Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Crit Care Med. Jun 9, 2025; 14(2): 101377
Published online Jun 9, 2025. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v14.i2.101377
Table 1 Berlin criteria for acute respiratory distress syndrome
TimingAcute onset within one week of a known respiratory clinical insult or new/worsening respiratory symptoms
Hypoxemia200 < PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 with PEEP or CPAP ≥ 5 cmH2O100 < PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 with PEEP ≥ 5 cmH2OPaO2/FiO2 < 100 with PEEP ≥ 5 cmH2O
Origin of edemaRespiratory failure is associated with known risk factors and is not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload. An objective assessment of cardiac failure or fluid overload is needed if no risk factor is present
Radiologic abnormalitiesBilateral opacitiesOpacities involving at least three quadrants
Additional physiological derangementN/ACrs < 40 mL/cmH2O1
Table 2 Summary of included studies
Title of the article
Objective of the article
Methodology of the article
Number of patients included in the article
Summary of the results
How driving pressure is described in the article
Mortality rate or mortality outcome mentioned in article
Effect of driving pressure on mortality
Gattinoni et al[22], 2006Lung recruitment in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndromeStudying lung recruitment in ARDSProspective studyNot specifiedLung recruitment beneficial for ARDSNot describedYesLung recruitment beneficial for ARDS
Meade et al[16], 2008Ventilation strategy using low tidal volumes, recruitment maneuvers, and high positive end-expiratory pressure for acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome: A randomized controlled trialTo study the effect of ventilation strategy on ARDSRandomized controlled trialNot specifiedLow tidal volumes and high PEEP beneficial for ARDSNot describedYesLow tidal volumes and high PEEP beneficial for ARDS
Mercat et al[21], 2008Positive end-expiratory pressure setting in adults with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome: A randomized controlled trialTo study the effect of PEEP setting on ARDSRandomized controlled trialNot specifiedHigh PEEP beneficial for ARDSNot describedYesHigh PEEP beneficial for ARDS
Retamal et al[25], 2015High PEEP levels are associated with overdistension and tidal recruitment/derecruitment in ARDS patientsTo study the effects of high PEEP levels on lung mechanics in ARDS patientsProspective studyNot specifiedHigh PEEP levels associated with overdistension and tidal recruitment/derecruitmentNot describedYesHigh PEEP levels associated with overdistension and tidal recruitment/derecruitment
Borges et al[28], 2015Altering the mechanical scenario to decrease the driving pressureTo study the effect of altering mechanical scenarios on DPProspective studyNot specifiedAltering mechanical scenarios can decrease DPDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesAltering mechanical scenarios can decrease DP
Bellani et al[8], 2016Epidemiology, patterns of care, and mortality for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care units in 50 countriesTo study the epidemiology and outcomes of ARDSProspective study459 ICUsHigh mortality rate and geographical variation in ARDSNot describedYesNot specified
Chiumello et al[19], 2016Airway driving pressure and lung stress in ARDS patientsTo study the relationship between driving pressure and lung stress in ARDSRetrospective study150 patientsDP correlated with lung stressDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesDriving pressure correlated with lung stress
Baedorf Kassis et al[31], 2016Mortality and pulmonary mechanics in relation to respiratory system and transpulmonary driving pressures in ARDSTo study the relationship between pulmonary mechanics and mortality in ARDSRetrospective study150 patientsDP correlated with lung stress and mortalityDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesDP correlated with lung stress and mortality
Guérin et al[33], 2016Effect of driving pressure on mortality in ARDS patients during lung protective mechanical ventilation in two randomized controlled trialsTo study the effect of DP on mortality in ARDSRandomized controlled trialNot specifiedDP correlated with mortality in ARDSDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesDP correlated with mortality in ARDS
Xie et al[29], 2017The effects of low tidal ventilation on lung strain correlate with respiratory system complianceTo study the effects of low tidal ventilation on lung strainProspective studyNot specifiedLow tidal ventilation correlated with respiratory system complianceDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesLow tidal ventilation correlated with respiratory system compliance
Mezidi et al[36], 2017Effect of end-inspiratory plateau pressure duration on driving pressureTo study the effect of plateau pressure duration on DPProspective studyNot specifiedPlateau pressure duration affects DPDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesPlateau pressure duration affects DP
Das et al[10], 2019What links ventilator driving pressure with survival in acute respiratory distress syndrome?To study the link between ventilator driving pressure and survival in ARDSComputational studyNot specifiedLink between DP and survivalDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesDriving pressure linked to survival
Collino et al[26], 2019Positive end-expiratory pressure and mechanical powerTo study the effect of PEEP and mechanical power on ARDSProspective studyNot specifiedHigh PEEP levels associated with overdistension and tidal recruitment/derecruitmentNot describedYesHigh PEEP levels associated with overdistension and tidal recruitment/derecruitment
Dai et al[32], 2019Risk factors for outcomes of acute respiratory distress syndrome patients: a retrospective studyTo identify risk factors for ARDS outcomesRetrospective studyNot specifiedIdentified risk factors for ARDS outcomesNot describedYesIdentified risk factors for ARDS outcomes
Bellani et al[37], 2019Driving pressure is associated with outcome during assisted ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndromeTo study the association of DP with outcomes during assisted ventilation in ARDSProspective studyNot specifiedDP associated with outcomes during assisted ventilation in ARDSDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesDP associated with outcomes during assisted ventilation in ARDS
Yehya et al[30], 2021Response to ventilator adjustments for predicting ARDS mortality: Driving pressure versus oxygenationTo compare the predictive value of DP and oxygenation on ARDS mortalityComparative studyNot specifiedDP more informative about ventilator adjustments than oxygenationDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesDP more informative about ventilator adjustments than oxygenation
Dianti et al[17], 2021Comparing the effects of tidal volume, driving pressure, and mechanical power on mortality in trials of lung-protective mechanical ventilationComparing the effects of tidal volume, driving pressure, and mechanical power on mortalityComparative studyNot specifiedDP and mechanical power correlated with mortalityDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesDriving pressure correlated with mortality
Goligher et al[35], 2021Effect of lowering VT on mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome varies with respiratory system elastanceTo study the effect of lowering tidal volume on mortality in ARDSProspective studyNot specifiedLowering tidal volume beneficial for ARDSNot describedYesLowering tidal volume beneficial for ARDS
Costa et al[42], 2021Ventilatory variables and mechanical power in patients with acute respiratory distress syndromeTo study ventilatory variables and mechanical power in ARDSProspective studyNot specifiedVentilatory variables and mechanical power associated with ARDS outcomesDescribed as the difference between plateau pressure and PEEPYesVentilatory variables and mechanical power associated with ARDS outcomes