Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Crit Care Med. Jun 9, 2024; 13(2): 89644
Published online Jun 9, 2024. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v13.i2.89644
Table 1 Comparison of system 1 and system 2 thinking

System 1
System 2
Basis for decisionsHeuristics, Pattern RecognitionLogical, analytical
ActivationDefault systemActivated when needed (e.g., atypical or complex presentation)
SpeedEfficient, time sparingRigorous, time-consuming
Optimal useFamiliar situationsUnfamiliar or uncertain situations
Role of informationLimited information requiredInformation required to minimize uncertainty
Role of experienceRelies on prior training and experienceRelies on the pursuit of new knowledge/information
Efficiency and accuracy improve with experienceProvides useable tools for novices
LimitationsSusceptible to cognitive biases Accuracy is dependent on effort and time
Increases cognitive load
Not reliable for novicesLess useful in stressful events
Table 2 Common cognitive biases encountered in critical care decision making
Cognitive bias
Anchoring bias Relying too heavily on the first information received when making decisions
Availability bias Judging a diagnosis as more likely if it quickly and readily comes to mind
Confirmation bias Selectively seeking information to support a diagnosis rather than information to refute it
Diagnostic momentum Attaching diagnostic labels and not reevaluating them
Dunning-Kruger effect The tendency for a novice to overestimate their skills
Framing effect Arriving at different conclusions depending on how the information is presented
Hindsight bias Interpreting past events as more predictable than they actually are
Premature closureFinalizing a diagnosis without full confirmation
Sunk cost bias Difficulty considering alternatives when time, effort, and energy are invested in a particular diagnosis
Table 3 Ten misconceptions and realities for understanding and improving critical care decision-making
Diagnostic errors resulting in adverse events are infrequent and of little impact on critically ill patients Diagnostic errors are prevalent and associated with significant patient harm and cost
Useful models for understanding clinical decision-making are lacking Cognitive science has provided insight into clinical decision-making that can be used to reduce error
Most diagnostic errors are due to infrequent conditions and clinician inexperienceDiagnostic errors occur most frequently with atypical presentations of commonly occurring conditions
Advanced laboratory diagnostics have reduced the value of a thorough history and comprehensive physical exam History taking and physical examination remain central to the process of diagnostic reasoning
Decision-making errors are most effectively avoided by slowing down and trying harderGeneral-purpose directives to 'try harder' or "slow down and be thorough" are often suggested to allow time for analytical reasoning, but multiple studies of this technique have shown little benefit in improving cognitive performance
Debiasing strategies are most effective for novice practitionersStudies suggest limited benefits of debiasing training for novice practitioners since they often do not have enough experience to utilize heuristics, leading them to fall victim to cognitive biases. As novice practitioners acquire additional knowledge and clinical experience, they are more likely to use heuristics and will more likely benefit from debiasing strategies
A robust body of evidence exists for the effectiveness of debiasing strategies in clinical decision-making
Recent reviews of debiasing interventions show promise for improving diagnostic accuracy but demonstrated benefit in clinical practice is currently lacking
Valid methods for assessment of decision-making are lackingMany clinical reasoning assessments have been each with their strengths and limitations. Utilizing a variety of assessment tools for decision-making together with developmental milestones is essential to support learning
Clinical decision support systems based on artificial intelligence obviate the need for diagnostic reasoningAI algorithms hold promise for improving decision-making, but understanding the potential biases in such systems is essential. An integrated approach combining the unique advantages of AI pattern recognition and human contextual interpretation will likely result in the best patient outcomes
Peer review is best used to identify medical errors and assign responsibilityMaximizing the value of the PRC requires both recognizing the decisions and errors involved and reflecting on them. Evaluation of clinical cases should move away from the single-dimensional approach of assigning individual fault and toward recognizing the multiplicity of factors that contribute to diagnostic error and the ultimate outcome