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Constantin Kappas is Professor on Medical Physics and Head of Medical Physics Department, Medical School, University of Thessaly and University Hospital of Larissa, Hellas. He was born in Athens in 1954 and his studies include BSc on Physics (University of Patras, Hellas), MSc on Medical Physics (D.E.A. - C.P.A.T. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse), Doctorat de Spécialité and Doctorat ès Sciences (Institut Curie, Paris). He has studied with Basil Proimos and Jean-Claude Rosenwald. For the last 30 years Constantin Kappas has successfully combined a highly regarded academic work with quality medical physics service at the hospital. His research was mainly focused to the Radiotherapy Physics and he is known in particular for his work in inhomogeneity corrections in radiotherapy treatment planning and in the development of a new non-invasive stereotactic unit (K. Theodorou & C. Kappas), which was also the first installed in his country. He and his colleagues are also actively involved in Radiation Protection (Ionising and Non-Ionising Radiation), Treatment Planning Algorithms, Networks & Integration Procedures in Radiotherapy, Monte Carlo Methods in Radiotherapy, MR Imaging,. Constantin Kappas is also very active in the education process; He teaches a broad spectrum of medical physics subjects to under and post graduate students, to medical doctors, to radiation physicists and to general public as well as being an author to several scientific books. For this work he has been awarded on several occasions by different academic bodies and organizations. He is also actively involved in ethical matters (writing and participating in respective committees) concerning scientific misconduct and medical malpractice. Constantin Kappas is actively involved in social work at national and international level. He participated in several UN – IAEA and other Organizations’ scientific missions in developing countries for commissioning of therapeutic and diagnostic radiation units, gives lectures and supports local clinical projects. Moreover he is the founder of the National Institute for Documentation, Information and Research on Cancer named "G. N. Papanikolaou" as well as he is the founder of the National Institute Against Narcotics named "I.KA.N.O.". Both the Institutes do not only have a positive social impact but they also attract and actively involve medical students, health scientists and academic staff. Special Distinction: Hellenic Association of Medical Physics (HAMP) on February 2013 announced the unanimous decision to choose the Professor of Medical and Radiation Physics, Medical School of Larissa, University of Thessaly, Constantin Kappas and characterized him to the International Scientific Community as: "The personage whose, ethics, social action, educational, research and clinical contribution in our country and in the world, represents, characterizes and expresses our specialty in Greece for the second half of the last century and the dawn of the new millennium“. International Organization of Medical Physics - IOMP has chosen 50 distinguished experts - personalities worldwide, whose work in Medical and Radiation Physics and the broader scientific field of therapeutic and diagnostic radiations worthily represents the scientific field for the second half of the last century and the dawn of the new millennium and among them, three Nobel Prize awarded Professors (Sir Godfrey Hounsfield 1979, Sir Peter Mansfield 2003 and Paul Lauterbur) and Professor Constantin Kappas (honored in Brighton UK, September 1, 2013).