©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Psychiatry. Jul 19, 2022; 12(7): 944-957
Published online Jul 19, 2022. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v12.i7.944
Published online Jul 19, 2022. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v12.i7.944
Table 3 Study instruments
Instrument | Description | Assessment |
Becks Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) (Hautzinger et al[29], 2006) | 21-question multiple-choice self-report inventory measuring the severity of depression. Raw scores were used for analyses | T0, T1 |
Cognitrone (Wagner and Karner[30], 2003) | Computer administered Test of cognitive working speed and working accuracy (comparisons of geometrical figures). Scores were standardized into T-values according to test norms | T0, T1 |
Documentation standards III for the evaluation of the treatment of dependent individuals (German Society for Addiction and Therapy[31], 2001) | Defined items to assess substance use and related factors (e.g., years of substance use, age at use onset, number of withdrawals) | T0 |
Hamilton Depressive Rating Scale (HAMD)(Hamilton[32], 1960) | Clinician-administered depression assessment scale, containing 17 items of symptoms of depression. Time period: past week. Assessed as a semi structured interview. Raw scores were used for analyses | T0, T1 |
Inventory of personal psychosocial resources(Küfner et al[33], 2006) | Self-report questionnaire measuring psychosocial resources in the past and at present based on different scales, e.g., relationship, friends, financial and work situation. A total raw score of all scales measuring the present situation was built and used for analyses | T0, T1 |
Mannheimer Craving Scale (Nakovics et al[34], 2009) | Self-report questionnaire with 12 multiple choice items and 4 additional items measuring Craving within the last 7 d. Raw scores from the main 12 items were used for analyses | T0, T1 |
NEO-Five-Factor-Inventory (NEO-FFI)(Borkenau and Ostendorf[35], 2008) | Self-report questionnaire with 60 items for the measurement of the so-called “big five” personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, consciousness). Scores were standardized into T-values according to test norms | T0 |
Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices(Raven et al[36], 2016) | Nonverbal intelligence test, Computer version. Scores were standardized into IQ values according to test norms | T0 |
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I (Wittchen et al[37], 1997) | Diagnostic structured interview to determine the presence of DSM-IV Axis I disorders | T0 |
Symptom Checklist 90-R (SCL-90R) (Franke[38], 1995) | Self-report questionnaire assessing symptoms of psychopathology on different scales. For this study two scales were use: intensity of depressive symptoms scale and “Positive Symptom Distress Index” (PSDI), a measure of intensity of present symptoms. Scores of both scales were standardized into T-values according to test norms | T0, T1 |
Wender Utah Rating Scale -short Version (Wursk) (Retz-Junginger et al[39], 2002) | Short version (25 items including 4 control items) of a self-report questionnaire assessing retrogradely childhood symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Raw Scores were built from the 21 core items and used for analyses | T0 |
- Citation: Behle N, Kamp F, Proebstl L, Hager L, Riebschläger M, Schacht-Jablonowsky M, Hamdorf W, Neumann S, Krause D, Manz K, Franke AG, Koller G, Soyka M. Treatment outcome, cognitive function, and psychopathology in methamphetamine users compared to other substance users. World J Psychiatry 2022; 12(7): 944-957
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