Professor Rong-Fu Wang is a famous expert in the field of Medical Imaging & Nuclear Medicine and a China trained nuclear medicine physician & technologists who offers both general and specialist medical imaging education. Professor Wang received a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine from Fujian Medical University in 1982. He received a Master’s degree in Nuclear medicine & Biological physics, and then his first doctoral degree in Nuclear Medicine at the Fifth University of Paris in 1993, followed by second PhD degree in Radiopharmacology from the Third University of Toulouse in 1995. He is currently the Director of Department of Nuclear Medicine, Peking University Health Science Center, Peking University First Hospital & Peking University International Hospital. He has published more than 500 scientific papers, and received 3 ministerial level Science and Technology Achievement Awards and 2 ministerial Teaching Achievement Award. He edited 3 monographs and 13 textbooks. Prof. Wang’s research focuses on clinical radionuclide theranostic, artificial intelligence (AI) and healthy big data, molecular imaging and molecular nuclear medicine, radiomics and image genomics, with broad interests in development of novel molecular probes, imaging devices and its clinical application.