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- Artificial Intelligence in Cancer
- Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology
- Artificial Intelligence in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging
- World Journal of Anesthesiology
- World Journal of Biological Chemistry
- World Journal of Cardiology
- World Journal of Clinical Cases
- World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases
- World Journal of Clinical Oncology
- World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
- World Journal of Clinical Urology
- World Journal of Critical Care Medicine
- World Journal of Dermatology
- World Journal of Diabetes
- World Journal of Experimental Medicine
- World Journal of Gastroenterology
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
- World Journal of Hematology
- World Journal of Hepatology
- World Journal of Hypertension
- World Journal of Immunology
- World Journal of Medical Genetics
- World Journal of Meta-Analysis
- World Journal of Methodology
- World Journal of Nephrology
- World Journal of Neurology
- World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- World Journal of Ophthalmology
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- World Journal of Rheumatology
- World Journal of Stem Cells
- World Journal of Stomatology
- World Journal of Surgical Procedures
- World Journal of Translational Medicine
- World Journal of Transplantation
- World Journal of Virology
- 世界华人消化杂志
Editorial Board
I have been a productive clinical researcher with more than 50 peer-reviewed publications,
numerous abstracts, and have authored chapters in internal medicine, critical care and
emergency medicine books. I have also presented my research work at various national and
international conferences. In addition to my participation as a reviewer for many renowned
Anesthesia and Critical Care Journals, I am also on the editorial panel of several
international peer-reviewed journals. I am also a certified teacher for several critical care
fellowships like “ISCCM Fellowship” and “Indo-Australian Fellowship” and am a guide for
post-graduate students. I am a member of the “Executive Committee” of ISCCM –Delhi Chapter
and member of organizing committee for Annual Delhi Critical Care Symposium. I am on the
“Organizing Board” of APCC, which is instrumental in conducting annual critical care
conferences, CMEs, and workshops. I have been invited to lecture on various critical care
topics at numerous regional and national scientific events including APICON, ISACON and
Annual ISCCM conferences. I am also a certified FCCS (SCCM, USA) Instructor and have
organized several FCCS courses across India. I am also a certified instructor for ACLS,
BASIC, BASIC-nephrology, and 4Cs courses.