Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Psychiatry. Sep 19, 2024; 14(9): 1308-1318
Published online Sep 19, 2024. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v14.i9.1308
Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics, n (%)
Control group
Generalized anxiety disorder group
P value
Age (yr)53.79 ± 16.2358.30 ± 13.701.8630.065
Sex (male/female)25/4539/501.8120.178
Body mass index (kg/m2)24.55 ± 2.0624.46 ± 3.240.2910.760
Smoking history19 (27.14)18 (20.22)1.0500.305
Drinking history9 (12.85)8 (8.99)0.0010.529
Diabetes10 (14.29)13 (14.60)0.0300.954
Hypertension33 (47.14)46 (51.69)0.3230.570
Coronary heart disease 8 (11.42)18 (20.22)2.2160.137
Hyperlipidemia7 (10.00)10 (11.23)0.0630.802
Cerebral infarction10 (14.28)15 (16.85)0.1950.659
Table 2 Comparison of levels of inflammation-related cytokines between the two groups
Inflammatory factor (normal range)
Control group (mean ± SD)
Generalized anxiety disorder group (mean ± SD)
t value
P value
IL-1β (0-12.4 pg/mL)1.69 ± 1.041.96 ± 2.211.0240.308
IL-2 (0-5.71 pg/mL)1.45 ± 0.981.78 ± 1.401.6840.094
IL-4 (0-3 pg/mL)1.68 ± 1.142.19 ± 1.822.0400.043
IL-5 (0-3.10 pg/mL)1.27 ± 0.582.18 ± 1.804.0440.001
IL-6 (0-7 pg/mL)5.03 ± 3.115.06 ± 3.98-0.400.968
IL-8 (0-20.60 pg/mL)30.59 ± 41.3357.53 ± 230.291.0810.336
IL-10 (0-4.91 pg/mL)2.30 ± 0.823.66 ± 5.862.1630.056
TNF-α (0-4.60 pg/mL)2.05 ± 1.252.42 ± 2.671.0690.287
IFN-γ (0-7.42 pg/mL)1.77 ± 1.292.02 ± 1.591.0560.292
IL-17A (0-20.6 pg/mL)7.23 ± 4.844.27 ± 4.42-3.7490.001
IL-12p70 (0-3.4 pg/mL)2.07 ± 1.402.55 ± 2.541.4430.151
IFN-α (0-8.5 pg/mL)1.80 ± 1.203.42 ± 10.421.4600.148
Table 3 Inflammation-related cytokine levels after lipopolysaccharide stimulation
Inflammatory factor (normal range)
Control group (mean ± SD)
Generalized anxiety disorder group (mean ± SD)
t value
P value
IL-1β (0-12.4 pg/mL)1592.06 ± 622.431538.99 ± 844.21-0.4400.660
IL-2 (0-5.71 pg/mL)1.12 ± 0.671.13 ± 0.850.0820.935
IL-4 (0-3 pg/mL)1.44 ± 0.751.25 ± 0.77-1.5680.119
IL-5 (0-3.10 pg/mL)1.09 ± 0.681.04 ± 0.39-0.6250.534
IL-6 (0-7 pg/mL)14354.85 ± 1420.6214657.66 ± 3347.420.1730.443
IL-8 (0-20.60 pg/mL)9515.79 ± 3803.6111351.12 ± 6349.792.3060.025
IL-10 (0-4.91 pg/mL)1244.80 ± 2727.531049.45 ± 2877.97-0.4330.665
TNF-α (0-4.60 pg/mL)2666.29 ± 1272.873197.81 ± 1887.781.6760.045
IFN-γ (0-7.42 pg/mL)34.72 ± 166.8123.77 ± 74.81-0.5530.581
IL-17 (0-20.6 pg/mL)26.91 ± 22.76728.78 ± 30.530.4260.671
IL-12p70 (0-3.4 pg/mL)2.50 ± 2.841.94 ± 1.44-1.6330.104
IFN-α (0-8.5 pg/mL)2.42 ± 2.242.01 ± 2.21-1.1810.240
Table 4 Correlation between inflammatory factors and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale scores
Inflammatory factor
Correlation with HAMA scores before LPS stimulation
Correlation with HAMA scores after LPS- stimulation
r value
P value
r value
P value
IL-60.0580.5900.379< 0.001
IL-80.1490.1640.640< 0.001
TNF-α0.1080.3130.621< 0.001
Table 5 Correlation between inflammatory factors and mental anxiety and somatic anxiety
Inflammatory factor
Correlation with mental anxiety
Correlation with somatic anxiety
r value
P value
r value
P value
IL-60.374< 0.00010.3040.004
IL-80.495< 0.00010.587< 0.0001
IL-10-0.224< 0.035-0.3070.003
TNF-α0.644< 0.00010.503< 0.0001
Table 6 Correlation between inflammatory factors and factors of somatic anxiety
Somatic anxiety factor (symptoms)Correlation with inflammatory factors
IL- 10
r value
P value
r value
P value
r value
P value
Muscular system0.260.8080.1750.101-0.200.853
Sensory system0.1430.1820.1140.288-1.690.114
Cardiovascular system0.300.0040.1190.2650.0290.788
Respiratory system0.0120.9080.1180.273-0.0920.392
Gastrointestinal system-0.0520.6300.0270.801-0.503< 0.0001
Genitourinary system0.1020.3410.3220.002-0.1240.245
Autonomic nervous system0.0770.4710.517< 0.0001-0.0400.707