Zhi-Yong Shen, MD, Chief Doctor, associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Nantong University affiliated tumor hospital, Nantong 226361, Jiangsu Province, China Current curriculum vitae Zhi-Yong Shen, Chief Doctor, MD (graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University), Graduate dissertation reviewer of Ministry of Education, Six Peaks Talent of Jiangsu Province, the second level of Nantong 226 Talents. His main clinical research includes ultrasonic diagnosis of hepatic carcinoma, prognosis evaluation of ultrasonic characteristics of liver tumors, CT diagnosis of hepatic malignant tumors, contrast-enhanced ultrasound of digestive system diseases, ultrasonic cavitation effect of microbubbles; he is also committed to the ultrasonic diagnosis of breast and ovarian tumors. He has won the Nantong Science and Technology Progress Award twice and Nantong Health Bureau New Technology Introduction Award for four times as the first prize winner. So far, 14 articles have been published in SCI journals as the first author, including Ultrason Sonochem, Radiol Med, Ultrasound Q, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, J Obstet Gynaecol Res, Exp Biol Med, Breast Care, and Journal of Nanomaterials.