Tajana Filipec Kanizaj is Associate Professor at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb working in University hospital Merkur. She graduated at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb in 1997. In 1999 started working as a research assistant and resident of internal medicine at the School of Medicine in Zagreb. In 2009 she finished PhD thesis at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. In 2011 she was promoted to Assistant Professor, and in May 2017 became Associate Professor. From 2005 until today she works as a specialist in internal medicine, subspecialist of gastroenterology at the University Hospital Merkur, Department of Gastroenterology. From 1st of July 2013 she is Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, University hospital Merkur. Current scientific research is directed to research in liver transplantation and chronic liver diseases. She is scientific associate on a project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation related to the investigation on pathogensis of HCV and H. pylori infection Tajana Filipec Kanizaj is author and co-author of more than 40 papers in the field of research of liver diseases, Helicobacter pylori infection and liver transplantation. She is organiser and lecturer of 4 undergraduate courses and 5 postgraduate courses at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, mentor of 6 PhD students and more than 10 residents of gastroenterology. From 2005 she is member of the liver transplant team University hospital Merkur. Tajana Filipec Kanizaj is member of the Croatian Medical Association, the Board of Directors at Croatian Society of Gastroenterology, Subcommittee for liver transplantation at the Ministry of Health and Croatian transplant association and regular member of EASL and ILTS. Since 2008 she is member of the Croatian consensus team for the treatment of viral hepatitis.