Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Methodol. Dec 20, 2024; 14(4): 95558
Published online Dec 20, 2024. doi: 10.5662/wjm.v14.i4.95558
Table 1 Core components of enhanced recovery protocols after orthopedic surgery
Preoperative counselingInforming patients about the surgery and expectationsReduces anxiety, sets realistic expectations
Nutritional optimizationImproving nutritional status pre-surgeryEnhances healing, reduces complications
Minimally invasive techniquesEmploying less invasive surgical methodsMinimizes tissue damage, quicker recovery
Pain managementMultimodal strategy to control painPromotes early activity, reduces opioid dependency
Early mobilizationEncouraging movement post-surgeryShortens hospital stays, reduces complication risks
Table 2 Clinical outcomes after implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols
Outcome measure
Traditional approach
Enhanced approach
Postoperative complicationsHigherReducedImproved patient safety
Length of hospital stayLongerShorterEnhanced bed availability, cost savings
Patient satisfactionVariableHigherPositive patient experience
Recovery timeProlongedAcceleratedFaster return to normal activities
Table 3 Challenges and solutions in implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery
Proposed solution
Resistance to changeReluctance to adopt new protocolsEffective communication, education on benefits
Resource demandsNeed for training, materialsResource allocation, comprehensive staff training
Training requirementsExtensive training of multidisciplinary teamDeveloping structured training programs
Integration of teamsCoordination among various departmentsPromoting interdepartmental collaboration
Table 4 Future directions of enhanced recovery after surgery in orthopedics
Area of focus
Potential impact
Personalized careCustomized treatment per patient needsImproved patient outcomes, enhanced satisfaction
Integration of digital toolsUse of wearables, telemedicineBetter monitoring, adherence to protocols
Continuous research and developmentOngoing updates to protocolsKeeping practices up-to-date, responsive to needs
Interdisciplinary collaborationCollaborative patient care approachHolistic patient management, improved care quality