©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Crit Care Med. Jun 9, 2025; 14(2): 101587
Published online Jun 9, 2025. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v14.i2.101587
Published online Jun 9, 2025. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v14.i2.101587
Table 1 Prevalence of bacterial infections amongacute liver failure or acute-on-chronic liver failure patients in different countries
Ref. | Country | Patients | n | Overall infection | Remarks |
Cai et al[32], 2017 | China | ACLF | 389 | 81.2% | Pneumonia 49.4%, SBP 37.3%, UTI 13.3%. Gram positive sepsis 59.8%, Gram negative 55.3% |
Fernández et al[18], 2018 | Europe | ACLF | 407 | 66.1% | BI at diagnosis 37%, BI during follow-up 46%. BI was associated with higher inflammation and worse outcomes |
Karvellas et al[30], 2009 | Canada | ALF | 206 | 35% | Gram positive organisms in 44% of isolates, gram negatives in 52%, and 4% was fungal |
Kaur et al[8], 2024 | India | ALF | 143 | 64% | Overall infection was 77% including fungal infection in 17.3%, MDR 70% |
Liu et al[33], 2021 | China | ACLF | 140 | 69.2% | SBP 36.1%, pneumonia 23.7%, and multi-site infection 22.7%. Gram-negative bacteria 68.4%, and Gram-positive 31.6% |
Moreau et al[35], 2013 | Europe | ACLF | 303 | 32.6% | SBP 10.6%, Pneumonia 61%, UTI 6.1% |
Mücke et al[19], 2018 | Europe | ACLF | 173 | 41% | SBP 32.4%, pneumonia 25.4% |
Rolando et al[29], 1990 | England | ALF | 50 | 80% | Respiratory tract infection 47%,and gram-positive bacteria 69.8% |
Shalimar et al[31], 2017 | India | ALF | 540 | 49% | BI at diagnosis 22.2%, BI during follow-up 34% |
Shalimar et al[34], 2018 | India | ACLF | 572 | 66.7% | Gram negative sepsis 91.6%. Pneumonia 45%, SBP 21.1%, UTI (15.2%) |
Zhai et al[43], 2020 | China | ACLF | 289 | 64% | Gram negative sepsis 58.3%, Pneumonia 55.7%, SBP 47.6% |
Zhang et al[37], 2022 | China | ACLF | 539 | 58.8% | SBP 31.54%, UTI 26.53%, Pneumonia 12.9%. Gram-positive sepsis 23.76%, Gram-negative sepsis 62.87% |
Zider et al[28], 2016 | United States | ALF | 150 | 41% | One site infection 60%, multi-site infection 40%. Pneumonia 64% and UTI 55% |
Table 2 Studies on biomarkers of sepsispatients within acute liver failure or acute-on-chronic liver failure
Ref. | Country | Patients | Biomarker(s) | Results and remarks |
Silvestre et al[50], 2010 | Europe | ALF | CRP | CRP levels are markedly decreased in ALF, even in presence of sepsis |
Igna et al[62], 2022 | Europe | ACLF | Presepsin, PCT and CRP | Presepsin, CRP, and PCT levels were higher in sepsis patients. Presepsin ≥ 2300 pg/mL had excellent (AUROC 0.95) for sepsis |
Rule et al[55], 2015 | USA | ALF | PCT | PCT levels > 2.0 ng/mL could not differentiate ALF patients with or without BIs |
Huang et al[68], 2017 | China | ACLF | Prostaglandin E2 | Serum Prostaglandin E2 Level 141pg/mL predicted infection with AUROC curve of 0.83 |
Chen et al[48], 2021 | China | ACLF | sTREM-1, Presepsin, and PCT | sTREM-1 and presepsin were significantly higher in sepsis patients, with higher accuracy compared to CRP and PCT |
Cavazza et al[63], 2024 | United States | ALF | sCD206 | sCD206, a soluble markers of macrophage activation, independently predictedinfection |
Yadav et al[69], 2022 | India | ACLF | IL-1Ra, IL-18, TREM1, PD-L1, and TIM3 | Higher baseline and rising levels of IL-1Ra, IL-18, TREM1 soluble factors, and suppressive monocytes (PDL1+ve, TIM3+ve)predictedrisk of sepsis within 72 hours |
Lin et al[57], 2020 | China | ACLF | PCT, neutrophils% and CRP | The AUROC of the infection score,comprisingPCT, neutrophils% and CRP, for discriminatingBI was 0.740 |
Yuet al[80], 2024 | China | ACLF | BTLA | BTLA levels, a member of the CD28Igsuperfamily, significantly increased in the CD4+ T cells andwere positively correlated with infection complications |
Table 3 Summary of the performance, advantages, and limitations of various traditional and novel biomarkers of sepsis
Biomarkers | Overall performance for sepsis | Advantages | Limitations |
CRP | Pooled sensitivity 80% and pooled specificity 61% for BI in general[49] | Wide availability. Low cost | Low specificity for BI. Falsely low levels in liver failure. Lag time: 12-24 hours. False positive in inflammation |
PCT | Pooled sensitivity 77% and pooled specificity of 79% in general[53] | Easily available. Validated across multiple studies. Rapid elevation, 3–4 hours after BI | Modest to poor discriminatory role in liver failure patients. Varying cut-off levels. False positive in inflammation. Poor performance in renal failure and immunocompromised patients |
IL-6 | Pooled sensitivity 85% and specificity 91% for BI in cirrhosis[58] | Estimation is accurate, fast, and simple | It is a non-specific pro-inflammatory cytokine. Needs further studies in liver failure patients |
HDL-C | HDL-C has an inverse correlation with BI[65,66] | Simple test. Low-cost. Widely available | Inverse correlation also exists between HDL-C and liver disease per se. Needs further studies as a biomarker for sepsis |
Presepsin | Overall diagnostic sensitivity 83% and specificity 78%[59] | Better performance in liver failure patients than CRP and PCT[48]. Specific association with gram negative sepsis-Detectable within 2 hours of BI | Limited availability. Expensive test. More effective as an adjunct biomarker than when used alone. Requires further validation studies |
sTREM-1 | Pooled sensitivity 85% andspecificity 79% for differentiating sepsis from SIRS[61] | Early detection, < 2 hours after BI. Short half-life, making it useful for treatment response | Not routinely available. Varying cut-off levels. Requires further validation studies. Only modest performance when used alone |
Bacterial DNA testing | Next-Generation Sequencing methodenables the identification of all bacteria in the blood and body fluid[70,71] | Quick and wide-ranging detection of bacteria | Not routinely available. Primer cross-reactivity with human DNA. Limited specificityand inconsistent results. DNA without a live pathogen compromises interpretation |
sCD206 | Significant association with infection (AUROC 71%) and mortality in ALF (AUROC 81%)[63] | It is among few novel biomarker evaluated in ALF patients | Not routinely available for use. Levels also increases in fungal and viral infection.Requires further validation studies |
- Citation: Kumar R, Kumar A, Kumar S. Sepsis in liver failure patients: Diagnostic challenges and recent advancements. World J Crit Care Med 2025; 14(2): 101587
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