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Editorial Board
Professor Hanaa El-Karaksy, is Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Hepatology, Cairo University, Egypt. Professor El-Karaksy is interested in clinical research in the field of Pediatric Hepatology and has over 80 international publications in peer reviewed journals. She has a school in Pediatric Hepatology with special interest in cholestatic disorders of infancy, their diagnosis and management, HCV treatment in children, HBV epidemiology and prevention, infections related to the liver whether bacterial e.g. cholangitis and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis or parasitic e.g. fascioliasis. Professor El-Karaksy is a pioneer in diagnosis and management of hepatic metabolic disorders, on top of the list, hepatorenal tyrosinemia, with several highly cited publications in the field. Professor El-Karaksy works in a very busy, tertiary care Pediatric Hepatology Unit that receives over 500 new cases per year in addition to thousands of cases that are following for years. Professor El-Karaksy heads the Pediatric Liver Transplantation Team at Manial Specialized Hospital, Cairo University since 2004. Professor El-Karaksy has been repeatedly chosen to chair the committee for promotions of Professors and Associate Professors.