Gastric Cancer
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2002.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 15, 2002; 8(3): 446-450
Published online Jun 15, 2002. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v8.i3.446
Figure 3
Figure 3 Inhibition of TR3 protein expression and its translocation in MGC80-3 cells. (A) Repression of TR3 protein expression by transfection of antisense-TR3 expression vector into MGC80-3 cells. Endogenous TR3 pro-tein was determined by Western blot. Empty vector was also transfected into cells as a positive control. α-tubulin was shown to quantify the loading protein. Lane 1: protein from MGC80-3 cells; Lane 2: protein from the cells transfected with empty vector; Lane 3: protein from the cells transfected with antisense-TR3 expression vector. Inhibitory effect of LMB on TR3 protein translocation induced by TPA. The cells treated with different agents indicated as in the figure. The reaction with antibody was similar to the description in Figure. 2A. (C) Inhibitory effect of LMB on apoptosis induc-tion by TPA and VP-16. Cells treated with different agents indicated as in the figure. Apoptotic index was measured as described in Figure 1B.