Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Pediatr. Jan 9, 2022; 11(1): 14-26
Published online Jan 9, 2022. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v11.i1.14
Table 1 Estimated glomerular filtration rate formulas employed in sickle cell nephropathy
CKD-EPI (Cr)F with Cr ≤ 62 μmol/L (≤ 0.7 mg/dL): 144 × (creatinine/0.7) - 0.329 × 0.993 age (× 1.159 if Black); F with Cr > 62 μmol/L (> 0.7 mg/dL): 144 × (creatinine/0.7) - 1.209 × 0.993 age (× 1.159 if Black)
M with Cr ≤ 80 μmol/L (≤ 0.9 mg/dL): 141 × (creatinine/0.9) - 0.411 × 0.993 age (× 1.159 if Black); M with Cr > 80 μmol/L (> 0.9 mg/dL): 141 × (creatinine/0.9) - 1.209 × 0.993 age (× 1.159 if Black)
MDRD175 × creatinine - 1.154 × age - 0.203 × 0.742 (if female)
Schwartz0.413 × [height (cm)/creatinine]
CKD-EPI (Cystatin C)Cystatin C ≤ 0.8 mg/L: 133 × (cystatin C/0.8) - 0.499 × 0.996 age (× 0.932 if female); Cystatin C > 0.8 mg/L: 133 × (cystatin C/0.8) - 1.328 × 0.996 age (× 0.932 if female)
Table 2 Ideal features of biomarkers used to detect drug-induced kidney toxicity

(1)Identifies kidney injury early (before renal reserve is dissipated and levels of serum creatinine increase)
(2)Reflects the degree of toxicity, in order to characterize dose dependence
(3)Displays similar reliability across species, including humans
(4)Localizes to the site of kidney injury
(5)Tracks the progression of injury and recovery from damage
(6)Is well characterized with respect to the limitations of its capacities
(7)Is accessible in readily available body fluids or tissues
Table 3 Summary of studies of novel biomarkers
Study design
Sample size
Criteria fulfillment
Sundaram et al[41]Cross-sectional (United States)116 (ages 5-65 yr, mean age: 18 yr)MiA: UACR 3.39-33.90 mg/mmol MaA: UACR > 33.90 mg/mmolKIM-1 detectable in all SCD samples, increased with MiA (P = 0.005), further increased with MaA (P = 0.0015)Early detection (MiA); reflects severity; localized damage to PCT; detected in urine
Niss et al[12]Prospective longitudinal, mean FU 23 mo (United States)303 (2-64 yr, mean age: 21 yr)Albuminuria: Urine albumin ≥ 11.3 mg/mmol)KIM-1 linked to baseline and persistent albuminuria with P < 0.001Applicable to larger samples
Laurentino et al[13]Prospective cohort (Brazil)50(33.2 ± 10.2 yr)ELISA, urine sampleIncreased urinary MCP-1 in SCD (SSHU: 168.2 ± 90.1 and SS: 231.4 ± 123.7) P < 0.0001 relative to the control group (42.1 ± 27.6)Reflects oxidative stress; localized damage to PCT + glomerulus; detected in urine
Belisário et al[15]Prospective longitudinal, mean FU 1.1 yr213 (1.6-19yr)ELISAIncreased urinary MCP-1 positively related to ACR with P < 0.0001Positively correlated with other biomarkers; detected in urine
Jerebtsova et al[46]Cross-sectional cohort54Hemoglobinuria: Hgb/CRE > 0.8 ng/mL CKD stage: Stage 0: eGFR > 1 mL/s/1.73 m2; Stage 1: eGFR > 1.5 mL/s/1.73 m2; Stage 2: eGFR 1-1.49 mL/s/1.73 m2; Stage 3: eGFR 0.5-0.99 mL/s/1.73 m2; Stage 5: eGFR < 0.25 mL/s/1.73 m2CP significantly (31 ×) higher among samples with hemoglobinuria with P = 1.8 × 105; Urinary CP/CRE, TF/CRE, and Ftn/CRE were all significantly higher than in non-SCD controls; CP/CRE (only) positively correlated with CKD stage (n = 34, P = 0.0008); ROC analysis: Sensitivity, 68.75%; specificity, 95.65%Reflects iron handling defects in SCN; high sensitivity/specificity; detected in urine
Jerebtsova et al[47]Cross-sectional cohort54Hemoglobinuria: Hgb/CRE > 0.8 ng/ mL and CKD stageORM significantly higher among samples with hemoglobinuria with P = 8.4 × 103; ORM positively correlated with CKD stage (n = 34, r = 0.51, P = 0.0014); ROC analysis: Sensitivity, 87.1%; specificity, 86.6%Acute-phase protein; high sensitivity/specificity; detected in urine
Jerebtsova et al[48]Cross-sectional cohort51 HbSSand 15 HbSCHemoglobinuria: Hgb/CRE > 0.8 ng/ mL and CKD stagePORM significantly higher among HbSS population with UORM/CRE; positively correlated with CKD progression (P = 0.0013); ROC analysis: Sensitivity, 60%; specificity, 78.26%Acute-phase protein; high sensitivity/specificity; detected in urine
Heimlich et al[50]Prospective cohort101 [median age: 9 yr (IQR: 4-11 yr)]Urine albumin: Creatinine ≥ 3.39 mg/mmolUrinary NCR higher in HbSS than in HbAA; NCR significantly associated with albuminuria (odds ratio = 1.002, 95% confidence interval: 1.001-1.003, P = 0.0003); at an NCR cut-off value of 622 ng/mg: R (albuminuria × 45.9); at NCR ≥ 622 ng/mg: Sensitivity, 96%; specificity, 64%Reflects glomerular injury; localized damage to glomerulus; detected in urine; modest specificity, PPV; high sensitivity and negative predictive value
Cation Channels
Brewin et al[51]Prospective cohort (Brazil)112 (10.7 ± 4.1 yr; 4-19 yr)Hyperfiltration: GFR > 2.34 mL/s/1.73 m2; microalbuminuria: > 3 mg/mmoleGFR, modestly positively correlated with Gardos channel and Psickle (r = 0.234, P = 0.002) and (r = 0.326, P = 0.005), respectively; ACR, positively correlated with Gardos channel (r = 0.246, P = 0.013) and Psickle (r = 0.207, P = 0.033) activity; KCC activity, negatively associated with ACR (r = 0.334, P = 0.007), suggesting renoprotectionReflects RBC permeability; detected in RBC samples; strong predictor of microalbuminuria
Endothelial Injury
Youssry et al[53]Prospective cross-sectional (Egypt)47PCR, blood samplesUrinary NCR higher in HbSS than in HbAA NCR significantly associated with albuminuria (odds ratio = 1.002, 95% confidence interval: 1.001-1.003, P = 0.0003); at NCR cut-off value of 622 ng/mg: R (albuminuria × 45.9); at NCR ≥ 622 ng/mg: Sensitivity, 96%; specificity, 64%Reflects glomerular injury; localized damage to glomerulus; detected in urine; modest specificity, PPV; high sensitivity and negative predictive value