Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Virol. Dec 25, 2024; 13(4): 98600
Published online Dec 25, 2024. doi: 10.5501/wjv.v13.i4.98600
Table 1 Virological interactions in co-infections
Co-infection combination
Interaction type
Impact on disease progression
Dengue virus + secondary virusCompetitiveIncreased risk of severe dengue outcomes (DHF, DSS)
RSV + influenzaCooperative/competitiveProlongs disease, increases severity and duration in some cases
RSV + other respiratory viruses (e.g., hMPV)Varies; neutral in some modelsLittle to no increase in pathogenicity in some animal models
Table 2 Public health strategies and recommendations
Enhanced surveillance systemsFocus on high-risk groups for better identification and control of co-infections
Targeted vaccination campaignsDevelop vaccines considering common co-infecting viruses, especially for high-risk groups
Multiplex PCR testing implementationImplement in clinical settings for simultaneous diagnosis of multiple respiratory viruses
Education on infection control measuresIncrease awareness among public and healthcare workers regarding transmission risks
Development of broad-spectrum antiviralsEncourage R&D for antivirals effective against multiple viruses to address co-infections