Academic positions May 2018-today: Assistant Prfessor at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. May 16, 2019 Eligibility as Professor of Band II in the competitive sector 06 / D4 skin diseases, infectious diseases and diseases of the digestive system, scientific-disciplinary sector MED12. 2010-2012 PhD in “Food and Health: Biotechnologies and Methodologies applied to Digestive Pathophysiology” (Director: Prof. C. Loguercio) at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Internistics “F. Magrassi and A. Lanzara "of the Second University of Naples (now University of Campania" Luigi Vanvitelli) 2011-2014 Assignment of "Expert of the Matter" in the scientific-disciplinary sector MED / 12 (Gastroenterology), 2014 Holder of a free professional collaboration contract c / o U.O.C. of Hepatogastroenterology of the Second University of Naples (now the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"), 2014-2016 Member of the National Scientific Commission of the Italian Society of Digestive Endoscopy in the Sector of Chronic Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases 01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017 Research fellow in Gastroenterology (MED / 12) belonging to the Department of Clinical and Experimental Internistics “F. Magrassi ", University of Campania" Luigi Vanvitelli "for the research project" Expression of the urotensin II receptor in patients with chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases "(lecturer …… ..). Training and research activities at qualified Italian or foreign institutes - Stay and internship in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of the "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro, Chair of Gastroenterology, Prof. F. Luzza. as part of the COFIN inter-university research project. April 2005 - Stay for training internship in diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy as part of the "Full Immersion Project" c / o "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Policlinico Umberto I, Digestive Endoscopy Service directed by Prof. V. Pietropaolo. November-December 2008 - Stay in the Clinical and Research Center of the University of Bologna, Clinical Medicine Department, "S. Orsola-Malpighi ”, director M. Campieri, for the refresher course on the clinical management of IBD. Bologna, October 2009 - Stay at the Research Center of the "Queen Mary University of London" to follow a research project in collaboration between the U.O.C. of Hepatogastroenterology of the University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli", having as Tutor Prof. M. Romano, and Prof. Raymond Playford (Full Professor of Gastroenterology at Queen Mary University) entitled "Effects of polyphenolic extracts on gastric and intestinal cells : in vitro studies ". April-June 2011 - Internship at the Digestive Endoscopy of the University of Indianapolis in U.S.A., with Prof. E. Fogel as tutor. November-December 2011 - Training period in Diagnostic and Operative Endoscopy at the U.O. of Ecoendoscopy (Head: Dr. V. Napolitano) of the Endoscopic Surgery Service of the University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli ”(Director: Prof. A. Pezzullo). September 2011 - March 2012 - Living room at the U.O.C. of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the "A. Maresca "of Torre del Greco (NA) (Primary: Dr. L. Cipolletta) for training period in Diagnostic and Operative Digestive Endoscopy (endoscopic resection techniques: EMR, ESD; stent placement, ligation of esophageal varices, endoscopic hemostasis of lesions of the gastrointestinal tract) and in Ecoendoscopy for the SIED scholarship. March - June 2012 - Living room at the U.O. of Gastroenterology at the University of Leuven, Belgium, Prof. P. Rutgeerts for internship on Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases April 2012 - Internship c / o U.O.C. of Gastroenterology at the Mauriziano Hospital in Turin (Tutor: Dr. M. D’Aperno) to investigate issues relating to Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (clinic, intestinal ultrasound, endoscopy, biological therapies). April 2013 Teaching activity 1. From the academic year 2018/2019 to date Teaching of Gastroenterelogy in the Semester Integrated Course of Diseases of the Digestive System at the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Caserta Campus, for a total of 1 CFU 2. From the academic year 2018/2019 to date Teaching of Gastroenterology in the annual course Professionalizing Training Activities (AFP) IV year at the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Caserta Campus, channel A for a total of 0.5 CFU 3. From the academic year 2018/2019 to date Teaching of Gastroenterology in the Semester Integrated Course of Specialized Medicine at the Degree Course of Nursing, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Avellino branch, at A.O. S. G. Moscati, for a total of 1 CFU 4. From the academic year 2018/2019 to date Teaching of Gastroenterology in the Semester Integrated Course of Specialized Medicine at the Degree Course of Nursing, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Naples branch, for a total of 1 CFU 5. a.a. 2018/2019 Teaching of Gastroenterology in the Semester Integrated Course of Specialized Medicine at the Degree Course of Nursing, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Maddaloni branch, for a total of 1 CFU 6. From the academic year 2019/2020 to date Teaching of "Gastroenterology" as part of the Integrated Course "Internistic Medicine" at the Degree Course of Nursing in English, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Naples branch, for a total of 1 ECTS 7. From the academic year 2018/2019 to date Teaching of Gastroenterology within the Postgraduate School of Digestive System Diseases at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" 8. From the academic year 2019/2020 to date Lecturing of Gastroenterology at the Specialization School of Rheumatology at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" 9. From the academic year 2020/2021 Lecturer in Gastroenterology as part of the integrated course of "Rehabilitation of general medical and surgical disabilities" at the Degree Course in Physiotherapy, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Naples branch, for a total of 1 CFU 10. In the three-year period 2011-2014 Assignment of "Expert of the Matter" in the scientific-disciplinary sector MED / 12 (Gastroenterology). Achievement of prizes, scholarships and national and international awards for scientific and research activities 1. SIED award with travel grant for best video-communication (2009) 2. Scholarship under the Erasmus Placement program during the PhD period (2009) 3. "ABBOTT" scholarship for stay in the Clinical and Research Center of the University of Bologna, Clinical Medicine Department, "S. Orsola-Malpighi ", director M. Campieri, for the refresher course on clinical management of IBD, Bologna (2009) 4. "Training in the U.S.A." Award with travel grant for two weeks at the Digestive Endoscopy of the University of Indianapolis (USA) (tutor: Prof. E. Fogel), for best scientific activity and curriculum, awarded by the Reference Institute of Tumors of the Campania Region " G. Pascale Foundation "(2011) 5. SIED-Italy Award, with a three-month travel grant at the Center of High Excellence for Digestive Endoscopy, U.O.C. of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the "A. Maresca "of Torre del Greco (NA) (Primary: Dr. L. Cipolletta), for best scientific activity and curriculum (2012) 6. Award for best communication of the session with travel grant for "excellent quality of the abstract" in the context of the 20th United European Gastroenterology Week. Amsterdam, 20-24 / 10/2012. Molina-Infante J., Romano M., Fernandez-Bermejo M., Federico A., Gravina AG, Pozzati L., Garcia-Abadia E., Martinez-Alcal´a C., Miranda A., Vinagre-Rodriguez G. , Perez-Gallardo B., Hernandez-Alonso M., Gata-Cuadrado M., Rancel F., Gisbert JP 14-day, high-dose acid suppression, non-bismuth quadruple therapies (“hybrid” vs. “concomitant”) for Helicobacter pylori infection: a randomized trial. Gut 2012; 61 (3): OP204. (oral communication) 7. IG-IBD Award for best scientific activity and curriculum, with grant, for the monthly drafting of the newsletter for the IG-IBD 2013/2014 website concerning the basic science in chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases. October 2013 - October 2014 8. FISMAD Award as the best poster presented and selected at the National Congress of Digestive Diseases 2014 (Naples, 19-22 / 03/2014) in the "STOMACH" poster session. Gravina AG, Ruocco E., Lo Schiavo A., Federico A., Miranda A., Dallio M., De Simini G., Meucci R., Loguercio C., Ruocco V., Romano M. The role of Helicobacter pylori infection and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in rosacea. Digestive and Liver Diseases 2014; 46 (2): P.14.1. 9. SIGE Award for the best poster selected in the "Liver1" session at the 22nd National Congress of Digestive Diseases: Naples, 24-27 / 02/2016. Dallio M., Caprio GG, Masarone M., Abbatecola A., Tuccillo C., Gravina AG, Romano M., Sasso FC, Persico M., Loguercio C., Federico A. Endocan as serum marker of endothelial dysfunction in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and / or type 2 diabetes. Digestive and Liver Disease 2016; 48 (2): e131 (P.01.4). 10. SIGE Award for the best poster with travel grant for "excellent quality of the abstract" in the "Oncology" session at the 23rd National Congress of Digestive Diseases: Bologna, 29 / 03-01 / 04-2017. Dallio M., Troiani T., Di Sarno R., Belli V., Napolitano S., Gravina AG, Sgambato D., Romano M., Ciardiello F., Loguercio C., Federico A. Silybin in combination with regorafenib as a novel potential strategy for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer patients. Digestive and Liver Disease 2017; 49 (2): e181-e182 (P.08.8).