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Dr. Xu is the Director of Pediatric Gastroenterology Department of Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, professor/chief physician, master's degree supervisor, with research interests in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease and hereditary liver disease, etc. She has rich experience in diagnosis and treatment of difficult gastroenterology diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease and pancreatitis. In 2009, she was awarded the "Young Investigator of Asian Conference on Gastroenterology, Liver Disease and Nutrition", and was selected as "Shenyang High-level Talent" in 2018. In 2017-2018, she was a visiting scholar at the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Division, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA. As the first person in charge, she has won 7 national, provincial and municipal projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China. As the first author and corresponding author, she has published more than 70 SCI-indexed papers and national core journals, including the top journal in the field of gastrointestinal "Gastroenterology", with an impact factor of 33.883.