Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Clin Pediatr. Sep 9, 2023; 12(4): 205-219
Published online Sep 9, 2023. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v12.i4.205
Table 1 Demographic data and clinical presentation of 153 children with accidental ingestion
Demographic data
Total, n = 153 (100)
FB, n = 108 (70.6)
Caustic, n = 31 (20.3)
Medication, n = 14 (9.2)
P value
    Male85 (55.6)58 (53.7)20 (64.5)7 (50)
    Female68 (44.4)50 (46.3)11 (35.5)7 (50)
    Bahraini118 (77.1)87 (80.6)22 (71.0)9 (64.3)
    Non-Bahraini35 (22.9)21 (19.4)9 (29.0)5 (35.7)
Socioeconomic status (n = 95)0.520a
    Low32 (33.7)26 (34.7)3 (20.0)3 (60.0)
    Middle31 (32.6)25 (33.3)5 (33.3)1 (20.0)
    High32 (33.7)24 (32.0)7 (46.7)1 (20.0)
Working mother33/95 (34.7)28/75 (37.3)4/15 (26.7)1/5 (20.0)0.568a
Number of siblings, (n = 94)3 (2-4)3 (2-4)3 (2-4)3 (2-4)0.877b
Age at presentation (yr), (n = 152)2.8 (1.8-4.4)3.4 (2.0-5.6)1.8 (1.5-2.5)2.6 (2.1-2.8)< 0.001b
Age categories (yr), (n = 152)0.001a
    0-141 (27)22 (20.6)17 (54.8)2 (14.3)
    2-366 (43.4)45 (42.1)11 (35.5)10 (71.4)
    4-531 (20.4)27 (25.2)2 (6.5)2 (14.3)
    ≥ 614 (9.2)13 (12.1)1 (3.2)0 (0.0)
Time to presentation (h), (n = 139)2.0 (1.0-6.0)2.0 (1.0-6.0)1.0 (0.3-5.0)2.0 (1.0-4.0)0.306b
Length of stay (d)1.0 (1.0-2.0)1.0 (1.0-2.0)1.0 (1.0-4.0)1.0 (1.0-1.0)0.063b
Length of stay categories (d), (n = 146)0.102a
    0-1104 (71.2)74 (71.8)16 (55.2)14 (100)
    2-320 (13.7)15 (14.6)5 (17.2)0 (0.0)
    4-57.0 (4.8)5 (4.9)2 (6.9)0 (0.0)
    ≥ 615 (10.3)9 (8.7)6 (20.7)0 (0.0)
Number of ingested FBs/materials per patient0.053a
    1119 (77.8)81 (75.0)30 (96.8)8 (57.1)
    2-523 (15.0)19 (17.6)1 (3.2)3 (21.4)
    6-103.0 (2.0)2 (1.9)0 (0.0)1 (7.1)
    > 108.0 (5.2)6 (5.6)0 (0.0)2 (14.3)
Clinical presentations (n = 150)
Symptomatic186 (57.3)52 (48.6)26 (89.7)8 (57.1)< 0.001a
    Vomiting44 (29.3)23 (21.9)18 (62.1)3 (21.4)< 0.001a
    Abdominal pain25 (16.7)21 (20.0)2 (6.9)2 (14.3)0.240a
    Cough13 (8.7)7 (6.7)6 (20.7)0 (0.0)0.029a
    Shortness of breath11 (7.3)6 (5.7)5 (17.2)0 (0.0)0.060a
    Choking11 (7.3)8 (7.6)3 (10.3)0 (0.0)0.475a
    Dysphagia/drooling of saliva9 (6.0)5 (4.6)4 (12.9)0 (0.0)0.139a
    Convulsion 3.0 (2.0)1 (0.9)1 (3.2)1 (7.1)0.245a
    Others216 (10.6)11 (10.2)4 (12.9)1 (7.1)0.831a
Asymptomatic64 (42.7)55 (51.4)3 (10.3)6 (42.9)< 0.001a
Presence of witness (n = 136)58 (43.6)38 (40.4)14 (50.0)6 (42.9) 0.667a
Table 2 Types of foreign bodies and harmful materials accidentally ingested by 153 children
Patients, n (%)
Foreign bodies108 (70.6)1
    Battery49 (32)
    Metal/sharp object31 (20.3)
    Magnets16 (10.5)
    Coin8 (5.2)
    Others25 (3.3)
Chemicals/corrosive solutions31 (20.3)
    Alkaline corrosives19 (12.4)
    Acid corrosives5 (303)
    Others36 (3.9)
Medications14 (9.2)
Table 3 Scenario of foreign body/material ingestion in children (n = 131)
Ingestion scenario
Total, n = 1311 (100)
FB, n = 90 (68.7)
Caustic, n = 27 (20.6)
Medication, n = 14 (10.7)
P valuea
While playing53 (40.5)50 (55.6)3 (11.1)0 (0.0)< 0.001b
Unsafe storage46 (35.1)13 (14.4)26 (96.3)7 (50)< 0.001b
Missing objects18 (13.7)12 (13.3)0 (0.0)6 (42.9)< 0.001b
Told by patient/relative13 (9.9)12 (13.3)0 (0.0)1 (7.1)0.118
Accidental ingestion4 (3.1)4 (4.4)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.391
Incidental finding on X-ray3 (2.3)3 (3.3)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.497
Food bolus impaction3 (2.3)3 (3.3)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.497
Suicidal attempt1 (0.07)0 (0.0)1 (3.7)0 (0.0)0.144
Table 4 Anatomical locations of ingested foreign bodies based on radiological and endoscopic findings
Foreign body location
On X-ray, n = 123/153 (80.4)
In endoscopy, n = 91/152 (59.9)
Esophagus14 (11.4)13 (14.3)
Stomach54 (43.9)31 (34.0)
Small intestine 18 (14.6)22 (24.2)
Large intestine16 (13.0)1.0 (1.1)
Others12.0 (1.6)0.0 (0.0)
Not seen/normal19 (15.5)24 (26.4)
Table 5 Endoscopic and surgical complications in children with accidental ingestion based on type of ingested materials (n = 153)
Total, n = 1481 (96.7)
FB, n = 104 (70.3)
Caustic, n = 30 (20.3)
Medication, n = 14 (9.6)
P valuea
Erythema16 (10.8)8 (7.7)8 (26.7)0 (0.0)0.005b
Ulcer14 (9.5)10 (9.6)4 (13.3)0 (0.0)0.369
Mucosal erosions9 (6.1)9 (8.7)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.132
Hemorrhage6 (4.1)6 (5.8)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.266
Perforation5 (3.4)5 (4.8)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.335
Airway edema5 (3.4)2 (1.9)3 (10.0)0 (0.0)0.074
Stricture2 (1.4)0 (0.0)2 (6.7)0 (0.0)0.019b
Total39 (26.4)28 (26.9)11 (36.7)0 (0.0)0.036b
Table 6 Predictors of complications in children with accidental ingestion based on type of ingested materials (foreign body or caustic material)
FB complications, n = 104
P value
Caustic complications, n = 31
P value
Yes, n = 28 (26.9)
No, n = 76 (73.1)
Yes, n = 11 (35.5)
No, n = 20 (64.5)
    Male16 (57.1)39 (51.3)7 (63.6)13 (68.4)
    Female12 (42.9)37 (48.7)4 (36.4)6 (31.6)
    Bahraini24 (85.7)61 (80.3)10 (90.9)12 (63.2)
    Non-Bahraini4 (14.3)15 (19.7)1 (9.1)7 (36.8)
Socioeconomic status (n = 74)0.028b0.059b
    Low9 (42.9)16 (30.2)2 (28.6)1 (12.5)
    Medium10 (47.6)15 (28.3)4 (57.1)1 (12.5)
    High2 (9.5)22 (41.5)1 (14.3)6 (75.0)
Working mother (n = 74)4/21 (19.0)24/53 (45.3)0.061a1/7 (14.3)3/8 (37.5)0.569a
Number of siblings, (n = 74)3 (2-4)3 (2-4)0.355c3 (1-5)3 (3-4)0.779c
Age at presentation (yr), (n = 103)2.8 (1.5-4.2)3.4 (2.2-5.7)0.069c1.5 (0.9-2.5)1.9 (1.6-2.7)0.185c
Age group (yr) (n = 103)0.042b0.181b
    0-111 (39.3)11 (14.7)8 (72.7)9 (47.4)
    2-39 (32.1)35 (46.7)2 (18.2)8 (42.1)
    4-54 (14.3)20 (26.7)0 (0.0)2 (10.5)
    ≥ 64 (14.3)9 (12.0)1 (9.1)0 (0.0)
Presence of ingestion witness (n = 93)12/27 (44.4)25/66 (37.9)0.643a4/10 (40)10 (55.6)0.695a
Time to presentation (h), (n = 96)3 (1-8.5)2 (1-5)0.325c1 (0.3-3.0)2 (0.5-6.0)0.155c
Length of stay (d), (n = 102)2 (1-4)1 (0-1)< 0.001c7 (2-12)1 (0-2)< 0.001c
Number of ingested FBs/materials per patientc0.372b1.000b
    118 (64.3)60 (78.9)11 (100)18 (94.7)
    2-56 (21.4)12 (15.8)0 (0.0)1 (5.3)
    6-101 (3.6)1 (1.3)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
    > 103 (10.7)3 (3.9)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Type of FBs0.384bNANANA
    Battery15 (53.6)34 (44.7)0.508aNANANA
    Metal/sharp object6 (21.4)23 (30.3)0.464aNANANA
    Magnets6 (21.4)9 (11.8)0.224aNANANA
    Coin1 (3.6)7 (9.2)0.679aNANANA
    Food bolus10 (0.0)3 (3.9)0.562aNANANA
Anatomical location0.682bNANANA
    Esophagus3 (11.1)13 (17.3)0.550aNANANA
    Stomach16 (59.3)38 (50.7)0.504aNANANA
    Bowel8 (29.6)23 (30.7)1.000aNANANA
Clinical presentations0.027a1.000a
    Symptomatic19 (67.9)32 (42.1)9 (90)17 (89.5)
    Asymptomatic9 (32.1)44 (57.9)1 (10)2 (10.5)
Table 7 Summary of foreign body ingestion in children from neighboring counties and worldwide
Age (yr)1
Two most common FBs (%)
Two most common symptoms (%)
Two most common sites of FB (%)
Our studyBahrain21532.8 (1.8-4.4)M > FBattery (32), metals/sharps (21)Vomiting (29), abdominal pain (16)Stomach (44), small intestine (15)
Al-Salem et al[11], 1995Kingdom of Saudi Arabia408.5 (5 mo-8)M > FCoins (43), metallic dog toyNREsophagus (60), stomach (38)
Dereci et al[13], 2015Turkey645.7 ± 4.6M > FCoin (37), pin (8)Dysphagia (24), cough (8)Esophagus (56), stomach (16)
Kalra et al[16], 2022India1005.0 ± 14.4M > FCoin (65), battery cell (13)FB sensation (55), vomiting (54)Just below the cricopharynx (89)
Lee et al[10], 2016Korea763.1 ± 3.1M > FCoins (22), button battery (16)Chest discomfort, abdominal pain (9)FBs: Stomach (40), unknown (28). Batteries: Duodenum (50), stomach (42)
Chan et al[9], 2002Taiwan252.6 ± 1.8M > FButton batteryAbdominal pain (8), dyspnea (4)Stomach (52), small intestine (8)
Lin et al[15], 2007Taiwan873.4 (6 mo-13)M > FCoins (57), button battery (22)Odynophagia, cough (84)Esophagus (51), stomach (45)
Khorana et al[17], 2019Thailand19443.5 (21-72) moM > FCoin (41), button battery (17)Vomiting (45), dysphagia (27)Esophagus (37), stomach (29)
Uba et al[7], 2002Nigeria1083.0 ± 0.8M > FCoins (80), bottle caps (7)Drooling (34), regurgitation (17)Esophagus (52), hypopharynx (33)
Adedeji et al[12], 2013Nigeria2832.1 (2-75)M > FAlkali (79), acid (14)NRNR
Diaconescu et al[14], 2016Romania613.3 ± 4.7M > FCoins (26), metals (13)Abdominal pain (56), vomiting (34)NR
Antoniou and Christopoulos-Geroulanos[2], 2011Greece6753.3 (4 mo-14)M > FCoins (32), safety pins (21)Retrosternal pain, droolingStomach (58), bowel (33)
Speidel et al[4], 2020Germany11993.3 ± 3.2M > FCoin (19), metal (16)Retching and vomiting (30), coughing (8)NR
Little et al[8], 2006United States5553.2 (2 mo-19)M > FCoins (88), round batteriesDysphagia (37), drooling (31)Esophagus (99)
Orsagh-Yentis et al[6], 2019United States29893 < 6M > FCoins (62), toys (10)NRNR