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Head of the Department of Internal Diseases and Oncological Chemotherapy in the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice (SUM) since 2017, physician and scientist. Specialist in internal diseases, nephrology, angiology, hypertension, clinical transplantation and oncology. Co-founder of the kidney and pancreas transplant program in the Upper Silesia. A graduate of the Department of Nephrology, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, SUM. Head of the Department of Pathophysiology (SUM) in years 2009-2017. Corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2020. Author or co-author of over 600 publications, including 250 in international journals, cited over 11,000 times (H-index 33). Main current and past research areas: chromosomal aberrations in nodular hyperthyroidism secondary to end-stage renal failure and in renal cell carcinomas developing in the cirrhotic kidneys, epidemiology of chronic kidney disease, prostate diseases, hypertension and calcium-phosphorus disorders including vitamin D deficiency, studies on the role of adipokines in essential hypertension and polycystic ovary syndrome, the prognostic significance of the renal flow spectrum after kidney transplantation, identification of known and new mutations in rare diseases: the extracellular calcium receptor gene (hypercalcemic-hypocalciuric syndrome), the menin gene (MEN-1 syndrome) and LMX1B (nail-to-nail syndrome).