Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Immunol. Nov 27, 2015; 5(3): 113-130
Published online Nov 27, 2015. doi: 10.5411/wji.v5.i3.113
Table 1 Dendritic cells and the maintenance of homeostasis in different tissues
TissueLocationResident DC in naïve tissueResident associated cells/naïve tissueStromal/cellular interactions in immune homeostasisRef.
SkinEpidermisCd1a+ Langerin+ Langerhans cells expressing Birbeck granulesKeratinocytesE-cadherin junctions with keratinocytes, TGF-β production, tolerogenic Treg responses[6, 40-42]
DermisCD1c+ DC-SIGN+ DEC205+ dermal DC subsets (Langerin+ CD11blow, Langerin-CD11b-, and Langerin-CD11blow)To be elucidated (presumed dermal matrix, fibroblasts)Pluripotent dermal DC may present antigen, migrate or reside in tissue depending on local interactions[69, 144]
Intestinal mucosaLP, Peyer’s patches, GALT, SILTCD103+CD11b+ or CD103+ CD11b-migratory DC, CD103+Sirpα- DC, pDC, CX3CR1+ DCMacrophages, B cellsMaintain immune homeostasis, induce Treg differentiation, oral tolerance (TGF-β, Treg, TH2 factors)[5, 48-50, 145, 146]
Gut: Retinoic acid, TH17 cells
LP: indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
CD83 on DC regulates mucosal tolerance
LiverPortal tracts, interstitial DCCD103+DC, CD103-DC, CD103-CD11b+DC, CD141+ DC (high in healthy liver)Hepatic stellate cells, sinusoidal endothelial cells, Kupffer cells, hepatocytesInhibit DC activation (indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase expression), repress T cell activation (IL-10, TGF-β) via CTLA-4, PD-1[4, 51, 52,147,148]
CorneaCentral/peripheral corneal stromaCD11b+ CD11c+ DC, B220+ CD11clo pDC, CD34+ MHCII myeloid precursorsStromal Collagen I, CD11b+ CD11c- macrophages, keratocytesMaintain MHCIIlow CD80low CD86low phenotype under normal conditions[54-57]
SpleenMarginal zonesLymphoid, myeloid and pDCMacrophages, T cells, B cells (zone dependant)To be elucidated[58-60]
Bone marrowOsteoblastic or vascular nichesResident hematopoietic stem cell DC progenitorsOsteoblasts, stromal cells and sinusoidal endothelial cells-[61]
RetinaPeripheral margins and juxtapapillary areasPresence of DCs is debated.Likely migrated in from choroid, ciliary body and meningesPerivasulcar - around retinal venules (initial site of immune disruption), but not arterioles.[149]
Few MHCII+ 33D1+ DC observed in naïve brain
BrainRegions of synaptic plasticity and neurogenesisPresence of DCs is debated.--[62,63,150]
Brain-derived CD11c+ DC
Bone/cartilage/vitreousNot detected----
Table 2 Dendritic cell interactions with extracellular matrix components
Class of componentECM componentDC responsesDC receptorsOverall impact
CollagenSoluble collagen I[74]Murine BMDC upregulated CD86, IL-12, antigen uptakeDDR2Pro-inflammatory
Soluble collagen I[75]Human MDDC increased IL-12p40, TNF-α, IFN-γDDR2Pro-inflammatory
Adsorbed collagen I, II, III[76]Human MDDC increased maturation markers, pro-inflammatory cytokines, allostimulationOSCARPro-inflammatory
Dermal hydrogel (laminin β3, collagen IV, VII)[77]Decreased width of granulation tissue-Skin regeneration, anti-infl.
Adsorbed fibronectin, collagen I, gelatin, Matrigel[78]Murine myeloid DC on Matrigel were less mature (maturation marker, cytokines, morphology)Adhesion complexes (CD29, CD49a-f, CD41, CD51, CD61)Differential effects – Matrigel less inflammatory vs collagen I
Collagen-like motifs in complement C1q[124]Inhibits MDDC differentiation, TLR activity of pDCLAIR-1Anti-inflammatory
GlycoproteinsPre-adsorbed laminin, fibronectin[79]Human MDDC remained immature (maturation marker, high endocytosis)Mannose receptor, DC-SIGNAnti-inflammatory
Modified Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) on fibrillin[80]Murine pDC adherence, TGB-β secretion increased in systemic sclerosis modelIntegrinsPro-fibrotic
ProteoglycansHeparan sulfate[113,119]DC maturation increased (morphology, costimulatory factors, T cell stimulation)TLR4Pro-inflammatory
In GVHD blocking HS with alpha-1-antitrypsin limited alloreactive T cells-Pro-inflammatory
Chondroitin sulfate[121]Impact immunity in CNS pathologies-Pro- and anti-inflammatory
DAMPs[111-113,117,118]Activate DCTLRsPro-infl.
Non-proteoglycan polysaccharidesHyaluronan[82]Increased hylauronan corresponds to decreased murine DC activation-Anti-inflammatory (tumours)
Natural polymer hyaluronic acid[129,130]Decreased DC maturation (maturation markers, cytokines, allostimulation)-Anti-inflammatory
ModulatorsSecreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine[88]Organization of germinal centres in LNs for TH17 by follicular DC--
Thrombospondin-1[89]DC-derived thrombospondin inhibits resolution of inflammationCD47, CD36Anti-inflammatory
EnzymesMatrix metalloproteinases[90]Endogenous MMP-2 prime DC to TH2 (IL-12p70)-TH2 profile
Tissue transglutaminases[151]Influence DC activation (concentration-dependant)-Pro- and anti-inflammatory
Glycosylation modificationsGut mucous[107]Decrease in DC activation by inhibition of NF-κBDectin-1, galectin-3Anti-inflammatory
Tissue matrix in skin thymus, trachea[109]Steady state homeostasisMGL1+ MGL2+Anti-inflammatory