©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Transplantation. Nov 30, 2018; 8(7): 237-251
Published online Nov 30, 2018. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v8.i7.237
Published online Nov 30, 2018. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v8.i7.237
Table 1 Studies comparing pancreas transplant outcomes between donations after cardiac death vs donation after brain death pancreas allograft recipients
First author/ yr | Country | Type of study | No. transplants | Mean donor age (yr) | Donor BMI [Median, IQR] | Warm ischemia time (min) | Cold ischemia time (hours) | Follow-up (yr) | Comments/conclusions |
D’Alessandro et al[41], 2004 | United States | Cohort | 31 DCD; 455 DBD | Unclear | ns | 15.3 (SD ns) | 15.9 (SD ns) | 5 | No difference in 5-yr graft survival in SPKs |
Fernandez et al[43], 2005 | United States | Cohort | 37 DCD; 539 DBD | 31 | ns | 17.5 (SD = 9.9) | 15.8 (SD = 3.4) | 5 | Indistinguishable patient and graft 5-yr survival in SPKs. Elevated DGF rate on DCD kidneys, with no significant long-term impact. |
Salvalaggio et al[44], 2006 | United States | Cohort; OPTN/UNOS Registry | 57 DCD; 3948 DBD | DCD= 30.1; DBD = 29 | ns | ns | 15.7 | 5 | For SPK recipients, the wait for DCD organs was shorter. DCD SPK recipients had longer hospital stay. Renal DGF was higher with DCD organs. Higher thrombosis rates (12.8% vs 6.1%) |
Bellingham et al[42], 2011 | United States | Cohort | 72 DCD; 903 DBD | DCD= 30 | ns | 20.8 (SD = 9.4) | ns | 10 | No difference in surgical complications, rejection or hemoglobin A1c levels. |
Muthusamy et al[45], 2012 | United Kingdom | Cohort | 134 DCD; 875 DBD | DBD = 32; DCD= 28 | 23 | 12 | 12.5 | 1 | Similar patient and graft survival, with improved DCD pancreas graft survival if performed as an SPK. Early graft loss in the DCD cohort was mainly due to thrombosis (8% vs 4%) |
Shahrestani et al[46], 2017 | Australia | Systematic review and meta-analysis | 762 DCD; 23609 DBD (included 10 cohort studies and 8 case reports) | DBD = 37 ns | 21-25 ns | ns | ns | 0.3-15 | No significant difference in 10-yr graft or patient survival. Higher graft thrombosis risk with DCDs [95%CI: 1.04-2.67; P = 0.006]. Thrombosis risk not higher when DCD donors were given ante-mortem heparin (P = 0.62) |
Kopp et al[39], 2018 | The Netherlands | Cohort | 21 DCD; 83 DBD | a | a | 31 (median) | 11 (median) | 5 | Without the DCD factor, PDRI from DCD donors was lower. Donor age was the only donor-related risk factor associated with graft survival. Post-op bleeding and renal DGF were more common with DCDs. Graft survivals were comparable. DCD pancreata had lower thrombosis incidence. DCD donors yield similar outcomes for low PDRI. Most DCD donors were younger. DCD grafts may be a better option rather than older DBD donors. |
Table 2 Studies on the effect of pancreas procurement professionalization and center volume on pancreas transplant outcomes
First author, yr | Study aim | Region, country | Study period | No. cases | Results/comments |
Boer et al[49], 2017 | Analysis of abdominal organ procurement quality and clinical impact. | Eurotransplant, The Netherlands | 2012-2013 | 591 procurements | 13% surgical injuries on procured pancreata, leading to 3% pancreas discards. Higher BMI, DCD donation in liver procurement were risk factors for discard due to injury. High procurement volume centers were associated with less pancreatic injury. |
Lam et al[50], 2017 | Analysis on the effect of the abdominal recovery team professionalization on the pancreatic procurement injury and acceptance for transplant. | Eurotransplant, The Netherlands | 2002-2015 | 264 procurements | 31.8% pancreatic surgical injuries. 85.6% of procured pancreata were eventually transplanted. Surgeons certified in abdominal organ procurements recovered more grafts from older donors, DCDs, and had less surgical injuries. Predictors to proceed with pancreas transplant were: certified procurement surgeons; surgeons from a pancreas transplant center; DBD donation; and lower donor BMI. Procurement certification results in less surgical damage and more pancreata transplanted. |
Kopp et al[52], 2017 | Analysis of the effect of the transplant center volume on pancreas transplant outcomes. | Eurotransplant, The Netherlands | 2008-2013 | 1276 pancreas transplants | Centers were classified into: low (< 5 transplants/yr); medium (5-13/yr); high volume (≥ 13/yr). Patient and graft survival were superior in higher volume centers. High center volumes were protective for graft failure, even though they transplanted organs with higher PDRI. |
Alhamad et al[53], 2017 | Analysis of the effect of the transplant center volume on the pancreas allograft failure risk. | UNOS, United States | 2000-2013 | 11568 SPKs and 4308 solitary pancreas transplants | Centers were categorized into low, medium, and high tertiles. Low volume centers were associated with higher pancreatic failure risk. High volume centers had better graft survival rates irrespective of PDRI. |
Table 3 Studies on Simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant outcomes of C-peptide positive vs C-peptide negative recipients
First author, yr | Country | No. patients | Study period | C-peptide positive (%) | BMI (kg/m2) Mean (SD) | Follow-up (yr) | Outcomes | Conclusion |
Chakkera et al[61], 2010 | United States | 80 | 2003-2008 | a15 | T1DM 24.8 (4.2); T2DM 27 (3) | 1 | No difference in graft (kidney and pancreas) or patient survival. | SPK should be considered in selected patients with T2DM and ESRD. C-peptide measurements for ESRD patients can be misleading. |
Light et al[64], 2013 | United States | 173 | 1989-2008 | c33.5 | T2DM 26.1 (ns)d; T1DM 22.5 (ns)d (P < 0.0001) | 20 | T2DM were older at diabetes diagnosis, older at transplant, and heavier pre- and post-transplant, and had better graft survival. T1DM had better patient survival | There was a difference in patient but not graft survival in 20 yr follow-up. |
Stratta et al[62], 2015 | United States | 162 | 2001-2013 | b18.5 | T2DM 26.1 (3.3); T1DM 24.4 (3.2) | 5.6 (median) | No difference in patient and graft survival or surgical complications, rejections, serum creatinine, HbA1c, eGFR, C-peptide and weight gain were higher in the C-peptide positive group. | C-peptide “positive” patients appear to have a T2DM phenotype. Outcomes were similar between the two groups, suggesting that C-peptide should not be used exclusively when assessing for SPK transplant candidacy. |
Shin et al[65], 2017 | Republic of Korea | 217 | 2004-2015 | ens | T2DM 38 (9); T1DM 18 (7) | 5 | Similar post-operative HbA1c (< 6%), fasting insulin, HOMA of insulin resistance, and insulinogenic index. Higher post-transplant C-peptide in T2DM recipients. | No significant difference in insulin resistance or β-cell function in 5 yr. |
- Citation: Giorgakis E, Mathur AK, Chakkera HA, Reddy KS, Moss AA, Singer AL. Solid pancreas transplant: Pushing forward. World J Transplantation 2018; 8(7): 237-251
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