Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Transplant. Jun 24, 2014; 4(2): 57-80
Published online Jun 24, 2014. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v4.i2.57
Table 1 renal transplant studies utilizing mycophenolic acid to withdraw calcineurin inhibitor beyond 6 mo post-transplant (“Late”)[83-93]
Ref.DesignPopulation (n)Baseline RegimennStrategyFollow-upRenal functionAcute rejectionGraft survivalPatient survival
Kosch et al[83]Prospective, randomized, single-center6-mo of deteriorating renal function, BP-CANCsA, Prednisolone12MMF added, target 2 g per day; CsA withdrawn over 4 wk6 moSCr + 0.03 mg/dL vs baseline (P = NS)NANANA
12MMF added, target 2 g; CsA continuedSCr + 0.07 mg/dL vs baseline (P = NS)NANANA
Suwelack et al[84]Prospective, randomized, single-center> 1-yr post transplant, SCr < 4 mg/dL, BP-CAN, deteriorating renal functionCsA or TAC, Prednisolone18MMF added, target 2 g; CsA withdrawn over 6 wk35 wkSlope 1/SCr 0.00585 ± 0.01122; 67% responders; Proteinuria 0.5 ± 0.55 g/24 h0%100%NA
20MMF added, target 2 g; CsA continuedSlope 1/SCr -0.00728 ± 0.01105 (P = 0.0018); 25% responders (P = 0.021); Proteinuria 1.5 ± 0.48 g/24 h (P = 0.01)0%85%NA
McGrath et al[85]Prospective, randomized, single-center> 1-yr post transplant, BP-CAN, deteriorating renal functionCsA, azathioprine, prednisolone15MMF added, target 2 g; CsA withdrawn by 14 wk6 moSCr - 58 μmol/L vs baseline (P < 0.001); isotope GFR + 8.5 mL/min vs baseline (P < 0.01)0%NANA
15CsA switch to TACSCr + 15 μmol/L vs baseline (P = NS); isotope GFR -2.1 mL/min vs baseline (P = NS)0%NANA
Hanvesakul et al[86]Retrospective, consecutive patients, single-center> 1-yr post transplant, CANCsA or TAC, azathioprine, prednisolone30MMF added, target 1.5-2 g; azathioprine stopped; CNI withdrawn over 4 wk1 yreGFR + 2 mL/min vs baseline3.30%86.70%96.70%
Dudley et al[87]Randomized, open, multicenter> 6-mo post transplant, deteriorating renal function, no recent ACRCsA monotherapy, or CsA/corticosteroid, or CsA/azathioprine/ corticosteroids73MMF added, target 2 g; azathioprine discontinued, if applicable; CsA withdrawn over 6 wk, if needed corticosteroid added1 yrResponse rate (6 mo): 58% stabilized or reduced SCr; Response rate (1 yr): 48%; Least squares mean SCr -24.9 μmol/L; Least squares mean CrCL +5 mL/min0%93.20%95.90%
CsA monotherapy, or CsA/corticosteroid, or CsA/azathioprine/ corticosteroids70Continued regimenResponse rate (6 mo): 32% stabilized or reduced SCr (P = 0.006); Response rate (1 yr): 35% (P = 0.1885); Least squares mean SCr +22.2 μmol/L (P < 0.01); Least squares mean CrCL -0.7 mL/min (P < 0.01)0%94.3%100%
Weir et al[88]Prospective, non-randomized, single-centerMean 853.3 d post transplant, BP-CAN, deteriorating renal function, no ACRCsA or TAC, prednisone, azathioprine or MMF18Azathioprine stopped; MMF added, target 2 g; CNI withdrawnMean 651 dResponse rate: 91.7% improved or lack of deterioration in renal function using least squares method slope 1/SCr (P = 0.038)NCR100%NA
CsA, prednisone, azathioprine or MMF67CsA dose reduced approximately 50%; azathioprine withdrawn; MMF added, target 2 gResponse rate: 51.7% improved or lack of deteriorationNCR100%NA
TAC, prednisone, azathioprine or MMF33TAC dose reduced approximately 50%; azathioprine withdrawn; MMF added, target 2 g59.3% improved or lack of deteriorationNCR100%NA
Weir et al[89]Continuation of above trial13CNI withdrawn76 mo2.7 ± 0.2 mg/dL7.7%92.3%100%
64CsA dose reduced54 mo3 ± 0.1 mg/dL4.7%62.5%92.2%
28TAC dose reduced42 mo3 ± 0.2 mg/dL7.1%67.8%100%
Abramowicz et al[90]Randomized, controlled, multicenterNo recent ACR, ≤ 1 ACR overall, 12 to 30 mo post-transplant, stable renal functionCsA, prednisone, ± azathioprine or MMF85MMF added over 3 mo, target 2 g; CsA withdrawn over 3 mo12 moCrCL improved 10% in 46%; SCr -1 μmol/L; CrCL + 4.5 mL/min vs control group (P = 0.16), eGFR + 2.3 mL/min vs control group (P = 0.24)10.6%100%NA
85MMF added over 3 mo, target 2 g; continued triple therapySCr + 4 μmol/L2.4% (P = 0.03)100%
Abramowicz et al[91]Continuation of above trial74CsA withdrawn60 moCrCL 67.4 mL/min10%88%93%
77Triple therapyCrCL 61.7 mL/min (P = 0.05)1% (P = 0.028)92%95%
Heeg et al[92]RetrospectiveBP-CNI toxicity, deteriorating renal function, mean 11.2 mo post-transplantCsA or TAC, Prednisolone, ± MMF or MPS17MPS added; CNI withdrawn; MMF withdrawn48 moAll vs Baseline. SCr at 6 mo -0.5 mg/dL (P < 0.05); eGFR at 6 mo + 11 mL/min; SCr at 36 mo -0.5 mg/dL (P = 0.063); eGFR at 36 mo +11 mL/min P = 0.022); SCr at 48 mo + 0.6 mg/dL (P = 0.27); eGFR at 48 mo +1 mL/min (P = 0.91)NANANA
Mourer et al[93]Prospective, randomized, single-centerNo recent ACR, ≤ 2 ACR overall, at least 12 mo post-transplant, stable renal functionCsA or TAC, Prednisone, MMF79CNI withdrawn, MMF concentration controlled36 moeGFR 59.5 ± 2.1 mL/min5.1%98.7%94.9%
79MMF withdrawn, CNI concentration controlledeGFR 51.1 ± 2.1 mL/min (P = 0.006)2.5%98.7%92.4%
Table 2 Renal transplant studies utilizing sirolimus to withdraw calcineurin inhibitor beyond 6 mo post-transplant
Ref.DesignPopulation (n)Baseline regimennStrategyFollow-upRenal functionAcute rejectionGraft survivalPatient survival
Gutierrez et al[102]Cohort> 1-yr post transplant, chronic allograft dysfunction, no proteinuriaNot specified8SRL added, CNI dose reduced 50%24.6 moProteinuria = +0.56 g/d vs baseline (P = NS)NA90.50%85.70%
13SRL added, CNI withdrawnProteinuria = + 0.67 g/d vs baseline (P = 0.02)
> 1-yr post transplant, chronic allograft dysfunction, proteinuria = 0.3-0.8 g/d10SRL added, CNI dose reduced 50%23.2 moProteinuria = +0.5 g/d vs baseline (P = NS)NA83.30%94.40%
8SRL added, CNI withdrawnProteinuria = +1.1 g/d vs baseline (P = 0.05)
> 1-yr post transplant, chronic allograft dysfunction, proteinuria > 0.8 g/d14SRL added, CNI dose reduced 50%25.9 moProteinuria = -0.1 g/d vs baseline (NS)NA79.20%87.50%
10SRL added, CNI withdrawnProteinuria = +2.3 g/d vs baseline (P = 0.01)
Maharaj et al[103]Retrospective cohort> 1-yr post transplant, CsA-induced biochemical toxicityNot specified6SRL added, CNI withdrawn25 moProteinuria = +0.06 g/d vs baseline eGFR = +12.2 mL/min vs baselineNANANA
> 1-yr post transplant, CAN6Proteinuria = +0.85 g/d vs baseline eGFR = -9.7 mL/min vs baselineNANANA
> 1-yr post transplant, Severe gum hypertrophy9Proteinuria = +0.99 g/d vs baseline eGFR = -1.0 mL/min vs baselineNANANA
4.5 mo post transplant, Posttransplant diabetes4Proteinuria = -0.22 g/d vs baseline eGFR = +13.3 mL/min vs baselineNANANA
5.5 mo post transplant, CNI induced histological nephrotoxicty2Proteinuria = +0.63 g/d vs baseline eGFR = -10.0 mL/min vs baselineNANANA
> 1-yr post transplant, CNI associated malignancy3Proteinuria = +0.09 g/d vs baseline eGFR = +7.0 mL/min vs baselineNANANA
Citterlo et al[104]Cohort> 6-mo post transplant, deteriorating renal function, sCr 2-4.5 mg/dL, proteinuria > 500 mg/d, biopsy confirmed fibrosis, tubular atrophy and intimal hyperplasiaCsA or TAC or azathioprine with corticosteroid19SRL added to target trough 8-12 ng/mL, CNI withdrawn by 3 mo6 moResponse rate: 57% improved or lacked deterioration in renal function0%NA100%
Wu et al[105]Retrospective cohort> 1-yr post transplant, CANCsA or TAC/corticosteroids orCsA or TAC/corticosteroids/ MMF32SRL added with CNI dose reduced8.5 moResponse rate: 50% improved or lacked deterioration in renal function3.10%87.50%NA
Chhabra et al[106]Randomized, prospective, open-label, single-center> 1-yr post transplantTAC, MMF123SRL added to target trough 5-8 ng/mL, TAC withdrawn by week 241.1 moeGFR = -3.3 mL/min per 1.73 m2vs baseline proteinuria > 1 g/d = + 4.7% vs baseline5.70% (ACR) 4.1% (AHR)97.60%97%
64Continue TAC to target trough 6-8 ng/mL40.7 moeGFR = -8.7 mL/min per 1.73 m2vs baseline, proteinuria > 1 g/d = + 7.4% vs baseline6.40% (ACR) 3.1% (AHR)97%100%
Wali et al[107]CohortRenal dysfunction and biopsy confirmed CANTAC/MMF or TAC/MMF/corticosteroids159SRL added, target trough 8-10 ng/mL, TAC withdrawn after second dose of SRL24 mosCr = -1.1 mg/dL vs baseline (P < 0.0001) eGFR = +21 mg/dL vs baseline (P < 0.0001)9.60%65%90%
Diekmann et al[108]Cohort> 1-yr post transplant, biopsy confirmed CNI toxicityCsA or TAC/corticosteroids, or CsA or TAC/corticosteroids/ azathioprine, or CsA or TAC/corticosteroids/ MMF,or CsA or TAC/MMF, or TAC/MMF/corticosteroids CsA or TAC/azathioprine22SRL added, target trough 8-12 ng/mL, CsA or TAC reduced by 50% immediately then further reduced 10%-20% weekly6 mosCr = -0.7 mg/dL vs baseline (%= NS), Response rate: 59.1% improved or lacked deterioration in renal functionNA86%100%
Bumbea et al[109]Prospective, single-center cohort>6-mo post transplant, chronic allograft dysfunction or recurrent cutaneous cancerCsA or TAC/corticosteroids, or CsA or TAC/corticosteroids/ azathioprine or CsA or TAC/corticosteroids/ MMF43SRL added, target trough = 8-12 ng/mL, CNI withdrawn abruptly or by week 327 mosCr = -17.8 μmol/L vs baseline (P = NS) CrCL = +2.3 mL/min vs baseline (P = NS) Proteinuria (> 1g/d): 20.6% at 2 yr (P = 0.01)0%93%95.30%
Boratynska et al[110]Cohort> 1-yr post transplant, biopsy confirmed CANCsA, prednisone, azathioprine5SRL added, target trough 10-18 ng/mL, CsA withdrawn immediately. After 5 mo, SRL withdrawn and CsA reinitiated3 mosCr = +1.6 mg/dL and proteinuria = +461 mg/dL after 3 mo SRL vs baseline sCr = +1.1 mg/dL and proteinuria = +6 mg/dL 6 mo after reconversion to CsA vs baseline sCr = -0.5 mg/dL and proteinuria = -455 mg/dL after reconversion to CsA vs SRL0%40%100%
Martínez-Mier et al[111]Retrospective cohort> 6-mo post transplant, > 20% sCr increase in 6 mo or sCr 2-4.5 mg/dLCsA, prednisone, MMF15SRL added, target trough 8-12 ng/mL, CsA withdrawn immediately6 mosCr = -0.78 mg/dL vs baseline (P = 0.003) BUN = - 9.84 mg/dL vs baseline (P = NS)0%100%100%
Kamar et al[112]Prospective, multicenter, noncomparative, open-label cohort> 1-yr post transplant, moderate renal insufficiency, sCr 160-265 µmol/LCsA or TAC, corticosteroids, MMF44SRL added to target trough 6-10 ng/mL, CNI withdrawn6 moGFR = +7.09 mL/min vs baseline (P = 0.03) Proteinuria = +0.57 g/d2.30%100%100%
Chen et al[113]Cohort> 6-mo post transplant, biopsy confirmed CANCsA or TAC, prednisone, MMF16SRL added, target trough 5-8 ng/mL, CNI withdrawn12 moResponse rate: 43.8% improved or lacked deterioration in renal function0%88%100%
Stallone et al[114]Prospective, open-label, single-center> 1-yr post transplant, Scr 1-3 mg/dLCsA or TAC, corticosteroids, MMF5040% CNI dose reduction24 mosCr = -0.02 mg/dL vs baseline (P = NS) CrCL -3.0 mL/min vs baseline (P = NS) Proteinuria = +0.17 vs baseline (P = NS) Follow-up biopsy: worsened CAN score, increased α-SMA0%84%100%
34SRL added, CNI immediately withdrawnsCr = -0.14 mg/dL vs baseline (P = NS) CrCL = +3.0 mg/dL vs baseline (P = NS) Proteinuria = +0.37 g/d vs baseline (P = NS) Follow-up biopsy: stable CAN score, improved α-SMA0%97% (P = 0.04)100%
Paoletti et al[115]Cohort> 6-mo post transplant, biopsy confirmed renal allograft dysfunctionCsA or TAC, corticosteroids, MMF13SRL added, target trough 4-8 ng/mL, CNI withdrawn3 yrsCr = -0.3 mg/dL vs baseline (P = 0.016) eGFR = +5.5 mg/dL vs baseline (P = 0.011) Proteinuria = +0.21 g/d vs baseline (P = 0.83)8%100%100%
> 6-mo post transplant with stable graft function26Continued regimensCr= +0.3 mg/dL vs baseline (P = 0.016) eGFR = -6.4 mg/dL vs baseline (P = 0.011) Proteinuria = +0.17 g/d vs baseline (P = 0.83)4%96%96%
Alarrayed et al[116]Retrospective, Observational, single-center> 1-yr post transplant, sCr < 140 µmol/LCsA or TAC, corticosteroids, azathioprine or MMF45SRL added to target trough 5-8 ng/mL, CNI withdrawn immediately72.8 mosCr = -6 μmol/L vs baseline (P = 0.001) Proteinuria = +0.2 g/d vs baseline (P = NS)0%100%NA
> 1-yr post transplant, sCr ≥ 140 µmol/L19sCr = -13 µmol/L vs baseline (P = 0.01) Proteinuria = +0.6 g/d vs baseline (P = 0.001)36.40%72.70%NA
Fischereder et al[117]Prospective cohort> 1-yr post transplant, deteriorating renal function, Scr 1.8-4 mg/dLCsA or TAC, corticosteroids, azathioprine or MMF12SRL added, target trough = 10-20 ng/mL, CNI withheld by 4 wk12 mosCr = -0.3 mg/dL vs baseline (P = 0.198) CrCL = +5.8 mL/min (P = 0.0368) Proteinuria = +735 mg/g creatinine vs baseline (P = 0.13)0%100%100%
Schena et al[118]Randomized, prospective, open-label, multicenter, blinded, comparative trial> 6-mo post transplant, baseline GFR > 40 mL/minCsA or TAC, corticosteroids, azathioprine or MMF497SRL added, target trough 8-20 ng/mL, CNI withdrawn in 1 d, MMF or azathioprine dose reduced or withdrawn24 moGFR = + 1.3 mL/min in patients converted to SRL as compared with patients continued on CNI at 12 mo (P = NS) GFR = +1.3 mL/min vs baseline, UPr/Cr = -84 vs baseline7.80%92.40%95.60%
> 6-mo post transplant, baseline GFR 20-40 mL/min58GFR = + 3.8 mL/min in patients converted to SRL as compared with patients continued on CNI at 24 mo (P = NS)8.60%65.50%82.80%
> 6-mo post transplant, baseline GFR > 40 mL/min246Continue regimenGFR = -1.8 mL/min vs baseline, UPr/Cr = -31 vs baseline6.50%93.90%96.30%
> 6-mo post transplant, baseline GFR 20-40 mL/min29GFR = + 2.6 mL/min in patients continued on CNI as compared with patients converted to SRL at 12 mo (P = NS)10.30%62.10%89.70%
Table 3 Renal transplant studies utilizing everolimus to withdraw calcineurin inhibitor beyond 6 mo post-transplant
Ref.DesignPopulation (n)Baseline regimennStrategyFollow-upRenal functionAcute rejectionGraft survivalPatient survival
Giron et al[126]Case seriesConversion due to unspecified reasons in Hispanic renal transplant patients (15 from cadaveric donors), mean conversion 8 mo post-transplantCsA or TAC, and unspecified regimen21Everolimus added with MPS or MMF with complete suspension of CNI10 mo (range, 2 to 22)Mean SCr showed a trend to decline: preconversion 1.7 mg/dL; post-conversion 1.5 mg/dL17%100%100%
Sánchez Fructuoso et al[127]Case series, prospective, openCAN or other reasons, stable renal function, mean 77 mo post-transplantCNI and unspecified regimen78Switched to everolimus with complete and quick elimination of the CNI: An initial dose of 3 mg/d was adequate to obtain the recommended trough levels between 5 and 10 ng/mL12 moBaseline CrCL = 51.9 ± 2.7 mL/min, and 3 mo = 55.7 ± 3.2 (P = 0.02). 12-mo CrCL not stated. Proteinuria = increased at 3 mo (P < 0.001), decreased between 3 to 6 mo (P = 0.001), but remained higher than basal levels (P = 0.002). Everolimus stopped in 13 patients (16.7%)NANANA
Ruiz et al[128]Case SeriesCAN with deteriorating renal functionCsA or TAC, and unspecified regimen; tripe drug (41%), double-drug (52%), monotherapy (7%)32Everolimus added, to eliminate CNI6 moBaseline SCr 1.93 ± 0.13 mg/dL vs 1.86 ± 0.14, P = 0.07. Proteinuria = 1.62 ± 0.62 g/d vs 2.11 ± 0.73 (P = 0.11)NANANA
Fernández et al[129]Case seriesCadaveric renal transplant patients with CAN, at a mean 123.8 ± 74.2 mo post-transplantCsA or TAC, ± MMF or azathioprine, corticosteroid not specified17Converted to everolimus with complete suspension of CNI24 moBaseline SCr of 1.8 ± 0.4; after a year, 1.62 ± 0.49; and after 2 yr, 1.56 ± 0.49 mg/dL (P < 0.05). Proteinuria was baseline 0.30 ± 0.13 mg/mg, 1 yr = 0.63 ± 0.68 (P < 0.05), and 2 yr = 0.48 ± 0.34. Protein/creatinine quotient was: baseline 0.30 ± 0.13; one year 0.63 ± 0.68; and 2 yr 0.48 ± 0.34. CrCL was baseline 37.1 ± 11.14 mL/min and 2 yr = 46.6 ± 14.6 (P < 0.05)NANA100%
Cadaveric renal transplant patients treated with non-CAN diagnosis at a mean 123.8 ± 74.2 mo post-transplantCsA or TAC, ± MMF or azathioprine, corticosteroid not specified10Converted to everolimus with complete suspension of CNI24 moBaseline SCr of 1.1 ± 0.32 mg/dL; , 1 yr 0.97 ± 0.15, and 2 yr 0.97 ± 0.15. Proteinuria at baseline 0.12 ± 0.07 mg/mg, 1 yr = 0.46 ± 0.68 (P < 0.05), and 2 yr = 0.32 ± 0.17 (P < 0.05). Protein/creatinine quotient was: baseline 0.2 ± 0.07, 1 yr = 0.73 ± 0.7, and 2 yr = 0.32 ± 0.17. CrCL was baseline 68.81 ± 19 mL/min and 2 yr 74.56 ± 12.3NANA50%, due to tumors
Kamar et al[130]Retrospective case-controlDSA-free kidney transplant patients with CNI toxicity, CAN or other diagnosisCsA or TAC or belatacept, ± MPA or azathioprine, ± corticosteroids61Converted to everolimus-based regimen without CNIs36 ± 25 moSCr (mmol/L) baseline 135 ± 37 to 141 ± 54 (P = NS). aMDRD GFR (mL/min) 54 ± 18 to 56 ± 22 (P = NS)NANANA
CsA or TAC, ± MPA or azathioprine, ± corticosteroids61Matched control patients on CNISCr (mmol/L) baseline 133 ± 51 to 131 ± 45 (P = NS). aMDRD GFR (mL/min) 65.7 ± 25 to 62 ± 24 (P = NS)
Morales et al[131]Case series1st or 2nd transplant, converted due to CAN, nephrotoxicty or malignancy, mean 5 yr post-transplantCsA or TAC, ± MMF or azathioprine, ± corticosteroid8Everolimus added to replace (n = 6) or decrease (30% reduction) CNI dose (n = 2) Antiproliferative dose reduced.1-16 moMean baseline SCr was 1.96 ± 0.69 mg/dL vs 1.59 ± 0.52. Mean CrCL = 51 ± 34.6 mL/min vs 56.5 ± 25.5. Mean Proteinuria:creatinine ratio = 1.34 ± 2.17 vs 1.28 ± 1.19 mg/g.NANANA
Holdaas et al[132]Prospective, randomized, open-label, multi-center. ASCERTAIN study> 6-mopost transplant, renal impairment, no recent ACR < 3 moCsA or TAC, ± MPA or azathioprine, ± corticosteroids127Everolimus added, target 8-12 ng/mL; to eliminate CNI24 moMean measured GFR at month 24, 48 ± 22 mL/min per 1.73 m2 Difference vs control was 1.12 mL/min per 1.73 m2, 95%CI : -3.51-5.76 (P = 0.63). Urine protein: creatinine (mg/mmol) median increased from baseline 16.6 (3.5-413.7) to 32.6 (4.1-665.9; P = 0.007 vs control)5.50%94.50%97.60%
144Everolimus added, target 3-8 ng/mL; to decrease CNI doseMean measured GFR at month 24, 46.6 ± 21.1 mL/min per 1.73 m2. Difference vs control was 0.59 mL/min per 1.73 m2, 95%CI: -3.88-5.07 (P = 0.79). Urine protein: creatinine (mg/mmol) median increased from baseline 13.5 (2.4-319.4) to 22.4 (5.1-513.5; P = 0.54 vs control)5.60%92.40%97.90%
123Controls maintained current CNI-based regimenMean measure GFR at month 24 46 ± 20.4 mL/min. Urine protein:creatinine (mg/mmol) median remained stable from baseline 14.3 (3.3-431.9) to 19.3 (3.3-431.9)2.40%95.10%100%
Inza et al[133]Case seriesCadaveric kidney allograft, SCr > 2 mg/dL, proteinuria < 1 g/ 24 hCsA or TAC, ± MPA or sirolimus, corticosteroids22Switched CNI to Everolimus, mean starting dose 1.4 mg/d.24 moBaseline CrCL 29.31 ± 10.15 mL/min to 3-mo 37.99 ± 14.44 (P = 0.0076). No results specified for 24 mo, but authors stated CrCL trended to decline (P = 0.6). Proteinuria (mg/24 h) increased from baseline 384 ± 26.13 to one month, 958 ± 1019.38 (P = 0.05), to month 12, 1295 ± 1200.83 (P = 0.0106)4.50%90.50%100%
Cataneo- Dávila et al[134]Prospective, randomized, open pilot> 6-mo post transplant, stable renal function, Banff grade I or IICAN within 6 mo, without ACR or grade III CAN in last 3 moCsA or TAC, MMF or azathioprine, corticosteroids10MMF or azathioprine were withdrawn and Everolimus added to decrease CNI dose by 80%.12 moBaseline and end-of-study data were as follows: SCr, 1.27 ± 0.35 mg/dL vs 1.24 ± 0.4 mg/dL; estimated GFR = 72.4 ± 19.86 mL/min vs 76.26 ± 22.69 mL/min (P = NS); microalbuminuria 0 mg/g (range 0-50) vs 0 (range 0-609; P = NS)10%NANA
CsA or TAC, MMF or azathioprine, corticosteroids10Everolimus added to eliminate CNI gradually. MMF or azathioprine withdrawn, then re-introduced at CNI eliminationBaseline and end-of-study data were as follows: SCr 1.27 ± 0.36 mg/dL vs 1.25 ± 0.3 mg/dL; estimated GFR 66.2 ± 12.95 mL/min vs 66.2 ± 13.73 mL/min (P = NS); microalbuminuria 0 mg/g (range 0-60) vs 0 (range 0-34; P = NS)0%NANA
Albano et al[135]Prospective, randomized, open-label, multi-center. FOREVER trialCompletion of CALLISTO study of patients at risk for DGF, from transplantation to month 12, with proteinuria < 1 g/24 h at month 12Low-exposure CsA, everolimus, corticosteroids15Switch CsA to mycophenolate sodium 720 mg/d, increase everolimus, target trough goal 6-10 ng/mL12 moMedian (range) mGFR was 54 (21-87) mL/min at baseline (P = 0.053 vs CNI at baseline) vs 56 (18-126) mL/min at month 12 (P = 0.007 vs CNI continuation; P = 0.3 vs baseline). Difference in mGFR (SE) was +10.3 mL/min (4.8) vs baseline. SCr (SE) = 24 μmol/mL (27). Proteinuria least squares mean change from baseline (SE) = 0.16 g/24 h (0.2)0%100%100%
15Continue CsA and everolimus unchanged, trough goal 3-8 ng/mLMedian (range) mGFR was 37 (range 18-69) mL/min at baseline (P = 0.053) vs 32 (12-63) mL/min at month 12 (P = 0.007). Difference in mGFR (SE) was -4.1 mL/min (5) vs baseline. Proteinuria least squares mean change from baseline (SE) = 0.08 g/24 h (0.23)6.67%100%93.3%