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Copyright License Agreement
Browse: 85380  |   Download: 5449  |   Issue Date: 2016-01-19

Last updated: November 27, 2024


Copyright License Agreement



Name of Journal:

Manuscript NO.:



All Author List:

Corresponding Author:

Received Date:


The first author and corresponding author of a manuscript are the main persons responsible for the authenticity and reliability of the manuscript. The other authors of the manuscript are responsible for the content of the parts that they completed or participated in. The head of the research team of the authors is responsible for the traceability of the data involved in the manuscript.

The detailed responsibilities of the first author, corresponding author, and other authors are as follows:

2.1 Responsibilities of the first author

The first author is usually the main contributor to a manuscript. The responsibilities of the first author include: (1) Making significant, original, and insightful intellectual contributions to the manuscript; (2) Participating in the conception or planning of the research in the manuscript; (3) Obtaining manuscript data by conducting experiments, performing literature reviews, or carrying out surveys or interviews; (4) Analyzing the findings of the manuscript through statistical analysis and preparing figures and/or tables; (5) Planning and writing the manuscript; and (6) Participating in responding to reviewers’ comments and manuscript revision after manuscript submission.

2.2 Responsibilities of the corresponding author

The corresponding author is responsible for submitting all necessary documents and materials to the journal editorial office, complying with all ethical and legal obligations, and ensuring that all co-authors are aware of the manuscript’s status and any updates that may arise. The corresponding author is responsible for communication with the journal editorial office during submission, peer review, copyright agreement signing, and throughout the entire publication process. The corresponding author's responsibilities in the pre- and post-publication processes of the manuscript are as follows:

2.1.1 Pre-publication: (1) Prepare a submission-ready manuscript with all necessary auxiliary files; (2) Put together a submission package, stay in close contact with the publisher, follow time schedules; (3) Ensure accuracy of authorship details, have all authors review and approve the final version, obtain signed consents; (4) Ensure that each author signs the copyright agreement; (5) Obtain permissions for the use of copyrighted materials, follow all editorial and submission policies, adhere to ethical practices and guidelines; and (6) Manage open access details, handle the payment and invoicing, meet specific institutional or funder requirements, add the article to a repository.

2.2.2 Post-publication: (1) Forward readers' scientific questions to the co-authors, reply with the collective response; (2) Manage requests for data sharing; and (3) Represent co-authors in copyright-related questions.

2.3 Responsibilities of the other authors

The other authors are first and foremost responsible for the finalization of the content of the parts that they completed or participated in. In particular, the main responsibilities of the other authors include: (1) Verifying the correctness of the content of the parts involving them in each iteration of the revised manuscript; (2) Verifying the correctness of their name and initials; (3) Verifying the correctness of their affiliations; and (4) Verifying the correctness of the PDF full text, figures, tables, and references in the manuscript.


Manuscripts meeting the following conditions will be officially published after passing through first review, external review, re-review and final review successfully. The corresponding author is responsible for the integrity review of the manuscript before the official publication with regard to the following issues:

3.1 All authors have made substantial contributions to the manuscript, and there are no cases in which authors with substantial contributions to the manuscript are not listed.

3.2 All authors are informed and agree to the authorship and its order.

3.3 The corresponding author is able to bear primary responsibility for the authenticity and reliability of the entire manuscript.

3.4 All data in the manuscript have complete original experimental records, which have been self-checked by the first author, and important data have been verified by repeated experiments.

3.5 There is no salami slicing, multiple submissions, or duplicate publication.

3.6 All data and figures and tables in the manuscript are free from copyright disputes.

3.7 There are no improper citations such as citations of irrelevant or withdrawn/retracted articles.

3.8 There is no citation of non-relevant articles by the authors themselves or their own institutions, and no citation of non-relevant articles that reviewers have forced the authors to cite.

3.9 The manuscript is not derived from an essay mill or term paper mill.

3.10 For manuscripts in which the research involves ethics-related issues of science and technology, the corresponding author is responsible for providing all relevant ethical approval documents.


After consultation by the authors and Baishideng Publishing Group (BPG), the authors agree that if this manuscript is finally accepted for publication, the Copyright License Agreement will become effective immediately. Application for copyright license agreement will be made by written declaration of and attestation to the following:

4.1 ©The Author(s): The copyright on any open access article in a journal published by BPG is retained by the author(s).

4.2 Author(s) grant BPG permission to publish the article: Author(s) grant BPG license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.

4.3 Author(s) grant copyright permission: This article is an open-access article that was selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.

4.4 Simultaneous submission statement: Author(s) certify that the manuscript is not simultaneously being considered by other journals nor is already published elsewhere.

4.5 Academic misconduct statement: Author(s) certify that the manuscript has no redundancy, plagiarism, data fabrication, or falsification.

4.6 Conflict of interest statement: Author(s) certify that there is no conflict of interest related to the manuscript. If any potential conflict-of-interest exists, author(s) certify that it is fully disclosed.

4.7 Ethics statement: Author(s) certify that all experiments involving animals and human subjects were designed and performed in compliance with the relevant laws regarding humane care and use of subjects.

4.8 Referenced figures and tables authorization statement: Author(s) certify that the manuscript’s content is original, with all information from other sources appropriately referenced, and that specific permission has been granted in writing by any existing copyright holders prior to publication and is clearly cited and available.

4.9 Author(s) grant BPG permission to use the published articles exclusively: Author(s) grant exclusive copyright ownership to BPG for all formats of the manuscript, including print and electronic formats, English and non-English language formats, and subsequent editions such as Erratum, in addition to all rights for (1) granting permission to republish or reprint the materials in whole or in part, with or without a fee, (2) printing copies for free distribution or for sale, and (3) republishing the materials in a compendium or in any other format.

4.10 Author(s) grant BPG permission to publish manuscript-related documents: Author(s) grant permission to BPG to publish manuscript-related documents (e.g., peer review report, answers to reviewers, CrossCheck report, signed copyright license agreement, etc.) at the same time that the manuscript is published online.

4.11 Author(s) declare that the language of the manuscript is correct and free of language errors: Author(s) certify that the manuscript contains no errors in grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or logic.

4.12 Author(s) declare that the figure(s) and table(s) are quoted correctly: Author(s) certify that all figures and tables have been correctly placed and clearly identified, and meet the journal’s standards of high-resolution quality.

4.13 Author(s) declare that the references are cited correctly: Author(s) certify that the references are numbered according to their order of appearance in the main text of the manuscript.


‘Manuscript source’ includes invited manuscripts and unsolicited manuscripts. The article processing charge (APC) is waived for invited manuscripts. The APC must be paid for any unsolicited manuscript. The APC is payable to BPG by the author(s) or research sponsor(s). All BPG publications' APC standards can be found at: https://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/gerinfo/242.


This declaration must be signed by all authors. The manuscript will be rejected immediately if we find the declaration was not signed by authors themselves. The signature list for all authors is as follows:

1 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

2 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

3 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

4 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

5 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

6 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

7 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

8 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:___________________

9 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:__________________

10 Name:

Signature:__________________ Date:__________________