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Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Adventist University of São Paulo (2009). In 2011 and 2015, completed his master's and doctorate degrees, respectively, in the discipline of Rheumatology at the Department of Medicine at Federal University of Sao Paulo - UNIFESP (Brazil), where he studied autoantibodies against IMPDH, which generates the "rods rings" pattern in the HEp-2-IFA test. From 2015 to 2017, he developed a Post-Doctorate at the Functional Genomics Sub-Unit of the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics (DPAG) at the University of Oxford (UK), where he described the cellular and physiological function of RR structures, also called cytoophidium (cellular snakes). He currently works as a Young Researcher in the Discipline of Rheumatology at UNIFESP-EPM where he develops a project that aims to deplete pathogenic autoantibodies with gene editing. Since 2023, he has also served as Professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the Catholic University of North (UCN) in Chile.