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Editorial Board
Dr Hala Mourad Demerdash, MD, PhD Clinical Pathology I received my PhD from Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine-Tanta University. Consultant Clinical Pathology Alexandria University Hospitals. Former Associate Professor at Faulty of Pharmacy Pharos University in Alexandria Currently is the Manager of Shatby Alexandria University Hospital for Obstetric & Gynacology, Alexandria University Hospitals. Previous positions were; Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology at Pharos University from September 2014-August 2017. Teacher in faculty of pharmacy Pharos University, since 2009-2014. And was a Member of quality assurance committee in Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharos University 2009-2017. And a member of EDC (Education Development Center) team in Pharos, since 2012-2016. In addition, she is transfer member of AACC , member of Editorial Board of Obesity Research Open Journal. Also, she is a member of Artificial Intelligence of Endoscopic Surgery Journal. She Participated in several National & International Conferences as IFCC (International Federation Of Clinical Chemistry) & AACC (American Association of Clinical Chemistry). She received Eposter Award at Labquality Days Congress Helsinki, Finland 2019.