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Welcome to the World Journal of Psychiatry

World Journal of Psychiatry (WJPWorld J Psychiatry) is a high-quality, online, open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Baishideng Publishing Group. WJP accepts both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts. Articles published in WJP are high-quality, clinical and basic, influential research articles by established academic authors as well as new researchers. The paramount objective of WJP is to showcase and promote distinguished research in the field of psychiatry, to help advance development of this field. The types of articles published in WJP include Editorial, Opinion Review, Frontier, Review, Minireview, Clinical Research, Basic Study, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Evidence-based Medicine, Field of Vision, Clinical Guidelines, Letter to the Editor, and Case Report. Submit here >>

2025 Published Issues
3 2 1
  • Paolo Girardi, MD, (Email: paolo.girardi@uniroma1.it) Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, and Health Studies, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome 00100, Italy
  • Marianna Mazza, Assistant Professor, MD, PhD, (E-mail: marianna.mazza@policlinicogemelli.it) Department of Neurosciences,, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome 00168, Italy
The WJP is now abstracted and indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE, also known as SciSearch®), Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, PubMed, PubMed Central, Reference Citation Analysis, China Science and Technology Journal Database, and Superstar Journals Database.
Journal Metrics

The 2024 edition of Journal Citation Reports® cites the 2023 journal impact factor (JIF) for WJP as 3.9; JIF without journal self cites: 3.8; 5-year JIF: 3.7; JIF Rank: 58/279 in psychiatry; JIF Quartile: Q1; and 5-year JIF Quartile: Q2.

2220-3206 (online)
Case Control Study
Retrospective Study
Clinical Trials Study
Observational Study
Randomized Controlled Trial
Basic Study
Letter to the Editor