Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Meta-Anal. Mar 18, 2025; 13(1): 100176
Published online Mar 18, 2025. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v13.i1.100176
Table 1 Definition of key terms
TS was defined as the number of successful insertion procedures of a balloon catheter through a stenosis followed by appropriate positioning of the stent across the diseased segment and increase in tracheal diameter of the stenotic segment
CSCS was defined as the number of patients with improved clinical symptoms pertaining to the tracheal pathology post-stent insertion
RSRS was defined as the number of patients with a lack of abnormal pathological findings on chest X-ray investigation post-stent insertion
FSFS was defined as the number of patients with an improved FEV1/forced vital capacity ratio or FEV1 post-stent insertion as compared to pre-stent insertion
Successful insertions1Successful insertion of airway stent was defined as the number of insertion procedures where the stent was placed at the desired location to relieve airway stenosis
Unsuccessful insertionsUnsuccessful insertion of airway stent was defined as the number of insertion procedures where the stent could not be placed at the desired location to relieve airway stenosis
Removal successSuccessful removal was defined as the number of removal procedures where airway stents were removed from tracheal lumen without immediate deterioration of patient’s clinical symptoms or restenosis of airway
Unsuccessful removalUnsuccessful removal of airway stent was defined as the number of removal procedures where the stent could not be removed and remained lodged in the patient’s airway
ComplicationsComplications were defined as the number of a particular adverse stent-related clinical event occurring after insertion
Uncovered SEMSUncovered SEMS were defined as SEMS without any polymer coverage over the body of the stent
Covered SEMSCovered SEMS were defined as SEMS covered with a complete polymer coverage across the entire body of the stent
Metal stent deathMetal stent death was defined as the number of patients whose death was directly caused by the insertion or removal of a SEMS
Table 2 Comparison between covered-self-expanding metal stents and uncovered- self-expanding metal stents, n (%)

All patients with SEMS (n = 900)
Patients with covered SEMS (n = 468)
Patients with uncovered SEMS (n = 432)
P value (fisher's exact test)7
Successful insertions1013 (93.6)1511 (98.6)2462 (88.2)3< 0.001
Successful removals435 (95.2)4305 (95.0)590 (93.8)60.607
Stent-related deaths1 (0.1)0 (0.0)1 (0.2)0.480
Complication rate
Stent migration88 (9.8)58 (12.4)30 (6.9)0.007
Granulation tissue formation211 (23.0)124 (26.5)87 (20.1)0.027
Infection63 (7.0)6 (1.3)57 (13.2)< 0.001
Restenosis53 (5.9)7 (1.5)46 (10.6)< 0.001
Stent fracture44 (4.9)12 (2.6)32 (7.4)0.001
Bleeding25 (2.8)0 (0.0)25 (5.8)< 0.001
Pneumothorax12 (1.3)0 (0.0)12 (2.8)< 0.001
Mucus plugging11 (1.2)7 (1.5)4 (0.9)0.550
Others863 (7.0)48 (10.3)15 (3.5)< 0.001
Table 3 Comparison between covered self-expanding metal stents, uncovered self-expanding metal stents and silicone stents, n (%)

Patients with covered SEMS (n = 468)
Patients with uncovered SEMS (n = 432)
Silicone stent study (No. 1) (n = 263)
Silicone stent study (No. 2) (n = 63)
Silicone stent study (No. 3) (n = 58)
Silicone stent study (No. 4) (n = 75)
Successful insertions511 (98.6)1462 (88.2)2181 (69.0)--70 (93.3)
Successful removals305 (95.0)390 (93.8)4117 (54.7)--49 (65.0)
Stent-related deaths0 (0.0)1 (0.2)2 (0.8)---
Stent complication rate
Stent migration58 (12.4)30 (6.9)78 (18.6)562 (28.0)510 (17.2)38 (51.0)
Granulation tissue formation124 (26.5)87 (20.1)72 (17.2)5---
Infection6 (1.3)57 (13.2)--14 (24.1)-
Restenosis7 (1.5)46 (10.6)24 (5.7)5--30 (40.0)
Stent fracture12 (2.6)32 (7.4)--1 (1.7)-
Bleeding0 (0.0)25 (5.8)---1 (1.3)
Pneumothorax0 (0.0)12 (2.8)---5 (6.67)
Mucus plugging7 (1.5)4 (0.9)-131 (60.0)521 (36.2)14 (19.0)
Others648 (10.3)15 (3.5)-18 (8.0)56 (10.3)-