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Dr. David A Johnson is Professor of Medicine and Chief of Gastroenterology at Eastern VA School of Medicine. Despite his primary focus on the clinical practice of gastroenterology, he has published extensively in the internal medicine/gastroenterology literature, contributing over 600 articles/chapters/invited reviews and abstracts in peer-reviewed journals and books. His particular areas of expertise focus on esophageal reflux disease, gut microbiome, sleep disorders and colorectal screening. Additionally, he co-edited the American College of Physicians (ACP) book “Dyspepsia” and edited two GI Clinics of North America series on “Obesity Issues for Gastroenterologists” and edited the recent 2012 American College of Physicians module on CRC screening.  He is editor of the 2015 book: The Gut Microbiome: New Understanding and Translational Opportunities for Disease as well as co-editor of the 2018 book: Sleep Effect on Gastrointestinal Health and Disease: Opportunities for Promoting Health and Optimizing Disease Management. He has been co-primary of  2020 VA Catalyst grant to study microbial effects on gastroesophageal reflux disease as well as coinvestigator for NIH grant submission to study this biomic approach.   He is a Past President of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and served the ACG previously as Governor (VA), Chair of ACG Quality Council Task Force, and member of the Educational Affairs, Publications, Constitution and Bylaws (Chair), and Nominating (Chair) committees. Additionally since inception 2007) to 2015, he served on the executive committee and is Treasurer of the ACG/ASGE GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC) and 2008-2014 the executive committee for the GI Political Action Committee (GIPAC). He has Co-Chaired the ACG National Fellows meeting for 17 years (1991-2008) and was Co-Director for the ACG Annual Postgraduate course in 1994.He co-founded the National Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee and Co-Chaired that committee for 10 years. From 2000-2018, he served on both the GI Multi-Society CRC Screening Task Force and ACG guidelines committee for CRC screening and has co-authored these screening national guidelines and other ongoing guideline publications from 2000-present (17 total). Additionally, he was a member of the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) Task Force for quality colonoscopy. He has served as the Gastroenterology Technical Advisory Chair for the National Quality Forum (NQF) as well as steering committee member of the quality outcomes NQF task force. He has participated in all GI related task force activities from 2005-2011 and chaired 3 task force meetings.   He has been more recently,honored as Master of the American College of Physicians (2018) and was previously honored as Master of the American College of Gastroenterology 2013. In 2012, he was acknowledged as the invited lecturer at the National Institutes of Health as a “Great Teacher”(first non NIH GI physician). He has been honored with the highest award from the American College of Gastroenterology with the Berk/Fise Award for life time achievements, as well as the William D Carey ACG Governors award to lifetime contributions to gastroenterology. In 2016 he was honored as with American Gastroenterology Association “Distinguished Educator” Award. . He has been honored as “Master of Gastroenterology” and “Presidential Award” by the VA GI Society and in 2000, he received the EVMS Distinguished Internal Medicine Faculty Award and in 2014 the EVMS Dean’s Outstanding Faculty Award.   He has been honored as distinguished invited lecturer for American College of Gastroenterology including: Emily Couric Lecture (2013), American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture (2009), Berk Fise Presidential Lecture (2016) and most recently the David Sun Lecture (2018).   He served on the American Board of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology) Board of Examiners (2012-2017) and was reappointed to the Maintenance of Certification ABIM Board 2020- present.. He is the past co-editor of Reviews in Gastroenterological Disorders, Journal Medicine and section editor for the American Journal of Gastroenterology. He is the past co-editor of the American College of Gastroenterology Education Universe(2009-2015), GI section editor (2000- present) for Medscape Gastroenterology, Medscape GI Viewpoints, and Medscape GI Consultant Corner, as well as the esophageal section editor for Journal Watch Gastroenterology (New England Journal of Medicine (2000-2018)   He was the physician who worked with Virginia State Senator Emily Couric to put through the historic first legislation to mandate colon cancer screening with colonoscopy as the preferred standard. This initiative first in Virginia, has set the model for other states which have followed with similar legislation mandating CRC screening.