Title: ProfessorEducation: Graduated from Faculty of (Medicine); University of (Medicine in Tirana) on 1993Postgraduate specialization (Neurology – 1997-2002);PhD – 2007;Associated Professor – 2011;Full Professor: 2016 (in Medicine). Research interests: focused on (Neurology / Psychology / Forensic Medicine and Psychotrauma). Experience: Current Position: Lecturer of Human Physiology (Faculty of Medicine, UMT, in Tirana);Lecturer of Psychopharmacology (Faculty of Social Sciences, UT); Neurologist (UHC Mother Theresa,Tirana, Albania); Medical consultant to ARCT (Albanian Rehabilitation Center from Trauma and Torture);Expert in Forensic Neuropsychiatry (Institute of Legal Medicine, Tirana, Albania). Publications: Author of several published books, articles and scientific presentations in national and international forums: 10 textbooks for students of medicine and dentistry; 82 full text articles [during last five years] in journals with impact factors up to 5, 8 (Pain); 40 oral and poster presentations in conferences during the last five years (international / national); editorial member to six journals (international / national). Contacts: Fakulteti i Mjekesise, Rr. Dibres 370, Tirana, Albania Cel: +355692828140 [WhatsApp].E-mail address: gvyshka@gmail.com