Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Methodol. Mar 20, 2025; 15(1): 94833
Published online Mar 20, 2025. doi: 10.5662/wjm.v15.i1.94833
Table 1 Ethical principles and considerations in reporting off-label and experimental treatments
Ethical principle
Application in case reporting
Patient autonomy and informed consentEnsures patients are fully informed about the nature, benefits, and risks of off-label or experimental treatments and consent to their useDetailed process for obtaining and documenting informed consent in case reports
Non-maleficence and beneficenceObligation to do no harm and to act in the best interest of the patient, assessing potential risks against benefitsCriteria for evaluating the risk-benefit ratio of off-label or experimental treatments for reporting
JusticeFocus on equitable treatment access and the implications of reporting on treatment availability and disparitiesAnalysis of how case reports address or could exacerbate health care access disparities
Transparency and integrityRequirement for honest reporting of the experimental status of treatments and outcomes, including adverse effectsGuidelines for transparent and unbiased reporting, including disclosures of conflicts of interest
Table 2 Challenges and ethical dilemmas in reporting
Ethical dilemma
Proposed solution
Reporting of negative outcomesBalancing the ethical need for transparency with potential reputational or financial consequences for authors and sponsorsImplement policies for mandatory reporting of all outcomes, positive and negative
Commercial interestsManaging conflicts of interest that may influence the reporting and perception of off-label and experimental treatmentsStrict disclosure requirements and independent review to mitigate the impact of commercial interests
Balancing innovation with cautionNavigating between the advancement of medical science and ensuring patient safety in the face of uncertain treatment outcomesDevelopment of comprehensive guidelines that prioritize rigorous scientific evaluation and patient safety
Table 3 Recommendations for ethical vigilance and reporting
Area of focus
Ethical guidelines developmentFormulate comprehensive, clear guidelines specifically addressing off-label and experimental treatments, with input from a multidisciplinary team
Regulatory oversightEnhance the role of regulatory bodies in monitoring and guiding the reporting on experimental treatments to ensure accuracy and ethical compliance
Education and trainingProvide ongoing education for clinicians and researchers on ethical reporting practices and the importance of maintaining integrity in medical research
Table 4 Key areas for collaborative effort
Role in advancing ethical reporting
CliniciansShare clinical experiences and adhere to ethical guidelines in reporting of off-label and experimental treatments
ResearchersConduct and report research with integrity, following ethical guidelines and contributing to the body of evidence on new treatments
EthicistsProvide guidance on ethical dilemmas and contribute to the development of comprehensive ethical guidelines
Regulatory bodiesOversee the reporting practices and dissemination of information to ensure public access to reliable and ethically reported data on new treatments