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Senior Editorial Board
Education: MD, PhD, Dr. of ScienceRepresentative Careers: French nationality, Researcher in CNRS (1986- p), Professor of oncology (2009-p), Academician (2002) (FM), co-head of Regenerative Medicine in Avicenna University, Dushanbe (Tajikistan 2009-2015), several patents and licenses for industrial exploitation, several scientist awards such as Immunopathology of the Eye, Tokyo japan, 1986, American College of Toxicology 2002, Pennsylvania, USA, Prize of “Institute de France” (Prix Dalloz), 2006, Paris, Korean Cancer Institute (2016), over 200 international scientific publications, 280 congress communications. Reviewer of International Journals in Oncology, immunology and Ophthalmology. Regenerative medicine. Member of several International Academic Associations, Supervision of 20 postgraduate theses (Director of Thesis) and several master, and postdoctoral students.Specialty & Present Interest: Cancerology, Thrombosis and coagulation, Immunopathology, Healt and microenvironment pollution.Principal activity: Role of the microenvironments in cancer cell proliferation, metastasis and resistance to therapy, carcinomatosis. Onco-immunology, Stem cell therapy and Regenerative medicine.Key words: Arrestin, Plasminogen activators, Fibrin-Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, D-Dimer, Autoimmune-disease, Mineralocorticoid receptor (MCR), Epithelial sodium channel (eNaC), Ophthalmology (Retina and cornea), Cancer, Angiogenesis, Metastasis, Chemoresistance, leukemia, Bone marrow stromal cells, Hospicell, Biomaterial, Nanoparticle, Radio-frequency Plasma, Regenerative Medicine, Anaplastology, Carcinomatosis, biodegradability.