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Suggested Reviewers
Browse: 560  |   Download: 0  |   Issue Date: 2024-11-27

First published: November 27, 2024

Last Updated: November 27, 2024


Suggested reviewers


Baishideng Publishing Group allow authors to suggest reviewers in an ethical way. However, reviewers suggested by authors are only for the Editorial Office’s reference, and the Editor-in-Chief and Editors of the journal may not necessarily select the reviewers suggested by authors. The Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Office of the journal have final decision-making authority for the selection of reviewers.

Suggested reviewers are reviewers whose educational status is MD or PhD, or professional status as Assistant Professor or Associate Professor or above in the appropriate field that authors consider as relevant experts for their manuscript’s topic and content. Those suitable for effective service as a reviewer will be able to provide a qualified and unbiased assessment of the scientific rigor of the manuscript. Authors are required to recommend 6 qualified reviewers for the peer review process.

Follow these tips to choose potential reviewers in an ethical way:

DO give a diverse list of reviewers from different institutions and with different points of view.

DO ensure that your recommendations are experts in your field.

DON’T list potential reviewers who work for your target journal.

DON’T suggest reviewers who work at the same institution as you do.

DON’T have all the reviewers from the same country. It is important to have a global perspective.

DON'T recommend reviewers that have a real or perceived conflict of interest (e.g., a collaborator or someone who has recently published with one of the authors).