©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Meta-Anal. Mar 28, 2020; 8(2): 109-118
Published online Mar 28, 2020. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v8.i2.109
Published online Mar 28, 2020. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v8.i2.109
Table 1 Current and potential uses of gastrointestinal ultrasound in functional gastrointestinal disorders
Current | Potential |
Evaluating physiology | |
Stomach | |
Assess contribution of mechanisms to symptoms. Mechanisms include gastric emptying, gastric motility, gastroduodenal flow, gastric wall deformation, gastric accommodation and intragastric distribution of meals | Tailor management of patients based on contributing pathophysiology of symptoms to FGID (e.g. prokinetics for patients with FD and antral hypomotility) |
Small bowel | |
Assess peristalsis to evaluate small bowel obstruction and its causes (e.g. mechanical vs ileus); support diagnosis for malabsorptive conditions (e.g. coeliac disease) | Study interactions of mechanisms to one another and temporal relationships between mechanisms and food/treatment/stress. e.g. evaluate mechanism behind food intolerances/malabsorption by evaluating physiological changes with food challenges in real time |
Large bowel | |
Objectively assess constipation/faecal loading severity and location; assess colonic transit time | Objectively assess treatment outcomes (e.g. quantify improvement in constipation post treatment); scoring systems to quantify severity of faecal loading; objectively subtype IBS patients using luminal contents and diameters of large and small bowel; potentially measure colonic transit time, evaluate colonic contents and measure bowel diameters in a single test |
Excluding organic diseases | |
Reliably exclude IBD from FGID in combination with other biomarkers; Useful screening investigation for abdominal pain, including acute cases as able to exclude appendicitis, diverticulitis, intestinal obstruction et al; UMAT can be used as an initial workup tool for patients with dyspepsia; Determine urgency of endoscopy based on GIUS findings; Determine type of investigations (upper vs lower GI tract, endoscopy vs cross sectional imaging) based on GIUS findings | |
Building rapport with patients | |
Allows more interaction time between physician and patients, opportunity to educate patients and opportunity to provide real-time reassurance |
Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages of gastrointestinal ultrasound
Advantages | Disadvantages |
Widely available | Operator dependent |
Relatively cheap | Not all areas of bowel equally visualised |
Non-invasive | May be technically difficult in obese or previous surgery |
Real-time | Expertise not widely available |
Does not involve sedation, bowel prep or intravenous contrast agents | |
Can assess patient in physiological state | |
Able to assess multiple physiological mechanisms with a single test | |
Able to visualise upper and lower gastrointestinal tract as well as intra-luminal and extra-luminal organs | |
Builds rapport with patients as allows interaction between patient and physician | |
Allows managing clinician to perform test, allowing test to be focused in answering pertinent clinical questions |
- Citation: Ong AML. Utility of gastrointestinal ultrasound in functional gastrointestinal disorders: A narrative review. World J Meta-Anal 2020; 8(2): 109-118
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