Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Methodol. Sep 20, 2025; 15(3): 102477
Published online Sep 20, 2025. doi: 10.5662/wjm.v15.i3.102477
Table 1 Summary of search strategy including search component and keywords used
Search component
Keywords/terms used
Ocular“ocular”[All Fields] OR “oculars”[All Fields]
Emergency“emerge”[All Fields] OR “emerged”[All Fields] OR “emergence”[All Fields] OR “emergences”[All Fields] OR “emergencies”[MeSH Terms] OR “emergencies”[All Fields] OR “emergency”[All Fields] OR “emergent”[All Fields] OR “emergently”[All Fields] OR “emergents”[All Fields] OR “emerges”[All Fields] OR “emerging”[All Fields]
Africa“africa”[MeSH Terms] OR “africa”[All Fields] OR “africa s”[All Fields] OR “africas”[All Fields]
Date range2014: 2024[pdat]
Language, full text, relevanceRecords filtered to exclude non-English language, no full text, and non-relevant articles.
Table 2 Summary of the prevalence and incidence rates of eye emergencies across various countries in Africa
Type of eye emergency (prevalence)
Study period
Sample size
Data sources
Study design
Country in Africa
Kyei et al[21]Open globe injuries (71.2%). Blunt trauma causing open-globe injuries (90%). Penetrating Intraocular, and perforating injuries causing open-globe injuries (10%)January 2017 to December 2021 (4 years)863Patients recordsRetrospective cross-sectional Zimbabwe
Bert et al[19]Ocular trauma (25.7%)2 days556Questionnaire and ocular examinationCross-sectional surveyGhana
Douglas and Koroye-Egbe[17]Ocular burns (42%). Foreign body injury to the eye (32%). Injuries caused by cuts to the eye (4%)-212Ocular examinationCross-sectional descriptiveNigeria
Onyekwelu et al[18]Superficial foreign body to the eye (88.6%). Chemical injury (8.6%). Nail injury to the eye (5.7%)April 7, 2017 to May 15, 2017 (1 month)114Questionnaire, ocular examination and interviewDescriptive cross-sectionalNigeria
Daoudi et al[27]Preseptal cellulitis (85%). Orbital cellulitis (15%)2008 to 2014 (6 years)28Patient recordsRetrospective cohortMorocco
Ajayi et al[28]Neovascular glaucoma (0.05%)January 2015 to December 2019 (4 years)566Patient recordsRetrospective cohortNigeria
Koki et al[29]Ocular trauma (16.92%)January 2008 to December 2014 (6 years)591Patient recordsRetrospective cohortCameroon
Kibret and Bitew[30]Fungal keratitis (45.1%)September 2014 to August 2015 (11 months)153Clinical examinationCross-sectionalEthiopia
Haingomalala et al[31]Serious ocular trauma (5.75%)January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2011 (2 years)1267Patient recordsRetrospective cohortMadagascar
Damtie and Siraj[32]Eye injury (7.7%)2019300QuestionnaireCross-sectionalEthiopia
Baba et al[33]Penetrating ocular injury (65.7%)January 2006 to November 2013 (7 years)100Patient recordsRetrospective cohortTunisia
Bastola et al[34]Ocular trauma (1.94%)September to November 2018 (3 months)280Clinical examinationProspective observationalEritrea