Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Transplant. Sep 24, 2016; 6(3): 583-593
Published online Sep 24, 2016. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v6.i3.583
Table 1 Demographic and laboratory data of the Patient Population and their indication for liver transplantation
Study group (n = 261)
Males/females (n/n), %(193/68) 73.9%/26.1%
Age (yr)53.5 ± 9.4
Body mass index (kg/m2)26.18 ± 6.40
MELD score24 ± 6.5
Indication for liver transplantation (n, %)
Alcoholism40 (15.3 %)
Viral189 (72.4%)
Colestatic15 (5.7%)
Other17 (6.5 %)
HCC107 (41 %)
Laboratory data
Hb (g/dL)11.3 ± 2.2 (nv:12-16)
Hct (%)3.4 ± 6.2 (nv: 36-46)
PLT (103/μL)83.2 ± 66.7 (nv: 150-450)
PT (%)53.6 ± 22.4 (nv: 70-100)
INR1.7 ± 0.7 (nv: 0.84-1.24)
aPTT ratio2.0 ± 9.3 (nv: 0.82-1.24)
Fibrinogen (mg/dL)190 ± 120 (nv: 200-400)
ATIII (%)50 ± 27(nv: 80-120)
Table 2 Medians, means, ranges and reference ranges (2.5%-97.5% percentiles) for thromboelastographic variables obtained from the study population (261 cirrhotic patients) and from the 40 healthy patients
r (min)k (min)α(degree)MA (mm)A(30) mmA(60) mmLy30 (%)Ly60 (%)
Cirrhotic patient population (n = 261)
Reference values6.2-58.54.2-39.23.4-42.810.4-63.59.8-6292-620-40-10
Mean ± SD23.7 ± 12.514.9 ± 9.618.2 ± 1035.3 ± 12.833.8 ± 12.832.3 ± 12.60.38 ± 12.28 ± 4.3
Median (range)21.8 (2.2/75.4)12.3 (1.6/68.1)16.1 (1.7/67)33.6 (2.2/71.9)33 (2/86)31 (2.2/85.5)0.0 (0/11)0.40 (0/44)
Healthy population (n = 40)
Reference values11-263-1415-4643-6441-6442-630-40-5
Mean ± SD19.6 ± 1.39.8 ± 0.920.6 ± 1.243.7 ± 2.943.2 ± 3.142.9 ± 0.80.8 ± 2.50.9 ± 2.1
Median (range)17.8 (8-27)7.2 (2-15)18.1 (13-48)41.5 (41-66)42 (39-67)41.7 (41-65)0.7 (0-5)0.76 (0-7)
1P0.039< 0.0010.131< 0.001< 0.001< 0 .0010.060.038
Number of tests below normal25 (9.5%)2 (0.76%)112 (42.9%)200 (77%)192 (74%)207 (79%)00
Number of tests above normal84 (32%)125 (47.9%)2 (0.8%)6 (2.3%)5 (1.9%)5 (1.9%)2 (0.76%)28 (10.7%)
Total number of tests outside the healthy population range109 (41.5%)127 (48.6%)114 (43.7%)206 (79.3%)197 (74.4%)212 (80.9%)2 (0.76%)28 (10.7%)
Table 3 Median and reference ranges for thromboelastography assay in the study population according to gender, age, model for end-stage liver disease, liver disease and presence of hepatocellular carcinoma
r (min)k (min)α(degree)MA (mm)A (30) mmA (60) mmLy30 (%)Ly60 (%)
Females (n = 68)22.7 (7.6-58.6)12.5 (3-38.5)16.5 (4.1-52.2)38.1 (10.3-70)37.7 (8.5-71.1)35.5 (6.7-71.1)0.0 (0-4)0.25 (0-26.5)
Males (n = 193)22.8 (5.8-61.5)13.5 (3.2-44.9)15.8 (3.9-49.8)34 (8.1-71.2)33.4 (8.1-75)3.3 (6.7-75)0.0 (0-4)0.4 (0-10)
< 60 yr (n = 181)21 (5.1-57.6)12.2 (4.1-40.9)16.7 (3.7-42.9)32.5 (10.4-62.6)32 (9.8-59.4)30.2 (9.2-57.7)0.0 (0.0-4.1)0.2 (0.0-9.8)
≥ 60 yr (n = 80)22.7 (10.2-65.1)13 (5.3-40)15.6 (2.4-35.4)37.8 (6.7-70.7)37.2 (6.7-70.7)35.2 (6.7-70.7)0.0 (0-3.5)0.2 (0-9.8)
MELD < 20 (n = 90)19.4 (8-59.8)11.6 (2.6-40.5)18.3 (4.1-56.8)38.9 (19.9)38.4 (17-69.6)35.9 (8.2-71.6)0.0 (0-4.9)0.8 (0-25.3)
MELD ≥ 20 (n = 171)22.3 (5.7-58.6)13 (4.4-40.3)15.4 (3.2-42.2)31.3 (9-62.2)31 (9.1-61.5)30 (9.1-60)0.0 (0-4)0.10 (0-9.6)
P0.90.660.07< 0.001< 0.001< 0.0010.190.76
Not alcoholic (n = 216)21.2 (5.6-58.7)13.1 (4.1-41)15.4 (1.8-32.4)30.2 (2.8-70.4)30 (2.8-70.4)29 (2.8-70.4)0.0 (0-1.4)0.3 (0-6.9)
Alcoholic (n = 45)22.5 (10.4-63.3)12.8 (3.6-30.8)15 (2.2-45.3)33.9 (5.7-64.2)33.8 (5.7-64.2)33.1 (5.7-63.9)0 (0-10.4)0.4 (0-42.5)
HCV absence (n = 111)21.8 (7.4-68.5)11.5 (4.5-54.4)16.7 (3-40.6)37.6 (8.9-70.1)36.6 (8.9-70.1)33.9 (8.9-68.6)0.0 (0.0-3.6)0.4 (0-9.4)
HCV presence (n = 150)21.5 (5.2-53.7)13.1 (4.1-36)15.7 (4-43.3)31.4 (10.5-59.3)30.9 (9.9-59.1)30 (8.5-57.7)0 (0-4.2)0.15 (0-13.9)
HBV absence (n = 206)22.0 (6.4-57.9)13 (4.2-38.1)16 (3.8-42.8)33.9 (10.2-65.8)33.6 (9.1-67.3)31.2 (7.4-67)0 (0-4)0.3 (0-10.4)
HBV presence (n = 55)21 (3.8-65)11.2 (2-67.3)16.7 (3.2-56.1)33.3 (10.7-55.7)32.5 (10.7-55.6)30.1 (10.7-53.4)0 (0-4.1)0.4 (0-14.4)
Not cholestatic (n = 246)21.7 (6.2-57.9)12.3 (4.1-40)15.5 (3.4-42.4)33 (10.2-58.6)32.1 (9.6-58.5)30.2 (9-57.1)0.0 (0-3.9)0.4 (0-10.4)
Cholestatic (n = 15)22.2 (NA)11.5 (NA)18.1 (NA)53.4 (NA)53.4 (NA)53.3 (NA)0.0 (NA)0.3 (NA)
HCC absence (n = 154)2.7 (7.6-65.6)12.2 (4.2-42.2)16.5 (3.1-42.9)33.9 (10.7-65.1)33 (10.7-62.8)30.8 (9.7-62.8)0 (0-4)0.4 (0-9.1)
HCC presence (n = 107)23.2 (4.8-55.8)13 (4.1-39.6)15.8 (3.4-42.8)33.3 (9.3-64.9)33.3 (8-64.9)31.5 (8.3-64.6)0.0 (0-3.4)0.1 (0-12.5)