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Dr. David J. Ramsey, MD, PhD, MPH, serves as the Director of Ophthalmic Research and Tele-Ophthalmology at UMass Chan-Lahey School of Medicine, Lahey Department of Surgery, and holds an Associate Professorship in Ophthalmology at Tufts University School of Medicine and the New England College of Optometry. My work focuses on developing and implementing innovative approaches to prevent and manage diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma through a commitment to improving access to eye care and reducing vision loss, particularly in underserved populations. I have authored over 150 peer-reviewed publications with numerous first and corresponding author contributions, delivered over 20 international conference presentations, and received prestigious awards—including the AMA Foundation Leadership in Medicine Award, the AAO Foundation Sunil K. Rao Memorial Retina Fellowship Award, and the Heed Fellowship—while my work has been cited over 600 times and earned me a Google Scholar H-index of 15. As a peer reviewer for numerous ophthalmology and medical journals, I have reviewed over 100 manuscripts, authored several editorials, and served on the editorial boards of prominent journals such as Vision and the Journal of Personalized Medicine. My long-term research goals focus on enhancing diabetic retinopathy screening through telemedicine and non-mydriatic fundus photography, optimizing clinical outcomes and advancing the integration of patient care technologies into ophthalmology practice. I aim to expand access to low-vision services and improve clinical decision-making for retinal diseases. I am skilled in leadership, mentoring, and team management, with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, and my expertise in clinical research, teleophthalmology program development, and public health policy enables me to identify innovative solutions to complex problems in diabetic eye care and retinal disease management. Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, spending time with my family, and macrophotography, where I focus on capturing the intricate details of snowflakes, eyes, and dragonflies.