Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Psychiatry. Feb 19, 2022; 12(2): 236-263
Published online Feb 19, 2022. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v12.i2.236
Table 3 Summary of the case reports of drug-induced stuttering
Offending drug (dosage)
Patients’ gender/age (yr)
Main indication of drug administration
Concomitant medications (dosage)
Onset/aggravation of stuttering
Primary behaviors
Concomitant symptoms
Management, response
Recurrence of stuttering after medication resumption
Concomitant disorders
Adderall XR® (20 mg/d)Male/10ADHANo other drugsWithin two weeks after the initiation of Adderall XR®Single word and syllable repetitions and audible/silent sound prolongationsIncreased tic behaviors, increased levels of social anxiety and communication related frustrationDC of Adderall XR® and start of atomoxetine (10 mg/d), significant reduction of stuttering NRDevelopmental stuttering, Tourette Syndrome, allergies, chronic ear infections, frequent phonic and motor ticsDonaher et al[82]
Alprazolam (1 mg)Female/22 Anxiety and depressionNo other drugsShortly after increasing the doseNot restricted to initial syllables, occurred on small grammatical words and substantive words, persisted during singing, not associated with secondary symptomatology such as facial grimacing or fist clenchingA right carotid bruit and a grade II/IV systolic murmur without a click, Minimal late systolic mitral valve prolapse and mild stenosis of both internal carotid arteriesDC of alprazolam, complete relief after two days Within one hour after a single morning dose of 0.5 mg alprazolam, stuttering started, then 10 to 12 h later it was stopped. Stuttering did not happen with placeboNo history of speech dysfluencyElliott et al[83]
Aripiprazole (2 mg/d)Male/8ADHD combined-typeAtomoxetine (25 mg/d)After 10 d of starting aripiprazole NR NRDC of Aripiprazole, complete relief NRDevelopmental stutteringÜnay et al[84]
Aripiprazole (10 mg/d)Male/11 Mild intellectual disabilityNo other drugs4 wk after increasing the dose to 10 mg/dNRAddition of clonazepam 0.75 mg/d, no improvement. Reduction of aripiprazole dose to 5 mg, complete relief over 10 dNRIncreasing the dose to 10 mg resulted in re-emergence of stuttering which responded to DC of aripirazoleNo history of speech dysfluencyNaguy et al[85]
Atomoxetine (started at 25 mg/d and gradually increased to 40 mg/d)Male/14ADHDNo other drugsThree weeks after the initiation of atomoxetineNRNRDose reduction to 25 mg/d, no improvement. DC of atomoxetine and initiation of methylphenidate, complete relief of atomoxetine-induced stuttering and considerable reduction of developmental stutteringNRDevelopmental stuttering since the age of 7 yr. ADHD predominantly inattentiveCicek et al[86]
Bupropion (SR) 150 mg BID Female/59Major depressive disorder No other drugsFour days after starting the drug Sound prolongations, silent blocking, word production with excess physical tension, and monosyllabic whole-word repetitions. The stuttering was anxiogenic and restricted to initial syllablesSlight finger dysdiadochokinesiaDC of bupropion, complete relief of stuttering after 2 dNRNo history of speech dysfluencyFetterolf et al[78]
Bupropion SR (300 mg/d)Male/38Major depressive disorderNo other drugsTwo days after increasing the dosage from 150 to 300 mg/dInvoluntary silent pauses or blocks, repetitions, prolongations of sounds, syllables, and words, affected rhythm of speechNRDC of bupropion, complete relief of stuttering Re-administration of bupropion 150 mg after 1 wk caused stammering, and the drug was stopped immediatelyA history of occasional smoking, no history of speech dysfluencyBhatia et al[79]
Bupropion XL (300 mg/d)Male/53 DepressionNo other drugsAfter increasing the dosage of BupropionDifficulty starting words and repetition of syllables NRAdministration of 5 mg oral haloperidol, stuttering was improved after 3 h and completely relieved after 7 h Medication was continuedNo history of speech dysfluencyMcAllister et al[80]
Clozapine (up to 400 mg/d)Female/32 Paranoid schizophreniaNo other drugs 4 wk after the initiation of clozapine NRPharyngeal dystonia and buccolingual and facial dyskinesia associated with laryngeal dystoniaDC of clozapine, complete relief after 5 dClozapine was reintroduced at 100 mg/d. All symptoms reoccurred and relieved by clozapine cessationHistory of neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism but not concomitant with dysarthria, no history of speech dysfluencyThomas et al[63]
Clozapine (was initiated at 400 mg/d and gradually increased to 900 mg/d)Female/28schizoaffective disorderNo other drugsShortly after the initiation of clozapine at 400 mg/d and not relieved during the gradual increase in the dosage to 900 mg/dNRNRDosage reduction to ≤ 700 mg/d, complete reliefThe dose was not increased againNo history of speech dysfluencyEbeling et al[87]
Clozapine (450-750 mg/d) Female/49 PsychosisNo other drugsStuttering was initiated when the clozapine dosage was increased to 700 mg/dNRGeneralized seizure followed by myoclonic jerks of her arms at the clozapine dosage of 750 mg/d The addition of phenytoin and then sodium valproate and the reduction of clozapine dosage to 600 mg/d, complete reliefClozapine was continued at 600 mg/d in addition to sodium valproate 900 mg/d with no recurrence of stutteringHistory of neuroleptic- induced acute dystonia, no history of speech dysfluencySupprian et al[59]
Clozapine (300 mg/d) Male/28 Paranoid schizophreniaNo other drugsStuttering was initiated when the dosage of clozapine was increased from 150 mg to 300 mg/d and worsened with further increases in the clozapine dosageNRGeneralized tonic colonic seizure at 425 mg/d along with the increased severity of stutteringThe reduction in the dosage of clozapine to 200 mg/d and addition of sodium valproate, significant improvementThe clozapine dosage was increased to 300 mg/d, but stuttering was not reoccurred albeit in the presence of sodium valproate 800 mg/dNo history of speech dysfluencyDuggal et al[64]
Clozapine (300 mg/d) Male/57 Schizoaffective disorderLithium (900 mg/d), sodium valproate (600 mg/d)Four days after the initiation of clozapineNRNRDose reduction and DC of clozapine, complete relief after 7 d NRHistory of alcohol dependency, diabetes mellitus, no history of speech dysfluencyBar et al[15]
Clozapine (up to 500 mg/d) Not mentionedSchizophreniaNo other drugsA few days after the initiation of clozapine at 300 mg/d NRMyoclonic jerks at night and facial ticsAddition of sodium valproate, significant improvement, reducing the dosage of clozapine from 500 to 300 mg/d, complete reliefClozapine was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyBegum et al[11]
Clozapine (700 mg/d) Female/33 SchizophreniaNo other drugsAfter reaching the daily dose to 700 mg (interval was not reported)NRFacial tics, seizure (seizure was initiated after the occurrence of stuttering)Reduction in the dosage of clozapine to 600 mg/d, remarkable improvement, addition of sodium valproate to control seizure, no effect on stutteringClozapine was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyHallahan et al[58]
Clozapine (300 mg/d) Female/34 SchizophreniaNo other drugs2 wk after the initiation of clozapineNROrofacial dyskinesiaClozapine dosage reduction to 50 mg/d, complete reliefClozapine was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyHallahan et al[58]
Clozapine (50-125 mg) Male/62Delusional disorderNo other drugsNRUnsustained phonation, hesitation, irregular articulatory break down, sound repetition (not related to any specific sound, occurred at irregular word positions)Orofacial dyskinesia, laryngeal and pharyngeal tardive dystonia, harsh and strangulated voiceAddition of tetrabenazine, patient could not tolerate the clozapine dosages more than 100 mg/d, DC of clozapine, complete relief Clozapine was not restartedNo history of speech dysfluencyLyall et al[9]
Risperidone and then clozapine (450 mg/d and 75 mg/d) Male/55SchizophreniaNo other drugsNROccasional blocking, prolongation on word-initial sounds and repetitions of speech elements including one-syllable words at the beginning of his speech utterancesStammering and unusual limb and trunk movements related to risperidone, belching, persistent hiccupping, worsening of the facial tic, and the orofacial dyskinesia involving the lips and tongue related to clozapineRisperidone-induced stuttering: NR, the first episode of clozapine-induced stuttering, dose reduction to 125 mg/d and cessation of clozapine; significant improvement and complete relief of stuttering; the second time of clozapine-induced stuttering: addition of sodium valproate, considerable improvementClozapine was restarted at 75 mg/d, recurrence of stuttering, the addition of sodium valproate, 600 mg/d, significant improvement in the stutteringHistory of head injury resulting in problems with executive functioning and a significant discrepancy, between the patient’s verbal and performance IQ, making various clicking noises and blowing sounds when speaking before the initiation of antipsychotic drugsLyall et al[9]
Clozapine (up to 600 mg/d)Male/35Schizotypal personality disorderNo other drugsAt clozapine dosage of 250 mg/d and progressive worsening with dose escalationNRNRReducing the dosage of clozapine to 200 mg/d, complete reliefClozapine was continued at 200 mg/d without causing stutteringHistory of trifluoperazine-induced truncal dystonia, no history of speech dysfluencyKrishnakanth et al[88]
Clozapine (200 mg/d) Male/24 Paranoid schizophreniaNo other drugsAfter increase in the dosage of clozapine to 200 mg/d NRNRDC of clozapine, complete relief Clozapine was not restarted, amisulpiride was started and did not cause stutteringNo history of speech dysfluencyKrishnakanth et al[88]
Clozapine (250 mg/d) Male/23 Paranoid schizophreniaNo other drugsAt clozapine dosage of 250 mg/d (interval was not reported)NRNRClozapine dosage reduction to 150 mg/d, complete reliefClozapine was not discontinuedHistory of neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia, no history of speech dysfluencyKrishnakanth et al[88]
Clozapine (350 mg/d)Male/15Undifferentiated schizophreniaClomipramine (225 mg/d)Three years after the initiation of clozapine and clomipramineRepetitions of syllables and transient accelerations of speech rateInvoluntary paroxysmal perioral movements, facial tic-like movements, myoclonic jerks of the upper limbs, GTC seizureAddition of valproic acid at 500 mg/d, complete relief of stuttering within daysClozapine was continued with valproic acid without reoccurrence of seizure and speech dysfluency during 2 yrs of follow-upSymptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, no history of epilepsy or speech dysfluencyHorga et al[66]
Clozapine (up to 250 mg/d)Male/29 Undifferentiated schizophreniaNo other drugsAfter the clozapine dosage titration from 137.5 mg/d to 150 mg/dFrequent repetition and prolongation of syllables or words with frequent hesitations, blocking and pausesNo focal dystonia or any evidence of seizure-like activityReducing and splitting the dose of clozapine to 50 mg in morning and 75 mg at night, improvement of stutteringReoccurrence of stuttering at clozapine dosage of 250 mg/d, improvement of stuttering after dose reduction to 225 mg/d, a later increase in the dosage to 300 mg/d did not cause recurrence of stutteringHistory of antipsychotic-induced extrapyramidal symptoms, no history of speech dysfluencyGrover et al[61]
Clozapine (400 mg/d)Female/33 Severe MDD with psychotic featuresNo other drugsStuttering was started after increasing the dosage of clozapine to 400 mg/d and worsened when the dosage was increase to 450 mg/dExcessive prolongation of syllables or wordsSialorrhea Addition of benztropine, no improvement. Reduction of the dosage of clozapine to 350 mg/d, complete reliefStuttering recurred 16 d after increasing the clozapine dosage to 400 mg/d, but completely relieved after dosage reduction to 300 mg/dNoneKumar et al[89]
Clozapine (up to 650 mg/d)Male/32 Paranoid schizophreniaSertraline (300 mg/d), lamotrigine (500 mg/d), haloperidol (4 mg/d), clonazepam (1 mg/d)Noticeable stuttering at clozapine dosages of ≥ 600 mg/dExpressive speech dysfluency with hesitancy and frequent pausesInvoluntary twitching of muscles of jawClozapine dose reduction by 25 mg, improvement of stutteringClozapine was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyMurphy et al[20]
Clozapine (400 mg/d)Male/43Schizoaffective disorderParoxetine (20 mg/d)Stuttering became noticeable when the clozapine daily dose was increased to more than 350 mgExpressive speech dysfluencyNRClozapine dose reduction by 50 mg, improvement of stutteringClozapine was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyMurphy et al[20]
Clozapine (450 mg/d)Male/33 Paranoid schizophreniaNo other drugsStuttering was developed during the initiation and dose titration of clozapine Intermittent stuttering of speechNRReducing the rate of dose titration, improvement of stutteringClozapine was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyMurphy et al[20]
Clozapine (up to 300 mg/d)Female/46 Delusional disorderNo other drugsStuttering was developed during the initiation and dose titration of clozapineHesitancy with specific syllablesOrofacial dyskinesiaClozapine dose reduction to 50 mg, improvement of stutteringClozapine was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyMurphy et al[20]
Clozapine (325 mg/d)Male/67 Schizoaffective disorderDuloxetine (60 mg/d), hyoscine (30 mg/d), aripiprazole (10 mg/d)Stuttering was developed during the initiation and dose titration of clozapineExpressive speech dysfluencyOrofacial twitching, upper limb jerking, hypersalivationReducing the rate of clozapine dose titration, improvement of stutteringThe clozapine dose was increased again to control psychotic symptoms, but nothing about the recurrence of stuttering was reportedHearing impairment, hypertensionMurphy et al[20]
Clozapine (650 mg)Female/63 Paranoid schizophreniaAmisulpride 200 mg/d, amitriptyline 25 mg/d, paroxetine 20 mg/d, zopiclone 3.75 mg/dStuttering was developed on a stable dose of clozapine Expressive speech dysfluency with hesitancyNRReducing the dose of clozapine by 50 mg, no improvementClozapine at 650 mg/d was recommenced, but authors did not report its effects on the recurrence of stutteringNo history of speech dysfluencyMurphy et al[20]
Clozapine (100 mg), aripiprazole (7.5 mg/d)Female/21 SchizophreniaNo other drugsAt clozapine dosage of 100 mg/d and aripiprazole dosage of 7.5 mg/dNRNRReduction of the dose of clozapine and addition of aripiprazole (5 mg/d), complete relief. Reduction of the dose of aripiprazole from 5 to 7.5 mg/d, complete relief The drugs were not discontinuedTurner syndrome, no history of speech dysfluencyErtekin et al[8]
Clozapine (gradually increased to 450 mg/d) Male/16 Schizoaffective disorderCitalopram (NR), clonazepam (NR), atenolol (NR), lithium (NR)Approximately 22 d after increasing the clozapine dosage to 400 mg/d Persistent stuttering (difficulties with the pronunciation of letters “I,” “D,” and “T”)Orofacial dyskinesia with perioral twitching (started at clozapine dosage of 350 mg/d), microseizure according to EEG (at clozapine dosage of 400 mg/d)Substituting lithium with divalproex sodium, improvement in stuttering 4 wk after receiving divalproex sodium at 500 mg BID Clozapine was not discontinued because of its considerable therapeutic effectsHistory of type 1 DM, DKA with episodic hallucinations, GERD, cerebral contusion, occasional cocaine use, anxiety-induced intermittent stuttering, family history of stuttering Rachamallu et al[62]
Clozapine (up to 600 mg/d)Female/22 SchizophreniaFluoxetine (60 mg/d)Stuttering was developed after the clozapine dose escalation to 300 mg/dNRNRReduction in the clozapine dose and initiation of ECT, minimal improvementClozapine was not discontinuedNRDas et al[19]
Clozapine (450 mg/d)Man/in early 40sNRNo other drugsAfter increasing the clozapine daily dose from 400 mg to 450 mgNRMarked increase in seizure activityDC of clozapine, nothing was clearly reported by the authors NRNRKranidiotis et al[24]
Clozapine (200 mg/d)Male/38SchizophreniaNo other drugsStuttering was evident at 200 mg/d and became so disabling at 350 mg/dNRNRDose reduction of clozapine and addition of amisulpiride and BDZ, reduction of stuttering, DC of clozapine, complete relief Clozapine was not restartedNRKranidiotis et al[24]
Clozapine (300 mg BID)Male/57 Paranoid schizophreniaRisperidone, IM injection (37.5 mg every 2 wk), Risperidone, oral (1.5 mg/d which increased to 2 mg BID on admission) Two days after admission (the dosage of clozapine, 300 mg BID, was not changed on admission)NROrofacial and extremities myoclonic jerks, drop attacksClozapine dosage reduction to 100 mg BID, resolution of stuttering within two daysThe patient was discharged on clozapine 150 mg BID, but author reported nothing about stuttering at follow-upHistory of COPD, hypertension, DM, and chronic back pain, cigarette smokingChochol et al[60]
Clozapine (125 mg/d)Male/29 SchizophreniaNo other drugsA few days after titrating the clozapine dosage to 125 mg/dFrequent repetitions of words that included broken wordsNRReducing the clozapine dosage to 100 mg/d, significant improvementClozapine dosage was not re-escalatedNo history of speech dysfluencyNagendrappa et al[90]
Clozapine (up to 200 mg/d)female/25 SchizophreniaNo other drugsAt clozapine dosage dose of 150 mg/d (interval was not mentioned)NRTonic-clonic epileptic seizureDC of clozapine and start of amisulpiride and biperiden, complete relief of stuttering and seizure Clozapine was not rechallengedNo history of speech dysfluency Gica et al[65]
Divalproex sodium (600 mg/d)Male/45 Affective instability and irritabilityCitalopram (30 mg/d), promazine (100 mg/d) Four days after initiation of divalproex sodiumSound repetitions and prolongations (not restricted to the initial syllable and caused pronounced difficulty in starting and completing his sentences)NRDC of divalproex, complete relief after 3 d Divalproex sodium was not restartedA 10-yr history of post-traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism, no history of speech dysfluencyAukst-Margetić et al[91]
Divalproex sodium (1500 mg/d in divided dose)Male/56 Bipolar affective disorderOlanzapine (10 mg/d), lorazepam (4 mg/d, gradually stopped along with increase in the dose of divalproex)Two weeks after increasing the dosage of divalproex from 1000 to 1500 mg/dA moderately pressured speech, articulation of speech, alterations in intensity and timings of utterance segments, Involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words or phrases, involuntary silent pauses or blocksNRDC of divalproex, instant amelioration of the stutteringRe-initiation of the drug after one week caused resurgence of symptoms, so the drug was stoppedNo history of speech dysfluencyMukherj et al[92]
Desipramin (300 mg/d)Male/28 Dystimia, primary type, major depressionDoxepin (50 mg at bed time)Two months after increasing the dosage of desipramineStuttering with difficulty in articulationMinimal dryness of mouth before stuttering, myoclonic jerking (twitching movements around his jaw) concomitant with stutteringDC of both drugs, complete relief after 48 hTwenty-four hours after restarting both drugs stuttering happened again, the desipramin dosage was decreased to 250 mg/d, but stuttering was persisted occasionally, on 4 different occasions, desipramin was discontinued and stuttering was solved within 24-48 h; an increase in the doxepin dosage to 200 mg at bed time had not resulted in stutteringOpiate and alcohol dependence in remission, retinal detachment and ruptured disc and chronic back pain in the past, no history of speech dysfluencyMasand et al[93]
Fluphenazine (up to 50 mg/d)Male/35 SchizophreniaBenztropine mesylate (4 mg/d)12 d after increasing fluphenazine dosage to 50 mg/dNREPSDosage reduction to 30 mg/d, complete relief Increasing the dosage of fluphenazine to 40 mg/d caused stuttering recurrenceNo history of speech dysfluencyNurnberg et al[10]
Gabapentin (NR)Female/58 Intractable seizurePhenytoin (NR)NRNRNRDC of gabapentin, relief after 4 d NRNo history of speech dysfluencyNissani et al[94]
Lamotrigine (up to 5 mg/kg/d)Female/5BECTS Valproic acid (30 mg/kg/d)Stuttering was initiated after increasing the dosage of lamotrigine to 5 mg/kg/dNRFrequent diurnal absence seizures, poor concentration and forgetfulness, clumsiness and poor coordination, emotional lability, dysarthria, and slurred speechDC of lamotrigine, speech improvement in a couple of days Lamotrigine was not rechallengedNRCatania et al[95]
Levodopa/carbidopa (100/25 mg TID)Male/44PD NRPatient had a history of PDS, and stuttering was exacerbated during on periods, 1 h after levodopa/carbidopa intakeNRDyskinesia during drug-on phases and akinesia, bradykinesia, resting tremors, and rigidity in drug-off phasesThe severity of stuttering return to baseline during levodopa-off periodsLevodopa was not discontinuedPDSAnderson et al[25]
Levodopa (200 mg/d)Male/72PDNone Nearly one month after increasing the dosage to 200 mg/dNRPalilalia, speech freezing DC of levodopa and initiation of pramipexole, return to the baseline level of dysfluencyReinitiating levodopa caused stutteringSpeech dysfluency due to PDLouis et al[22]
Levodopa (up to 1000 mg/d)Male/42PDPergolide (1.5 mg/d), quetiapine (50 mg at bed time)After increasing the levodopa dosage to 300 mg/dPressured speech and sound repetitionPalilalia, speech freezingNRNRNone Louis et al[22]
Levodopa 600 mg/dMale/57PDCabergoline (4 mg/d), selegeline (10 mg/d), amantadine (300 mg/d)Patient had a history of PDS, and stuttering was exacerbated during on phases after levodopa consumptionSpeech repetitions and speech blocksSpeech problems associated with PD including hypokinetic dysarthria and hypophonia occurred during levodopa-off phasesSeverity of stuttering return to baseline during levodopa-off periods Levodopa was not discontinuedPDSBurghause et al[26]
Levomepromazine (50 mg at bed time)Male/65 Bipolar disorderQuetiapine (NR), valproate semisodium (NR), zolpidem, moxonidin (NR), propafenone (NR), insulin (NR)Five days after the initiation of levomepromazin NR NRDC of Levomepromazin, complete relief three days laterLevomepromazin was not recommencedHistory of drug induced EPS, supraventricular tachycardia, type 2 DM, HTN, and mild cognitive impairmentMargeticet al[96,97]
Lithium (1200 mg at bed time)Male/48 Bipolar affective disorder Fluoxetine (20 mg/d)One month after the initiation of lithiumWorsening his developmental stuttering, a repetitive word stutter that severely limited his verbal communication abilityLightheadedness, hand tremorTapering off lithium, stuttering returned to baseline within a few weeksValproic acid (2750 mg/d) was started instead of lithiumPDS, depression Netski et al[98]
Lithium (900 mg twice daily)Male/10 Bipolar disorder Risperidone (4 mg bed time), clonidine (0.1 mg 3 times daily), melatonin (3 mg at bed time), famotidine (20 mg BID)Two days after increasing the dose of lithium, stuttering was worsenedSyllable repetitions, occurred only at the beginning of sentencesNRDose adjustment of lithium to 600 mg in the morning and 900 mg at night, stuttering returned to baseline after 2 dLithium was not discontinuedHistory of developmental stuttering, bipolar disorder not otherwise specified, ADHD, and conduct disorderGulack et al[99]
Lithium (the dose was not mentioned, but lithium was used for a long time)Female/86Bipolar disorderDonepezil (NR), primidone (NR), risperidone (NR)After a chronic use of lithium, stuttering was started and stayed for 3 more mo. The lithium level was elevated (2.0 mmol/L)Starting a few words fluently, then repeating syllables and words and terminating the sentence abruptlyNRDC of lithium, complete relief of stuttering after two weeks Lithium was not restartedPast medical history of dementia and epilepsy, no history of speech dysfluencySabillo et al[100]
Memantine (10 mg/d)Male/9Autistic disorderNo other drugsAfter increasing the doseDeterioration of primary behaviors of developmental stuttering includingsound repetition, and sound prolongation on first and middle vowels, and difficulty for starting to speak. His parents explained that the child could only start to speak after a deep and audible breathNRReduction of memantine dosage to 7.5 mg/d, improvement of acquired stuttering after several days. DC of memantine, stuttering was reduced to baseline after 3 wkRisperidone was used insteadDevelopmental stutteringAlaghband-Rad et al[17]
Memantine (5 mg/d)Male/4AutismNo other drugsAfter increasing the doseThe difficulty was with the start of the speech and the child could only start to speak after a deep and audible breathNRThe drug was continued at the same dose as the difficulty was tolerable, and gradually was increased to 7.5 mg/d, relief of speech difficulty Medication was continued, and its dose was gradually increasedNo history of speech dysfluencyAlaghband-Rad et al[17]
Methotrexate (cumulative dose of 62.5 mg, IT)Female/22Pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemiaNRAfter achieving cumulative dose of 62.5 mg (26 d after initiating IT MTX)NRDysphasia progressed to aphasia, mild headache, low-grade fever, behavioral problemsThree months after initiation of symptoms (no intervention was described)NRNo history of speech dysfluencyShuster et al[21]
Methylphenidate (10 mg/d)Male/7ADHD No other drugs10 d after the initiation of the drugSound prolongations, silent blocking, word production with excess physical tension, monosyllabic whole-word repetitionsNRDC of methylphenidate, speech returned to normal after 1 wkAtomoxetine was used insteadNo history of speech dysfluencyAlpaslan et al[101]
Methylphenidate (5 mg in the morning and 5 mgat noon)Male/7 ADHDNo other drugsOne day after drug initiationTroubles during the pronouncing the first syllables and repetitions of some syllablesNRDC of Methylphenidate, improvement after 10 dMethylphenidate was restarted at 10 mg in the morning and5 mg at noon. After 10 d, stuttering was returnedNRCopur et al[102]
Methylphenidate (2.5 mg BID) and pemoline (9.375 mg/d) after DC of methylphenidate Girl/3Pervasive hyperactivityNone Three days after starting methylphenidate, four days after starting pemolineRepetition of the first syllable of word which gradually worsened NRDC of methylphenidate, relief of stuttering, DC of pemoline, relief of stutteringMethylphenidate and pemoline were not restartedNRBurd et al[7]
Olanzapine (15 mg/d)Male/56 DepressionIntrathecal morphine (7.5 mg/d), clomipramine (225 mg/d)Four days after the initiation of clozapineConstant word repetition (acquired)NRDC of olanzapine, complete relief after two daysNRChronic pain syndrome, no history of speech dysfluencyBar et al[15]
Olanzapine (7.5-10 mg/d)Male/72 Psychotic depressionClomipramine (50-150 mg/d)3 wk after the initiation of olanzapineRepetition and retention of first syllables and prolongation of phonemesNRDC of olanzapine, complete relief after 5 dNRBrain cortical atrophy, no history of speech dysfluencyBar et al[15]
Olanzapine (5 mg/d)Female/36 Manic episode Sodium valproate (300 mg/d), prednisolone (75 mg/d)7 d after the initiation of olanzapineRepetition of syllables and wordsNRDC of olanzapine, complete relief after 4 dNRUlcerative colitis and celiac disease, no history of speech dysfluencyBar et al[15]
Olanzapine (10 mg/d)Female/43 SchizophreniaNo other drugs Approximately 21 d after the initiation of olanzapineRepetition of first syllables and word prolongationNRDC of olanzapine, complete relief after 3-5 dNRMild cluttering at the age of 19Bar et al[15]
Olanzapine (2.5 mg/d)Female/51 DepressionSertraline (100 mg/d), promethazine (50 mg at night); both was started 14 wk before initiation of olanzapine14 d after the initiation of olanzapineBlocking of speech and prolongation of phonemesNRIncrease in olanzapine dose to 5 mg/d, relief of stuttering during the next weeks Olanzapine was not discontinuedSymmetrical cerebellar hypoplasia and generalized cortical atrophy, no history of speech dysfluencyBar et al[15]
Olanzapine (10 mg/d)Male/42 SchizophreniaZopiclone (7.5 mg/d)Two days after the initiation of olanzapineDifficulty in articulating words properlyNRDC of olanzapine, complete relief after two daysNR (patient was not followed-up)A fall without loss of consciousness 2 d before initiation of stuttering, no history of speech dysfluencyBar et al[15]
Olanzapine (10 mg/d)Male/42 Paranoid ideationVenlafaxine (150 mg/d), promazine (200 mg/d)Four days after the initiation of olanzapine Repetition and retention of first syllables and prolongation of phonemesNRDC of olanzapine, complete relief after two days PTSD, adjustment disorders, no history of speech dysfluencyLasic et al[103]
Olanzapine (10 mg/d)Male/21 Psychotic disorderNo other drugsThree days after the initiation of olanzapinedisturbance in the fluency and time patterning of speech, repetition of sounds and syllables, blocking between wordsNRDC of olanzapine and start of quetiapine, complete relief after three daysOlanzapine was not restartedNo history of speech dysfluencyAsan et al[104]
Phenytoin (200 mg/d)Male/42 Seizure due to head injuryNo other drugsShortly after initiation of phenytoinPredominantly part-word repetitions and prolongationAbnormality of speech muscle fine motor controlAddition of CBZ and gradual DC of phenytoin, sustain decrease in the frequency of dysfluencies and improved motor performance Phenytoin was not restartedNo history of speech dysfluencyMcclean et al[105]
Phenytoin (20 mg/kg LD and 5 mg/kg/d MD)Male/3 GTC seizure due to head traumaNo other drugs10 d after the initiation of phenytoinNRNRDC of phenytoin and initiation of sodium valproate, complete relief 10 d after DC of phenytoinPhenytoin was not rechallengedNo history of speech dysfluencyEkici et al[106]
Pregabalin (75 mg twice daily)Female/31Complex regional pain syndromeNo other drugsAfter taking the second dose of pregabalin on the first dayA slurred speech NRDC of pregabalin, complete relief after one weekPregabalin was not restartedNo history of speech dysfluencyGiray et al[107]
Pregabalin (75 mg twice daily)Female/68 Herpes zoster Acyclovir (800 mg five times daily)Three days after the initiation of pregabalinNRFrequent blepharospasmDC of pregabalin;alleviated of symptoms after four days and complete relief after one weekA 75 mg pregabalin capsule consumption after 4 wk resulted in stuttering and frequent blepharospasmNo history of speech dysfluencyGe et al[108]
Pyrethrin product containing 0.33% pyrethrum extract and 4% piperonyl butoxide (3 times overa period of 12 d left on the scalp for 10 min) Female/2 (the child’s mother, who was breastfeeding her atleast one time per day, were receiving this topical product)Repeated episodes of head liceNo other drugsTwo days after the last period of mother’s treatmentAn acute onset of stuttering especially at the initiation of the speechAn increase in clumsiness, slight erythematous rash ofapproximately 3 cm × 2 cm on the occiput of the scalpSix weeks postexposurePyrethrin was not repeatedNo history of speech dysfluencyHammond et al[81]
Risperidone (4 mg/d, then 8 mg/d)Male/32 Aggravated psychotic disorder Lorazepam (1 mg/d)Stuttering was initiated after the dose increase to 4 mg/d, and worsened 16 d after the dose increase to 8 mg/dSevere sound repetitions and interjections in a way that it was difficult to understand his wordsSlight akathisia-like symptoms such as anxiety and restlessness (not prominent)No action, stuttering diminished 23 d laterHe continued taking risperidone at 8 mg/d with only a slight stutteringA 10-yr history of Schizophrenia. His friend during junior high school was a stutter, and the patient used to mimic his stuttering. He began stuttering at that time for 1 yrLee et al[16]
Risperidone (4 mg)Female/48 PsychosisLorazepam (1 mg PRN), procyclidine (5 mg BID for treatment of EPS)11 d after taking risperidoneRepetitions in the speech, pausing within a word and her speech, an excess of physical tension in the speechNRA little decrease in risperidone dose, a bit reduction in stutteringRisperidone was not discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyYadav et al[18]
Risperidone (at a dose of 1 mg/d for 2 yr)Male/21 Behavioral disorder No other drugsAfter chronic treatment with low-dose of risperidoneProlongation of sounds, hearable blocks, repetitions of single-syllable wordsNRNo action, stuttering was decreased to a minimal level after 17 dRisperidone was not discontinuedModerate mental retardation because of perinatal asphyxia, no history of speech dysfluencyİnci et al[23]
Sertraline (100 mg daily)Male/36 Major depressionAlprazolam (0.25 mg 3 TID)Two weeks after increasing the dosage from 50 to 100 mg/dNormal vocabulary, decreased rate of speech, normal tone, interrupted wordsNRDC of serteraline, speech problem resolved after one dayMedication was not restarted. Later, administering phenelzine, imipramine, and fluoxetine caused milder speech hesitancyNo history of speech dysfluencyMakela et al[109]
Sertraline (50 mg daily)Female/32Recurrent depressionNo other drugsDuring the third week of starting the drug¸ stuttering occurred and worsened over a 3-d periodDifficulty in starting and completing the sentencesFeeling nervous, increased restlessness, and insomnia two days before the onset of stutteringDC of sertraline, complete relief of stuttering after 3 d Previously, patient has received sertraline and experienced stuttering, so discontinued the medication. Medication was not restarted. Desipramine was started and did not cause stutteringNo history of speech dysfluencyChristensen et al[76]
Sertraline (150 mg daily) Female/22Bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, posttraumatic stress disorder, recurrent depression, panic disorderClonazepam (0.5 mg QID), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (BID) One week after increasing the dosage of sertralineNRHyperreflexia and mild tremulousness, generalized muscle twitching (myoclonus), restlessness, and mild confusionDC of sertraline and Antibiotic, gradual normalization of speech over two to three days Seven days after restarting sertraline at 50 mg/d, stuttering and other symptoms returned, then the drug was discontinuedNo history of speech dysfluencyBrewerton et al[77]
Theophylline (200 mg BID to 100 mg QID)Male/the age of the onset of theophylline-induced stuttering was not reported, but it surely occurred when he was between 1.5 and 4 yr old AsthmaNothing was clearly mentionedThe patient only experienced stuttering during the autumn when he was receiving theophylline for the management of asthma attacksRepeating whole words, six or seven times usually at the beginnings of the sentences, no dysfluency while singingBeing tense, havinginsomnia, and be frustrated by his speech problemDC of theophylline at the end of autumn before age 4 yr, complete relief of stuttering. Changing the dosage from 100 mg QID to 200 mg BID at age 4 yr, complete relief after 7 d with no recurrence of stutteringThe patients had stuttered each time that he was on Theophyllineregimen 200 mg BIDNo history of speech dysfluencyRosenfield et al[110]
Theophylline (130 mg TID and sometimes QID)Female/6.5AsthmaMetaproterenol sulphate (PRN)Within a few days after increasing the theophylline dosage to 130 mg TIDMultiple repetitions of the word "I", especially at the beginning of sentences, she could speak better when speak more slowly. Stuttering was worse when she was excitedNRDC of theophylline, complete relief within two days Resumption of theophylline resulted in the recurrence of stuttering which responded to drug withdrawal. Several months after the discontinuation of theophylline, the drug was resumed without causing any dysfluencyNo history of speech dysfluencyRosenfield et al[110]
Theophylline 200 mg BID to 200 mg TIDMale/4 yr and 3 moAsthmaBeclomethasone dipropionate and Theo-Dur sprinkle (200 mg BID) (at age 4 yr and 4 mo). Addition of metaproterenol sulphate, isoetharine HCL andatropine (at age 4 yr and 10 mo, DC of all drugs and initiation of cromolyn capsules (20 mg TID) (at age 5 yr)Nine months after the initiation of theophyllineRepeating "ah, ah, ah" in the middle of sentences, stuttering was worse when he was excitedAnxiety, sleep problemsWithdrawal of theophylline at age 5 yr, complete relief within two weeks After complete relief of stuttering, the patient only received theophylline during asthma attacks and experienced no stutteringNo history of speech dysfluencyRosenfield et al[110]
Theophylline (400 mg BID)Male/73 A long-standing chronic obstructive lung disease secondary to pneumoconiosisSteroids and ranitidine as well as being on oxygenOne month after the introduction of theophylline An intense tonic-clonic stuttering without any extrapyramidal componentsNRDC of theophylline, stuttering was diminished within 48 hTheophylline was readministered 2 wk later at the same dosage, and the same speech disorder recurred within a few daysand persisted until treatment was stoppedNo history of speech dysfluencyGerard et al[111]
1. Trifluoperazine (30 mg/d)2. Chlorpromazine (up to 800 mg/d)Male/40SchizophreniaTrihexyphenidyl (5 mg/d)1. Four days after increasing the trifluoperazine dosage to 30 mg/d2. After increasing chlorpromazine dosage to 800 mg/dNRNR1. Increasing dosage of trihexyphenidyl, no improvement. DC of trifluoperazine, complete relief2. Addition of benztropine, no improvement. Reduction of chlorpromazine dose to 400 mg/d, complete relief Increasing the dosage of chlorpromazine to 700 mg/d caused the return of stuttering; reducing the dosage of chlorpromazine to 400 mg/d caused cessation of stuttering No history of speech dysfluencyNurnberg et al[10]