©2013 Baishideng.
Figure 8 Chronic megakaryocytic granulocytic myelosis according to the Hannover Bone Marrow Classification at time of diagnosis in 1995, and JAK2 wild type primary megakaryocytic granulocytic myeloproliferation according to World Health Organization and European Clinical, Molecular and Pathological criteria in 2006.
A-C: Hypercellular bone marrow histology with the presence of Abnormal clustering and increase in atypical giant to medium sized dysmorphic megakaryocytes containing bulky/clumsy (cloud-like) hypolobulated nuclei and definitive maturation defects; D: Reticulin fibrosis grade 2, myelofibrosis grade 1.
Citation: Michiels JJ, Berneman Z, Schroyens W, Lam KH, De Raeve H. PVSG and WHO
vs European Clinical, Molecular and Pathological Criteria for prefibrotic myeloproliferative neoplasms. World J Hematol 2013; 2(3): 71-88 - URL:
- DOI: