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World Journal of Hematology (WJH, World J Hematol) is a high-quality, online, open-access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Baishideng Publishing Group. WJH accepts both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts. Articles published in WJH are high-quality, clinical and basic, influential research articles by established academic authors as well as new researchers. The paramount objective of WJH is to showcase and promote distinguished research in the field of hematology, to help advance development of this field. The types of articles published in WJH include Editorial, Opinion Review, Frontier, Review, Minireview, Clinical Research, Basic Study, Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, Evidence-based Medicine, Field of Vision, Clinical Guidelines, Letter to the Editor, and Case Report. Submit here >>
- Pier Paolo Piccaluga, Associate Professor, MD, PhD, (E-mail: pierpaolo.piccaluga@unibo.it) DIMES, Bologna University, Bologna 40138, BO, Italy