BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Editorial Board
Serve as an editorial board member for BMC Pulmonary Medicine, Canadian Respiratory Journal, and Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. I am working in the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University with focusing on COPD, Asthma and allergic disorders, Lung cancer, Infectious, Rare and Idiopathic Pulmonary Diseases. More over, I got more than 2 years basic research training in Dr Yong Zhou’s Lab (http://scholars.uab.edu/display/yzhou), Pulmonary, Allergy, & Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. My research projects are focusing on mechanotransduction in lung fibrosis and endothelial dysfunction in COPD. I have published over 20 articles in reputable peer-review journals.