed in 3 countries/regions, include China (1), Egypt (1), and Türkiye (1).
Editor-in-Chief (2022-01-01/2025-12-31)
Atilla Eroglu, MD, Professor, (E-mail: atilaeroglu@hotmail.com) Department of Thoracic Surgery, Medical Faculty, Ataturk University, Erzurum 25200, Türkiye
Editorial Board (2022-01-01/2025-12-31)
ashraf elzawawy, MD, Professor, Rheumatology Unit, Alexandria Faculty of Medicine-Internal Medicine, alexandria 21411, Type a choice below ..., Egypt
Tian Wang, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Director, Director, Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Institute of Heart, Beijing 100029, China