Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Dermatol. Feb 2, 2016; 5(1): 17-51
Published online Feb 2, 2016. doi: 10.5314/wjd.v5.i1.17
Table 1 Therapeutic options for psoriasis
Topical agentsSystemic agentsPhototherapy
Emollients Tar and anthralin Dithranol Corticosteroids Vitamin D analogs Tazarotene Salicylic acid Tacrolimus/ pimecrolimus 5-fluorouracil Ascomycin derivativesMethorexate Retinoids Cyclosporine A Hydroxyurea Tacrolimus Mycophenolate mofetil Sulfasalazine 6-thioguanine Calcitriol Colchicine Dapsone Azathioprine Fumaric acid esters Biologics: Etanercept, Alefacept, Infliximab, Efalizumab, AdalimumabNatural Dead Sea Therapy and PUVA-Sol Artificial PUVA, Bath PUVA, UVB and NB-UVB Newer Excimer laser, NB-UVB light enhanced Photodynamic therapy
Table 2 Adverse effects of methotrexate therapy
System involvedAdverse effects
GeneralFatigue, headaches, chills and fever, dizziness
SkinPruritus, pain and burning, urticaria, mild reversible alopecia, ecchymosis, acute ulcerations of psoriatic lesions, reactivation of phototoxic responses
BloodBone marrow depression, leukopenia leading to decreased resistance to infection, anemia, thrombocytopenia, bleeding, and megaloblastic anemia, Pancytopenia
Gastrointestinal systemNausea and anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting, ulcerative stomatitis, pharyngitis, enteritis
Urinary systemAzotemia, microscopic hematuria, cystitis, nephropathy
Respiratory systemAcute pneumonitis, pulmonary fibrosis
Nervous systemHeadaches, dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, acute depression
Reproductive systemTeratogenesis, defective oogenesis, menstrual dysfunction, reversible oligospermia, defective spermatogenesis
Uncommon side effectsAnaphylaxis, acral erythema, epidermal necrosis, vasculitis, osteopathy, lymphoma
Table 3 Methotrexate drug interactions of significance
Interacting drugMechanism/comments
Drugs that increase methotrexate drug levels and toxicity
SalicylatesDecrease renal excretion, displacement from plasma proteins
NSAIDsDecrease renal excretion, displacement from plasma proteins
SulfonamidesDecrease renal excretion, displacement from plasma proteins
DipyridamoleIncreased intracellular accumulation of methotrexate
ProbenecidIncreased intracellular accumulation of methotrexate, decreased renal tubular function
ChloramphenicolDisplacement from plasma proteins
PhenothiazinesDisplacement from plasma proteins
PhenytoinDisplacement from plasma proteins
TetracyclinesDisplacement from plasma proteins
Drugs that simultaneously inhibit folate metabolic pathway-increase hematologic toxicity
TrimethoprimInhibition of dihyrofolate reductase
SulfonamidesInhibition of dihydropteroate synthetase
DapsoneInhibition of dihydropteroate synthetase
Drugs that may synergistically increase hepatotoxicity-common target organ
Systemic retinoidsCommon target organ for toxicity-liver
AlcoholCommon target organ for toxicity-liver
Table 4 Guidelines for monitoring psoriasis patients receiving methotrexate by utilizing PIIINP levels
Indications for considering withdrawal of methotrexateElevation of PIIINP above 10.0 μg/L in at least 3 samples in one 12-mo period
Indications for considering liver biopsyElevation of pretreatment PIIINP above 8.0 μg/L
Elevation of PIIINP above 8.0 μg/L in 2 consecutive samples
Elevation of PIIINP above the normal range (1.7-4.2 μg/L) in at least 3 samples over a 12 mo period
Remarks: Serum for PIIINP measurement should be collected prior to starting methotrexate and should subsequently be measured every 2-3 mo during continued treatment
Table 5 Grading of Liver biopsy as per Roenigk scale and recommendations for further methotrexate therapy
Biopsy gradeLiver histopathologic findingsRecommendation
INormal; fatty infiltration, nuclearMay continue methotrexate
Variability and portal inflammation- mild
IIFatty infiltration, nuclear variability, portal tract expansion, inflammation and necrosis- moderate to severe
IIIAFibrosis-mildMay use methotrexate with caution and repeat biopsy at 6 mo
IIIBFibrosis-moderate to severeShould not be given except in exceptional circumstances
Table 6 Drugs interacting with retinoids
Interacting drugMechanism/comments
Drugs that may increase retinoids levels and/or toxicity
Vitamin AInduces hypervitaminosis A like toxicities
Tetracycline, doxycycline and minocyclineIncrease pseudotumour cerebri risk
Macrolides, Azoles, etc.Other CYP 3A4 inhibitors increase its level
Drugs that may reduce retinoids level
Rifampicin, rifabutinInduction of CYP 3A4
Anticonvulsants-phenytoin, Phenobarbital, carbamazepineInduction of CYP 3A4
Drugs that may synergistically increase hepatotoxicity
MethotrexateCommon target organ for toxicity-liver
AlcoholCommon target organ for toxicity-liver
Drugs whose levels are changed by retinoids
Cyclosporine ACyclosporine A levels are increased via competition for CYP 3A4