Vivek Kute is Professor of Nephrology and Transplantation at Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Center and Dr. HL Trivedi Institute of Transplantation Sciences, (IKDRC-ITS) at Gujarat University of Transplantation Sciences (GUTS) Ahmedabad India which is the first University for Transplantation and Allied Sciences in the whole world. IKDRCITS has completed more than 5350 kidney transplantations. He was awarded Gujarat University Gold medal for nephrology and Fellowship of American Society of Nephrology for his academic excellence. He has received various awards for his major contributions in the field of transplantation, including International Transplantation Science Young Investigator award 2012 in Berlin, International Transplantation Science Mentee-Mentor Award 2016 in Hong kong , Indian Society of Nephrology(ISN) Young Investigator award in 2009, Bansal oration in 2012 and Janseen-Cilag award in 2014 , and Udupa Memorial lecture in 2015 by Indian society of organ transplantation (ISOT) . He is ERAEDTA Young Nephrologist program (YNP) Board of advisors, mentor for International Society of Nephrology and Executive Council member of ISOT and ISN. He is Associate Editor for World Journal of Transplantation and Indian Journal of transplantation. Prof Vivek Kute has published over 130 research papers in PubMed index journals including 30 publications on kidney-paired donation and Invited Speaker in various national and international conferences (ISN,ISOT, The Transplantation Society (TTS), Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN) , American Transplant Congress(ATC), Cell Transplant Society(CTS), World Congress of Nephrology(WCN), International Society for Hemodialysis(ISHD)]. Prof Vivek Kute is a transplant physician recognized for his work on expanding living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT) with kidney-paired donation (KPD) and completed more than 351 KPD transplantations in single center at IKDRC-ITS Ahmedabad India under mentorship of Prof HL Trivedi, Prof PR Shah and Prof PR Modi. His study provides evidence for the successful expansion of LDKT via single center KPD registry in developing country. He is known particularly for his WORLD RECORD of 77 KPD transplants in one year in one center in 2015 at IKDRC-ITS Ahmedabad India leading to 25% increase in LDKT.